COLLA S Double Action Collagen 双效胶原蛋白 (14sachets/box)
2in1 : w+ 7sachets and A+ 7sachets 一盒两款
1 box RM120
2 boxes RM210 (送shaker)

Pampering yourself is for men and women
Moving into the new era, either women or men are no longer living in the time of being conservative about their own image, but is an individual who has the ability and constantly seeking the best way to create a better self, pampering yourself,
be the master of yourself.
There’s nothing much a person will be afraid of except the fear from getting old, getting saggy, getting fat and no money!
Colla S Double Action Collagen
is the definite solution to achieve your dream of perfect image, giving you the charm from inner to outer, presenting the most impressive first impression!
The health of skin —— Collagen is essential
The healthiness of skin and body depends on giving essential nutrients to the cells and when the cells receive enough nutrients , they will be able to repair , regenerate and develop collagen.
Collagen is an important structure for body and skin, which have control to our hair, nails, bones, muscles and skin. It provide us with firm and self-healing skin.
When we reach the age of 25 years old, our body functions will start dropping, the nutrients in our body will start losing, the production of collagen will decrease. Added on to the environmental, lifestyle and emotional factors will accelerate the loss of nutrients. Pollution, UV rays, unbalanced diet, stress, anger, sadness, sleeping quality, the insufficient of nutrients and collagen will be reflected in our health and skin:
Sediment of melanin, uneven skin tone
Freckles, spots, pigmentation
Fine lines, wrinkles
Dull skin
Saggy and loose skin
Unbalanced skin pH and moisture level
Wound healing ability decrease
Aging symptoms
Putting on weight
Hair loss
Friction of joints
Colla S Double Action Collagen –
Pampering your skin with depth Colla S Double Action Collagen , one product , double pampering , 2 high quality formulas , giving you the most extreme new experience!
The birth of Colla S
Double Action Collagen is to provide us with the noble pampering we should be entitle for. It uses high quality ingredients, high effects, high purity, high content, high absorption formulation to achieve the dreams that you seek for.
You will experience the prefect up level of your skin, leading you to long term beauty!
Collactive™ Collagen, marine collagen with high amino acid produced from 100% fish skin and scales (I type collagen) which is closest to human structure and can be easily absorbed by the body. Amino acid transform to protein, supplied to the cells, activates the fibroblasts ,tighten and firm up the skin, anti-oxidant ability to repair the damaged cells, improve skin condition and moisturising factors.
Colla S Double Action Collagen both contain Collactive™ Collagen,
The daylight guardian angel – Colla S A+ helps you to resist the harms of the environment, away from UV harms, antibacterial, increase the cells resistance towards free radicals, protecting your cells from damage, tightening and firming of the skin.
The night knight – Colla S W+, helps to repair your cells while you are sleeping, detoxify, replenish the nutrients lost, whitening your skin.
14 days of continuous consume, your skin will speaks for itself; Firm, Radiant, Fair, Tender!
The Results of Colla S Double Action Collagen
Skin tighten and firms up
Whitening and lightening of spots
Smoothen and reduce wrinkles
Restore the bouncy skin
Moisture full and glowing skin
Minimize of pores
Skin condition significantly improve, eg: acne reduce, blemishes are lighten
Shines with a natural radiance
Bright and attractive skin
The fastest solution to your fears, regain your power with the perfect skin and health, boosting up your self-confident, bringing you happiness and good luck every day!
Direction of use for bi-empowering consumption:
1. Prepare 150ml – 200ml of room temperature water
2. Consume a Colla S A+ and Colla S W+ at interval days to experience the Double Action.
(eg. 01/Dec take Colla S A+ 02/Dec take Colla S W+)

迈进这个新时代,女性与男性对自己外在形象的呈现已经不属于卑微的年代而是有能力也不断的寻求更好的产品提升自己的外形,宠爱自己,成为自己的主人。人没什么好怕的除了怕老,怕肥,怕垂,怕没钱!Colla S 双效胶原蛋白绝对可以解决您追求的完美外形, 从内之外散发着迷人的魅力,展现出吸引目光的第一好印象!
