Tokyo Love Soap Premium is formulated for skin prone to scarring, ageing and sun damage. It is specifically made for skins undergoing rapid cellular apoptosis and skins frequently expose to low humidity, heat and UV rays. Tokyo Love Soap Premium contains Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), a type of growth hormone that binds to the upper epidermal layer to hasten cellular growth, differentiation and proliferation thus making sure you always wear your newest skin everyday. EGF is non carcinogenic if used topically. It is normally found in human platelets and white blood cells and functions as a healing hormone.
- Tokyo Love Soap Premium is specially formulated for the more mature skin prone to the damage of oxidation, aging and of the sun.
- Made of a blend of powerful herbal ingredients formulated to whiten, moisturize and keep your skin feeling and smelling fresh all day.
- What makes Premium different is the added EGF or Epidermal Growth Factor that speeds up the epidermal turn over rate.
- EGF also regenerates damaged and oxidized cells to treat and prevent the appearance of acne scars, pox marks, flat scars, wound scars and other types of scarring.
- Fullerene and Osmoferine both act as an anti-ageing agent to prevent cellular apoptosis while Damask Rose and Ylang-Ylang provides new scent you will surely crave for.
- We also hydrolyzed the Hyaluronic Acid present on this soap to increase the moisturizing duration by up to 100%. Vegetal Placenta and Collagen Complex treats and prevents fine lines and lessen the appearance of wrinkles.
- You will be surprised how easy and affordable it is to get that Japanese and Korean celebrity skin!
- This Tokyo Love Shop product is 100% organic and vegan. We do not support animal testing.

【规格】 - 100g
【功效】 - 保湿、美白、抑毛、紧致阴道、催情等
【使用方式】 -
【原产地】 - 日本制造
【主要成分】 -
【适用人群】 -
【注意事项】 - 建议将此商品放置于阴凉处,勿直接照射阳光。请置于婴幼儿无法取得处以避免误食;使用后如有任何不适或持续红肿现象,应立即停止使用并洽询专业医师;皮肤有受伤、红肿现象时不建议使用;皮肤敏感者,使用前请先做皮肤局部敏感性测试,无刺激反应方可使用。
【功效】 - 保湿、美白、抑毛、紧致阴道、催情等
【使用方式】 -
【原产地】 - 日本制造
【主要成分】 -
【适用人群】 -
【注意事项】 - 建议将此商品放置于阴凉处,勿直接照射阳光。请置于婴幼儿无法取得处以避免误食;使用后如有任何不适或持续红肿现象,应立即停止使用并洽询专业医师;皮肤有受伤、红肿现象时不建议使用;皮肤敏感者,使用前请先做皮肤局部敏感性测试,无刺激反应方可使用。
Net Content: 100g
Origin: Japan
Ingredient: Epidermal Growth Factor, Osmoferine, Fullerene, Vegetal Placenta Complex, Collagen Complex, Damask Rose Extract, Kaki Tannin, Tea extract, Hito-oligopeptide-1, Ylang-Ylang Flower Oil, Chamomile Flower Extract, Sage Leaf Extract, Rosemary Leaf Extract, Brandy Mint Leaf Extract, Pueraria Root Extract, Aloe Seawife Leaf Extract, Chlorella Extract, Glycyrrhizic Acid 2k, Tea Extract, Persimmon Tannin, Hydrolyzed Hyaluronic Acid, Sericin, Soybean Milk Fermentation Liquid, Trehalose Betaine, PEG-75, BG, Ethanol, Water, Etidronic Acid, EDTA-4Na.
1. Wet the skin.
2. Apply Tokyo Love Soap gently to the face and the body.
3. Make a lather and leave the product for atleast 3 minutes.
4. Rinse and repeat if necessary.
5. Use every time you shower for best results.
-Mircopeeling effect ensures whiter and more radiant skin each use
-Increases Epidermal cellular turn over rate
-Help reduce fine lines, wrinkles and scars
-Collagen complex lifts the skin
-Plant Placenta Extract rejuvinates and regenerates destroyed and damaged cells
-Hasten wound healing and prevents scarring
-Treats and prevents scars, signs of ageing and sun damage
-Longer moisturizing benefits
-Natural antibacterial ingredients prevents body odor
-Organic, non titanium based sun protection
-Powerful natural and organic skin whitening complex
-Lightens the skin as early as the first use
-Refines body hair for a smoother look (Only affects fine hairs. Does not affect the hair, eyebrows and eyelashes.)
-Remove discolorations, freckles, melasma, age spots and dark spots
-Even out skin tone
-Make pores smaller
-Clarify and tone the pores
-Soften and smoothen skin
-Help reduce fine lines, wrinkles and scars
-Mild enough even for use on the intimate areas
1. Made of natural herb, safe and without side effects. Strictly for external use only.
2. Minimal patients will feel aggravated itchiness, which is normal, within five minutes after the injection. The symptom will disappear gradually. After ten hours, inflammatory secretion and toxin, similar to bean curd residue, start to be discharged from the vagina. Cleanse with water.
