Estrogen preserves the main on beauty and health of women. As a result, changes of estrogen become far more prominent than those of men. Human body secrete more than 75 type of estrogen, several of estrogen regulate body metabolism, reproduction and stimulates the development and growth. It does affect puberty period and emotional performance, the main factor is to maintain a balance action of the organ system of the body. Once it is imbalanced, pathological changes might appear. Estrogen plays a main role whether a person able to achieve physical and mental health.
On age of 21-22 is a peak period of puberty and endocrine. Starting from age of 25, estrogen secretes levels will decrease (every 10 years decrease 15%) will cause aging and atrophy of body organs and tissues, dull of skin, breast ptosis and unsatisfactory sexual attraction, etc. On age of 60, estrogen secretes levels only around 1/5 compare to puberty period.
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3-5 days: revitalizing the pituitary to secrete HGH and estrogen, therefore stimulate the growth of breast Effects: Breast feels swollen 5-9 days: nutrient supplement to body and breast, activate and accelerate the division of mammary gland cells Effects: breast feels denser 9-12days: Stimulate the secretion of estrogen that will positively affect physiology and psychology of women Effects: better breast shape, nipple pinkish 12-16 days: Feminine tissues and organs enhancement when Estrogens balance Effects: breast firm and enlarged, self confident, satisfactory of sexual attraction 16-20 days: Feminine inner self confident like “third puberty period”
Pueraria Lobata : Pueraria extract: isoflavones can simulate estrogen effectively stimulate mammary gland restore the elasticity of the skin of the breast area, re-development increased firm.
Suggestion Dosage:
Take 1 sachet per day before/after meal
Serving Suggestion:
Mix with one glass (150ml) of water