健康肌肤~ 胶原蛋白的重要性
人体的最初是由细胞组成,一切起于细胞的健康。健康的肌肤与人体来自给予细胞足 够的营养,细胞得予足够的营养将可修复,刺激细胞再生,产生胶原蛋白。胶原蛋白是人体和肌肤重要的结构,主导着我们的头发,指甲,骨骼,肌肉,皮肤,可让我们生长出嫩滑 Q 弹和充满修复自愈的肌肤。
25 岁之后的人体面临着身体机能下降,营养快速流失,胶原蛋白的生长能力更是开始退化,加上环境,生活和情绪因素更是加快了我们的营养与胶原蛋白的流逝,污染的 空气,强烈的紫外线,不均衡的饮食, 压力,愤怒,悲惨,睡眠品质等等。当体内的 胶原蛋白不足够,种种现象会出现:
黑色素沉淀 . 肤色不均 . 斑点,黑斑,老人斑 . 痘痘 . 细纹,皱纹 . 暗淡无光 . 下垂,松弛无弹性 . 肌肤酸碱质,水油衡 . 伤口愈合能力下降 . 老化现象 . 肥胖 . 掉发 . 关节摩擦
Colla S 双效胶原蛋白~深度呵护您的肌肤
Colla S 双效胶原蛋白,一种使用方式,两种产品,一包抗氧化,一包美白,两包双重美肤力量! Colla S 双效胶原蛋白的诞生是为了帮助我们拥有属于我们应当享有的高尚呵护,采用最高品质的原料,高效果,高质量,高纯度,高含量,高吸收的配方,达到您梦寐以求的效果。 您将能体验到肌肤完美升华,让您一直美下去!
Collactive™胶原蛋白,海洋胶原蛋白是从鳞片或咸水鱼的皮肤中提取的纤维蛋白质包括来胶原水解产物(I 型胶原),拥有 高含量的氨基酸也是最接近人体结构,容易被吸收,氨基酸转化为蛋白质,供给细胞,可促进纤维母细胞的活性,紧实肌肤,抗氧化功效能修复受损的细胞,改善皮肤 和保湿剂的拉伸强度。
Colla S 双效胶原蛋白带给您的效果
Colla S 双效配搭都采用 Collactive™胶原蛋白,
Colla S W+ 主要成分
抑制色素沉着,为肌肤均匀色泽,可维持细 胞的健康与活力。
阳光天使Colla S W+ 守护着您,帮助对抗外在环境的伤害,对抗紫外线,抗菌,补充所流失得营养,同时帮助肌肤美白。
Colla S A+ 主要成分
提升皮肤的新陈代谢及锁水功能,促进血液中的胶原蛋白和弹性 蛋白的结合,延缓老化,结实肌肤
黑夜骑士Colla S A+ ,就在您休息时帮助修护细胞,排毒功能,提升细胞对自由基的抗体,保护细胞避免受损,紧实肌肤, 促进皮肤更快恢复,抗老化。
14 天连续使用,您的肌肤会说话;紧.亮.白. 嫩!
1. 准备 150ml – 200ml 的室温水。
Colla s 喝法
早上喝W+,晚上喝A+ 连续7天
第二种:针对痘痘皮肤型 / 美白
第三种:针对老化严重型 / 抗皱
2in1 : w+ 7sachets and A+ 7sachets 一盒两款
1 box RM120
2 boxes RM210 (送shaker)

Pampering yourself is for men and women
Moving into the new era, either women or men are no longer living in the time of being conservative about their own image, but is an individual who has the ability and constantly seeking the best way to create a better self, pampering yourself,
be the master of yourself.
There’s nothing much a person will be afraid of except the fear from getting old, getting saggy, getting fat and no money!
Colla S Double Action Collagen
is the definite solution to achieve your dream of perfect image, giving you the charm from inner to outer, presenting the most impressive first impression!
The health of skin —— Collagen is essential
The healthiness of skin and body depends on giving essential nutrients to the cells and when the cells receive enough nutrients , they will be able to repair , regenerate and develop collagen.
Collagen is an important structure for body and skin, which have control to our hair, nails, bones, muscles and skin. It provide us with firm and self-healing skin.
When we reach the age of 25 years old, our body functions will start dropping, the nutrients in our body will start losing, the production of collagen will decrease. Added on to the environmental, lifestyle and emotional factors will accelerate the loss of nutrients. Pollution, UV rays, unbalanced diet, stress, anger, sadness, sleeping quality, the insufficient of nutrients and collagen will be reflected in our health and skin:
Sediment of melanin, uneven skin tone
Freckles, spots, pigmentation
Fine lines, wrinkles
Dull skin
Saggy and loose skin
Unbalanced skin pH and moisture level
Wound healing ability decrease
Aging symptoms
Putting on weight
Hair loss
Friction of joints
Colla S Double Action Collagen –
Pampering your skin with depth Colla S Double Action Collagen , one product , double pampering , 2 high quality formulas , giving you the most extreme new experience!