3. Not suitable for pregnant woman, underage girl and woman during menses.
4. Suggest using before bed or after sexual activities. It enriches the nourishment and sanitizes effectively after sexual activities.
Ingredient: Epidermal Growth Factor, Osmoferine, Fullerene, Vegetal Placenta Complex, Collagen Complex, Damask Rose Extract, Kaki Tannin, Tea extract, Hito-oligopeptide-1, Ylang-Ylang Flower Oil, Chamomile Flower Extract, Sage Leaf Extract, Rosemary Leaf Extract, Brandy Mint Leaf Extract, Pueraria Root Extract, Aloe Seawife Leaf Extract, Chlorella Extract, Glycyrrhizic Acid 2k, Tea Extract, Persimmon Tannin, Hydrolyzed Hyaluronic Acid, Sericin, Soybean Milk Fermentation Liquid, Trehalose Betaine, PEG-75, BG, Ethanol, Water, Etidronic Acid, EDTA-4Na.
1. Wet the skin.
2. Apply Tokyo Love Soap gently to the face and the body.
3. Make a lather and leave the product for atleast 3 minutes.
4. Rinse and repeat if necessary.
5. Use every time you shower for best results.
-Mircopeeling effect ensures whiter and more radiant skin each use
-Increases Epidermal cellular turn over rate
-Help reduce fine lines, wrinkles and scars
-Collagen complex lifts the skin
-Plant Placenta Extract rejuvinates and regenerates destroyed and damaged cells
-Hasten wound healing and prevents scarring
-Treats and prevents scars, signs of ageing and sun damage
-Longer moisturizing benefits
-Natural antibacterial ingredients prevents body odor
-Organic, non titanium based sun protection
-Powerful natural and organic skin whitening complex
-Lightens the skin as early as the first use
-Refines body hair for a smoother look (Only affects fine hairs. Does not affect the hair, eyebrows and eyelashes.)
-Remove discolorations, freckles, melasma, age spots and dark spots
-Even out skin tone
-Make pores smaller
-Clarify and tone the pores
-Soften and smoothen skin
-Help reduce fine lines, wrinkles and scars
-Mild enough even for use on the intimate areas
1. Made of natural herb, safe and without side effects. Strictly for external use only.
2. Minimal patients will feel aggravated itchiness, which is normal, within five minutes after the injection. The symptom will disappear gradually. After ten hours, inflammatory secretion and toxin, similar to bean curd residue, start to be discharged from the vagina. Cleanse with water.
3. Not suitable for pregnant woman, underage girl and woman during menses.
4. Suggest using before bed or after sexual activities. It enriches the nourishment and sanitizes effectively after sexual activities.

EGF--中文名称:上皮生长因子, 表皮细胞生长因子是人体内的一种活性物质,由53个氨基组成的活细胞,藉由刺激表皮细胞生长因子受体之酪氨酸磷酸化,达到修补增生肌肤表层细胞,据说对受伤、受损之表皮肌肤拥有绝佳之疗效。,其最大特点是能够促进细胞的增殖分化,从而以新生的细胞代替衰老和死亡的细胞.EGF还能止血,并具有加速皮肤和粘膜创伤愈合,消炎镇痛,防止溃疡的功效.EGF的稳定性能极好,在常温下不易失散流动,能与人体内各种酶形成良好的协调效应。最初的EGF主要被运用于医学领域,主要用于促进受损表皮的修复与再生,如治疗烧伤、烫伤、促进伤口愈合、修复肠胃道、肝脏和眼角膜的损伤等,功效十分显著。
富勒烯 (Fullerene)--在医疗美容的领域里,永远都有新成份被发现,而这几年一直被视为超级明星的富勒烯 (Fullerene),抗老化绩效傲视各种新兴成份,几乎可谓美肤回春的代名词了! 其实富勒烯 (Fullerene)是一种能清除造成肌肤问题元凶活性氧的新美容成分,由于它功效强大的保养力量,甚至诺贝尔奖在1996年时颁发化学奖表扬当初发现富勒烯的3位科学家,可见它在医疗美容领域举足轻重的地位了!
