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Carbo3 - Revealing secrets behind obesity
Carbohydarate Blocker
Fat Burning
Appetite Suppression
High Fibre Diet
Satiety With thousands of calories stored in their bodies, why are fat people always feel hungry? The more they eat, the more hunger they feel. The problem is, this huge savings of energy called body fat is locked up. The feeling of fullness is controlled by the hypothalamus. Blood sugar will activate hypothalamus and send fullness signals to our body. At the same time, insulin was secreted to convert sugar into fat in order to balance up our blood sugar. Excessive fat will be stored in the body. Insulin plays a major role in metabolism – the way the body uses digested food for energy. The digestive tract breaks down carbohydrates (sugars and starches found in many food) into glucose. Glucose is a form of sugar that enters the bloodstream. With the help of insulin, our cells absorb glucose and use it for energy. The most important point is obese people need more insulin to maintain the blood sugar level. Their body cells cannot easily absorb glucose from bloodstream. As a result, the body needs higher level of insulin to help glucose enter cells. The more insulin secreted, the more body fats will be stored in the body. Not only high fat content food will cause fat stored in body, but all types of food will be converted to fat and accumulated in the body. High level of insulin will also reduce the fat metabolism to generate energy. Nowadays our main carbohydrate sources are processed and refined food such as white rice, white bread, wheat flour and etc. These items contains easily digested carbohydrates that may contribute to weight gain and obesity. Carbo3 is rich in dietary fiber. This indigestible portion of food is readily fermented in the colon into gases physiologically active byproducts , Short-chain fatty acids, SCFAs, helps to keep the gut wall healthy and sealed. Studies show that SCFAs improves immune system, reduces health risks, helps in weight management and prevent cancer.
淀粉•糖分 减肥的克星!
#Carbo3 #抹茶味
代谢多余糖分 避免堆积转换成脂肪
饱腹感 肥胖困扰着很多爱美的女性,但总是会饿,想吃东西怎么办?而且总是吃不饱?为什么越胖的人越容易吃不饱呢?肥胖人群为什么容易饿呢?越饿越吃、越吃越饿怎么办? 大家都知道,要想减肥不再想吃东西,身体就必须产生饱腹感。而人的饥饿感和饱腹感是由人脑调节控制的。在人的下丘脑中,有控制食欲的神经中枢。葡萄糖是刺激这个中枢的物质。当吃完饭后,血中的葡萄糖增多,饱腹中枢因受到刺激而兴奋,人就产生饱腹感,不想再吃了。同时当血糖升高, 人体会分泌胰岛素来维持血糖正常水平, 把糖转化为脂肪。过剩的脂肪将被贮存在身体。 重點來了,肥胖的人需要分泌更多的胰岛素来维持血糖正常。胰島素是一種儲存賀爾蒙。如果身體分泌大量的胰島素,它會把碳水化合物變成脂肪儲存起來,而胰島素就是身體合成脂肪的關鍵。只要胰島素一分泌,身體就會把吃進去的能量送往脂肪細胞儲存,不是只有吃脂肪才會變成脂肪,只要你的血糖濃度快速上升以致胰島素大量分泌,所有吃進去的東西如果身體的肝醣已經儲存不了了,都會優先被帶進脂肪細胞儲存起來,而且胰島素還會抑制脂肪的分解,讓身體不容易燃燒脂肪做成能量來源。 但因為現在的人吃的都是白米、白麵、麵粉等精緻的澱粉食物,本應該含有的纖維質含量都被去除,所以人體吸收後會被快速的轉換為葡萄糖。血液中的葡萄糖簡稱為血糖,血糖濃度就會快速上升,让吃进去的食物变成脂肪,贮存在身体。Carbo3 抑制食物中澱粉被分解成葡萄糖的速度,延緩食物中葡萄糖的吸收,而此时脂肪开始分解,体重也就减下来了。 Carbo3 也富含高纤维的成分。膳食纤维(Dietary Fiber,DF)是植物的一部分并不被人体消化的一大类糖类物质,对人体有着显著的健康益处。膳食纤维的特点是小肠酶不能分解利用,具有较低能量值,而且在肠道菌的作用下发酵可产生短链脂肪酸(Shortchain Fatty Acids,SCFAs),促进益生菌等发挥广泛的健康作用。膳食纤维能夠促進肠道健康和增加饱腹感。此外,它同時擁有调节体重、预防脂肪代谢紊乱,以及预防某些癌症等方面的健康功效。
FAQ | 常问问题
Q: Who should consume ? 谁适合服用 ?
Carbo3 is suitable for those who are facing difficulty in losing weight and people with high carbohydrate diet.
Carbo3 主要针对体重超重及减肥反复无果的人群,适合易胖且不易瘦人士。也适合摄取高淀粉人士。
Nowadays most of us consume fine starch food which will be quickly converted into glucose and absorbed by our body. After this, blood glucose level will increase rapidly, turning food into fats which will then store in our body. Carbo3 inhibits starch in those food we have consumed, and then decomposes them into glucose, slows down the absorption of glucose, accelerates metabolism, removes body waste and toxins, removes fat deposits and excess sugar from cells. It uses natural extract as a component, in line with the body's metabolic principles, in order to suppress appetite and reduce hunger.
现在的人都吃精致的淀粉食物,人体吸收後会被快速的转换 为葡萄糖,血糖浓度就会快速上升,让吃进去的食物变成脂肪,贮存在身体。Carbo3 抑制食物中淀粉被分解成葡萄糖的速度,延缓食物中葡萄糖的吸收, 同时加速新陈代谢,清除体内垃圾和毒素,排除细胞中的脂肪沉淀和多余糖份。它完全采用天然提取物为成分,符合人体的代谢原理,抑制食欲,减少饥饿感。
Q: When to consume ? 什麽时候才是最佳服用的时间?
Take one sachet at the start (with the first bites) of the meal.
服用一包 後立刻进食;无须等待
不适合人群:孕妇 脯乳妈妈 低血压 心脏病患者
#Carbo3 #Carbohydrate #Blocker #淀粉 #克星 #14sachets

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