The birth of Colla S
Double Action Collagen is to provide us with the noble pampering we should be entitle for. It uses high quality ingredients, high effects, high purity, high content, high absorption formulation to achieve the dreams that you seek for.
You will experience the prefect up level of your skin, leading you to long term beauty!
Collactive™ Collagen, marine collagen with high amino acid produced from 100% fish skin and scales (I type collagen) which is closest to human structure and can be easily absorbed by the body. Amino acid transform to protein, supplied to the cells, activates the fibroblasts ,tighten and firm up the skin, anti-oxidant ability to repair the damaged cells, improve skin condition and moisturising factors.
Colla S Double Action Collagen both contain Collactive™ Collagen,
The daylight guardian angel – Colla S A+ helps you to resist the harms of the environment, away from UV harms, antibacterial, increase the cells resistance towards free radicals, protecting your cells from damage, tightening and firming of the skin.
The night knight – Colla S W+, helps to repair your cells while you are sleeping, detoxify, replenish the nutrients lost, whitening your skin.
14 days of continuous consume, your skin will speaks for itself; Firm, Radiant, Fair, Tender!
The Results of Colla S Double Action Collagen
Skin tighten and firms up
Whitening and lightening of spots
Smoothen and reduce wrinkles
Restore the bouncy skin
Moisture full and glowing skin
Minimize of pores
Skin condition significantly improve, eg: acne reduce, blemishes are lighten
Shines with a natural radiance
Bright and attractive skin
The fastest solution to your fears, regain your power with the perfect skin and health, boosting up your self-confident, bringing you happiness and good luck every day!
Direction of use for bi-empowering consumption:
1. Prepare 150ml – 200ml of room temperature water
2. Consume a Colla S A+ and Colla S W+ at interval days to experience the Double Action.
(eg. 01/Dec take Colla S A+ 02/Dec take Colla S W+)

迈进这个新时代,女性与男性对自己外在形象的呈现已经不属于卑微的年代而是有能力也不断的寻求更好的产品提升自己的外形,宠爱自己,成为自己的主人。人没什么好怕的除了怕老,怕肥,怕垂,怕没钱!Colla S 双效胶原蛋白绝对可以解决您追求的完美外形, 从内之外散发着迷人的魅力,展现出吸引目光的第一好印象!
健康肌肤~ 胶原蛋白的重要性
人体的最初是由细胞组成,一切起于细胞的健康。健康的肌肤与人体来自给予细胞足 够的营养,细胞得予足够的营养将可修复,刺激细胞再生,产生胶原蛋白。胶原蛋白是人体和肌肤重要的结构,主导着我们的头发,指甲,骨骼,肌肉,皮肤,可让我们生长出嫩滑 Q 弹和充满修复自愈的肌肤。
25 岁之后的人体面临着身体机能下降,营养快速流失,胶原蛋白的生长能力更是开始退化,加上环境,生活和情绪因素更是加快了我们的营养与胶原蛋白的流逝,污染的 空气,强烈的紫外线,不均衡的饮食, 压力,愤怒,悲惨,睡眠品质等等。当体内的 胶原蛋白不足够,种种现象会出现:
黑色素沉淀 . 肤色不均 . 斑点,黑斑,老人斑 . 痘痘 . 细纹,皱纹 . 暗淡无光 . 下垂,松弛无弹性 . 肌肤酸碱质,水油衡 . 伤口愈合能力下降 . 老化现象 . 肥胖 . 掉发 . 关节摩擦
Colla S 双效胶原蛋白~深度呵护您的肌肤
Colla S 双效胶原蛋白,一种使用方式,两种产品,一包抗氧化,一包美白,两包双重美肤力量! Colla S 双效胶原蛋白的诞生是为了帮助我们拥有属于我们应当享有的高尚呵护,采用最高品质的原料,高效果,高质量,高纯度,高含量,高吸收的配方,达到您梦寐以求的效果。 您将能体验到肌肤完美升华,让您一直美下去!