事实上,富勒烯 (Fullerene) 用于美容保养上的作用是其抗自由基的特质,美国的权威学术杂志《Science》早在1991年时,就曾发表了富勒烯 (Fullerene) 具有对抗自由基的作用之相关论文。文中提到富勒烯 (Fullerene) 吸收自由基、并使其无害化的功效。
不过,市面上也有许多能对抗自由基的物质,富勒烯 (Fullerene) 与其相较有何不同呢? 至今为止,大部分的美容成分都具备牺牲自己来守护肌肤的特点,但富勒烯 (Fullerene) 却完全不需伤害自己就能保护肌肤;形状宛如足球的富勒烯 (Fullerene) 具有自转的特质,能一边高速 旋转一边透过分子层级大量吸收自由基,并将其无害化。除了用在美容产品,如今科学界依然持续进行相关研究,作为治疗重大疾病的医疗药品,而除肌肤保养品外,近年来也逐渐扩展至护发领域。
伊兰(Ylang Ylang)--抗忧郁、抗菌、催情、降低血压、镇静。在平衡荷尔蒙方面的声誉卓著,用以调理生殖系统的问题极有价值。 抗沮丧和催情的特性,神经系统有放松的效果。由於能平衡皮脂分泌,所以对油性和乾性皮肤都有帮助。
富勒烯 (Fullerene)--在医疗美容的领域里,永远都有新成份被发现,而这几年一直被视为超级明星的富勒烯 (Fullerene),抗老化绩效傲视各种新兴成份,几乎可谓美肤回春的代名词了! 其实富勒烯 (Fullerene)是一种能清除造成肌肤问题元凶活性氧的新美容成分,由于它功效强大的保养力量,甚至诺贝尔奖在1996年时颁发化学奖表扬当初发现富勒烯的3位科学家,可见它在医疗美容领域举足轻重的地位了!
事实上,富勒烯 (Fullerene) 用于美容保养上的作用是其抗自由基的特质,美国的权威学术杂志《Science》早在1991年时,就曾发表了富勒烯 (Fullerene) 具有对抗自由基的作用之相关论文。文中提到富勒烯 (Fullerene) 吸收自由基、并使其无害化的功效。
不过,市面上也有许多能对抗自由基的物质,富勒烯 (Fullerene) 与其相较有何不同呢? 至今为止,大部分的美容成分都具备牺牲自己来守护肌肤的特点,但富勒烯 (Fullerene) 却完全不需伤害自己就能保护肌肤;形状宛如足球的富勒烯 (Fullerene) 具有自转的特质,能一边高速 旋转一边透过分子层级大量吸收自由基,并将其无害化。除了用在美容产品,如今科学界依然持续进行相关研究,作为治疗重大疾病的医疗药品,而除肌肤保养品外,近年来也逐渐扩展至护发领域。
伊兰(Ylang Ylang)--抗忧郁、抗菌、催情、降低血压、镇静。在平衡荷尔蒙方面的声誉卓著,用以调理生殖系统的问题极有价值。 抗沮丧和催情的特性,神经系统有放松的效果。由於能平衡皮脂分泌,所以对油性和乾性皮肤都有帮助。
Tokyo Love Soap Premium contains Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), a type of growth hormone that binds to the upper epidermal layer to hasten cellular growth, differentiation and proliferation thus making sure you always wear your newest skin everyday. EGF is non carcinogenic if used topically. It is normally found in human platelets and white blood cells and functions as a healing hormone.
Hastening cellular growth and turn over will surely increase cellular death rate that is why in order to counteract massive cellular apoptosis, we synergistically combine two anti cancer organic ingredients: Osmoferine and Fullerene that retard normal apoptosis and prevents cellular oxidation to make sure that your skin cells remain young for as long as possible. Fullerene is also an organic photo-activated antibacterial and natural sunblock. We also reformulated this soap and added Collagen Complex and Vegetal Placental Complex for that extra rejuvenating properties that will make you look and feel 10 years younger!
Ylang-Ylang and Damask Rose extracts make sure that the unique smell of Tokyo Love Soap Premium will stay on your body all day. We combined these two floral extract in such a way that it imitates the natural female pheromones to olfactorily attract males, though humans had evolved leaving the pheromone instinct behind, research shows that males are twice to be intimately attracted to females that is currently ovulating. Only during ovulation that females secrets its natural pheromones.
Hastening cellular growth and turn over will surely increase cellular death rate that is why in order to counteract massive cellular apoptosis, we synergistically combine two anti cancer organic ingredients: Osmoferine and Fullerene that retard normal apoptosis and prevents cellular oxidation to make sure that your skin cells remain young for as long as possible. Fullerene is also an organic photo-activated antibacterial and natural sunblock. We also reformulated this soap and added Collagen Complex and Vegetal Placental Complex for that extra rejuvenating properties that will make you look and feel 10 years younger!
Ylang-Ylang and Damask Rose extracts make sure that the unique smell of Tokyo Love Soap Premium will stay on your body all day. We combined these two floral extract in such a way that it imitates the natural female pheromones to olfactorily attract males, though humans had evolved leaving the pheromone instinct behind, research shows that males are twice to be intimately attracted to females that is currently ovulating. Only during ovulation that females secrets its natural pheromones.
Price: RM100.00
2 or more RM95.00
2 or more RM95.00
3 or more RM90.00
manual order:
After you done the payment, pls notify by SMS/Whatsapp :
012-4219239 or e-mail: lizheng@findwo.com and pls provide
NAME, ADDRESS & CONTACT NUMBER for courier the goods.
Bank : Maybank
Account number: 507040032168
more detail pls contact:
sms/whatsapp/Line/viber 012-4219239
wechat: Liz_Heng
e-mail: lizheng@findwo.com
buy online: www.findwo.com
** Free courier in Malaysia
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