Collactive™胶原蛋白,海洋胶原蛋白是从鳞片或咸水鱼的皮肤中提取的纤维蛋白质包括来胶原水解产物(I 型胶原),拥有 高含量的氨基酸也是最接近人体结构,容易被吸收,氨基酸转化为蛋白质,供给细胞,可促进纤维母细胞的活性,紧实肌肤,抗氧化功效能修复受损的细胞,改善皮肤 和保湿剂的拉伸强度。
Colla S 双效胶原蛋白带给您的效果
Colla S 双效配搭都采用 Collactive™胶原蛋白,
Colla S W+ 主要成分
抑制色素沉着,为肌肤均匀色泽,可维持细 胞的健康与活力。
阳光天使Colla S W+ 守护着您,帮助对抗外在环境的伤害,对抗紫外线,抗菌,补充所流失得营养,同时帮助肌肤美白。
Colla S A+ 主要成分
提升皮肤的新陈代谢及锁水功能,促进血液中的胶原蛋白和弹性 蛋白的结合,延缓老化,结实肌肤
黑夜骑士Colla S A+ ,就在您休息时帮助修护细胞,排毒功能,提升细胞对自由基的抗体,保护细胞避免受损,紧实肌肤, 促进皮肤更快恢复,抗老化。
14 天连续使用,您的肌肤会说话;紧.亮.白. 嫩!
1. 准备 150ml – 200ml 的室温水。
Colla s 喝法
早上喝W+,晚上喝A+ 连续7天
第二种:针对痘痘皮肤型 / 美白
第三种:针对老化严重型 / 抗皱
COLLA S Double Action Collagen 双效胶原蛋白 (14sachets/box)
2in1 : w+ 7sachets and A+ 7sachets 一盒两款
1 box RM120
2 boxes RM210 (送shaker)
Pampering yourself is for men and women
Moving into the new era, either women or men are no longer living in the time of being conservative about their own image, but is an individual who has the ability and constantly seeking the best way to create a better self, pampering yourself,
be the master of yourself.
There’s nothing much a person will be afraid of except the fear from getting old, getting saggy, getting fat and no money!
Colla S Double Action Collagen
is the definite solution to achieve your dream of perfect image, giving you the charm from inner to outer, presenting the most impressive first impression!
The health of skin —— Collagen is essential
The healthiness of skin and body depends on giving essential nutrients to the cells and when the cells receive enough nutrients , they will be able to repair , regenerate and develop collagen.
Collagen is an important structure for body and skin, which have control to our hair, nails, bones, muscles and skin. It provide us with firm and self-healing skin.
When we reach the age of 25 years old, our body functions will start dropping, the nutrients in our body will start losing, the production of collagen will decrease. Added on to the environmental, lifestyle and emotional factors will accelerate the loss of nutrients. Pollution, UV rays, unbalanced diet, stress, anger, sadness, sleeping quality, the insufficient of nutrients and collagen will be reflected in our health and skin:
Sediment of melanin, uneven skin tone
Freckles, spots, pigmentation
Fine lines, wrinkles
Dull skin
Saggy and loose skin
Unbalanced skin pH and moisture level
Wound healing ability decrease
Aging symptoms
Putting on weight
Hair loss
Friction of joints
Colla S Double Action Collagen –
Pampering your skin with depth Colla S Double Action Collagen , one product , double pampering , 2 high quality formulas , giving you the most extreme new experience!
The birth of Colla S
Double Action Collagen is to provide us with the noble pampering we should be entitle for. It uses high quality ingredients, high effects, high purity, high content, high absorption formulation to achieve the dreams that you seek for.
You will experience the prefect up level of your skin, leading you to long term beauty!
Collactive™ Collagen, marine collagen with high amino acid produced from 100% fish skin and scales (I type collagen) which is closest to human structure and can be easily absorbed by the body. Amino acid transform to protein, supplied to the cells, activates the fibroblasts ,tighten and firm up the skin, anti-oxidant ability to repair the damaged cells, improve skin condition and moisturising factors.
Colla S Double Action Collagen both contain Collactive™ Collagen,
The daylight guardian angel – Colla S A+ helps you to resist the harms of the environment, away from UV harms, antibacterial, increase the cells resistance towards free radicals, protecting your cells from damage, tightening and firming of the skin.
The night knight – Colla S W+, helps to repair your cells while you are sleeping, detoxify, replenish the nutrients lost, whitening your skin.
14 days of continuous consume, your skin will speaks for itself; Firm, Radiant, Fair, Tender!
The Results of Colla S Double Action Collagen
Skin tighten and firms up
Whitening and lightening of spots
Smoothen and reduce wrinkles
Restore the bouncy skin
Moisture full and glowing skin
Minimize of pores
Skin condition significantly improve, eg: acne reduce, blemishes are lighten
Shines with a natural radiance
Bright and attractive skin
The fastest solution to your fears, regain your power with the perfect skin and health, boosting up your self-confident, bringing you happiness and good luck every day!
Direction of use for bi-empowering consumption:
1. Prepare 150ml – 200ml of room temperature water
2. Consume a Colla S A+ and Colla S W+ at interval days to experience the Double Action.
(eg. 01/Dec take Colla S A+ 02/Dec take Colla S W+)
迈进这个新时代,女性与男性对自己外在形象的呈现已经不属于卑微的年代而是有能力也不断的寻求更好的产品提升自己的外形,宠爱自己,成为自己的主人。人没什么好怕的除了怕老,怕肥,怕垂,怕没钱!Colla S 双效胶原蛋白绝对可以解决您追求的完美外形, 从内之外散发着迷人的魅力,展现出吸引目光的第一好印象!
健康肌肤~ 胶原蛋白的重要性
人体的最初是由细胞组成,一切起于细胞的健康。健康的肌肤与人体来自给予细胞足 够的营养,细胞得予足够的营养将可修复,刺激细胞再生,产生胶原蛋白。胶原蛋白是人体和肌肤重要的结构,主导着我们的头发,指甲,骨骼,肌肉,皮肤,可让我们生长出嫩滑 Q 弹和充满修复自愈的肌肤。
25 岁之后的人体面临着身体机能下降,营养快速流失,胶原蛋白的生长能力更是开始退化,加上环境,生活和情绪因素更是加快了我们的营养与胶原蛋白的流逝,污染的 空气,强烈的紫外线,不均衡的饮食, 压力,愤怒,悲惨,睡眠品质等等。当体内的 胶原蛋白不足够,种种现象会出现:
黑色素沉淀 . 肤色不均 . 斑点,黑斑,老人斑 . 痘痘 . 细纹,皱纹 . 暗淡无光 . 下垂,松弛无弹性 . 肌肤酸碱质,水油衡 . 伤口愈合能力下降 . 老化现象 . 肥胖 . 掉发 . 关节摩擦
Colla S 双效胶原蛋白~深度呵护您的肌肤
Colla S 双效胶原蛋白,一种使用方式,两种产品,一包抗氧化,一包美白,两包双重美肤力量! Colla S 双效胶原蛋白的诞生是为了帮助我们拥有属于我们应当享有的高尚呵护,采用最高品质的原料,高效果,高质量,高纯度,高含量,高吸收的配方,达到您梦寐以求的效果。 您将能体验到肌肤完美升华,让您一直美下去!
Collactive™胶原蛋白,海洋胶原蛋白是从鳞片或咸水鱼的皮肤中提取的纤维蛋白质包括来胶原水解产物(I 型胶原),拥有 高含量的氨基酸也是最接近人体结构,容易被吸收,氨基酸转化为蛋白质,供给细胞,可促进纤维母细胞的活性,紧实肌肤,抗氧化功效能修复受损的细胞,改善皮肤 和保湿剂的拉伸强度。
Colla S 双效胶原蛋白带给您的效果
Colla S 双效配搭都采用 Collactive™胶原蛋白,
Colla S W+ 主要成分
抑制色素沉着,为肌肤均匀色泽,可维持细 胞的健康与活力。
阳光天使Colla S W+ 守护着您,帮助对抗外在环境的伤害,对抗紫外线,抗菌,补充所流失得营养,同时帮助肌肤美白。
Colla S A+ 主要成分
提升皮肤的新陈代谢及锁水功能,促进血液中的胶原蛋白和弹性 蛋白的结合,延缓老化,结实肌肤
黑夜骑士Colla S A+ ,就在您休息时帮助修护细胞,排毒功能,提升细胞对自由基的抗体,保护细胞避免受损,紧实肌肤, 促进皮肤更快恢复,抗老化。
14 天连续使用,您的肌肤会说话;紧.亮.白. 嫩!
迈进这个新时代,女性与男性对自己外在形象的呈现已经不属于卑微的年代而是有能力也不断的寻求更好的产品提升自己的外形,宠爱自己,成为自己的主人。人没什么好怕的除了怕老,怕肥,怕垂,怕没钱!Colla S 双效胶原蛋白绝对可以解决您追求的完美外形, 从内之外散发着迷人的魅力,展现出吸引目光的第一好印象!
健康肌肤~ 胶原蛋白的重要性
人体的最初是由细胞组成,一切起于细胞的健康。健康的肌肤与人体来自给予细胞足 够的营养,细胞得予足够的营养将可修复,刺激细胞再生,产生胶原蛋白。胶原蛋白是人体和肌肤重要的结构,主导着我们的头发,指甲,骨骼,肌肉,皮肤,可让我们生长出嫩滑 Q 弹和充满修复自愈的肌肤。
25 岁之后的人体面临着身体机能下降,营养快速流失,胶原蛋白的生长能力更是开始退化,加上环境,生活和情绪因素更是加快了我们的营养与胶原蛋白的流逝,污染的 空气,强烈的紫外线,不均衡的饮食, 压力,愤怒,悲惨,睡眠品质等等。当体内的 胶原蛋白不足够,种种现象会出现:
黑色素沉淀 . 肤色不均 . 斑点,黑斑,老人斑 . 痘痘 . 细纹,皱纹 . 暗淡无光 . 下垂,松弛无弹性 . 肌肤酸碱质,水油衡 . 伤口愈合能力下降 . 老化现象 . 肥胖 . 掉发 . 关节摩擦
Colla S 双效胶原蛋白~深度呵护您的肌肤
Colla S 双效胶原蛋白,一种使用方式,两种产品,一包抗氧化,一包美白,两包双重美肤力量! Colla S 双效胶原蛋白的诞生是为了帮助我们拥有属于我们应当享有的高尚呵护,采用最高品质的原料,高效果,高质量,高纯度,高含量,高吸收的配方,达到您梦寐以求的效果。 您将能体验到肌肤完美升华,让您一直美下去!
Collactive™胶原蛋白,海洋胶原蛋白是从鳞片或咸水鱼的皮肤中提取的纤维蛋白质包括来胶原水解产物(I 型胶原),拥有 高含量的氨基酸也是最接近人体结构,容易被吸收,氨基酸转化为蛋白质,供给细胞,可促进纤维母细胞的活性,紧实肌肤,抗氧化功效能修复受损的细胞,改善皮肤 和保湿剂的拉伸强度。
Colla S 双效胶原蛋白带给您的效果
Colla S 双效配搭都采用 Collactive™胶原蛋白,
Colla S W+ 主要成分
抑制色素沉着,为肌肤均匀色泽,可维持细 胞的健康与活力。
阳光天使Colla S W+ 守护着您,帮助对抗外在环境的伤害,对抗紫外线,抗菌,补充所流失得营养,同时帮助肌肤美白。
Colla S A+ 主要成分
提升皮肤的新陈代谢及锁水功能,促进血液中的胶原蛋白和弹性 蛋白的结合,延缓老化,结实肌肤
黑夜骑士Colla S A+ ,就在您休息时帮助修护细胞,排毒功能,提升细胞对自由基的抗体,保护细胞避免受损,紧实肌肤, 促进皮肤更快恢复,抗老化。
14 天连续使用,您的肌肤会说话;紧.亮.白. 嫩!
1. 准备 150ml – 200ml 的室温水。
Colla s 喝法
早上喝W+,晚上喝A+ 连续7天
第二种:针对痘痘皮肤型 / 美白
第三种:针对老化严重型 / 抗皱
1 box RM120
2 boxes RM210 (送shaker)
2 boxes RM210 (送shaker)
manual order:
After do the payment,
pls provide NAME, ADDRESS, CONTACT NUMBER for courier the goods.
Bank Transfer Instructions
Maybank 507077414448 a/c name: Berapit Online Enterprise
more detail pls contact:
whatsapp/sms 019-4225511 wechat: William-lee9
whatsapp/sms 012-4219239 wechat: liz_heng
buy online:
** Free courier in Malaysia
#COLLA S #Double Action #Collagen #双效胶原蛋白 (14sachets/box)