Six useful functions:① data transmission functions
② microSD / TF reader③ charging function
④ U-disk⑤ calls sensing
⑥ exquisite StrapFashion Break carrying transmission (MPT-portable transmission)
Mix-and SMARTAO Origin I
Digital Po: source (Origin) series as a multi-purpose portable transmitters after a comprehensive revision of the whole new generation of products, both in product features or designs have made many aspects to improve.
High-end engineering plastics, colourful, stylish appearance, with digital-series LOGO, a strong visual impact, appearance and functionality to meet the pursuit of the perfect fashion trend needs.
I-source in the pursuit of sleek design touch, use of smooth plastic and paint the new touch with each other, to fashion the influx of cool spin characteristics. Flow line with a simple mix effect of mobile phone exquisite Strap. The use of high technology, pin-mouth system to be the top small-scale.
① 精美的挂饰 数码宝产品外观精巧时尚,可做为精美挂饰,任意悬挂于手机或其它数码产品上
② 来电感应功能 数码宝产品具有来电闪的功能,让您的爱机更炫更酷!③ 数据传输功能 数码宝产品适用于多种移动设备(手机、数码相机、MP3/MP4、掌上电脑、GPS等)与电脑间的数据传输 。
④microSD/T-F读卡器 数码宝产品具有读卡功能,适配各种数码产品(microSD/T-F)存储卡,插口精巧,操作简单。
⑤USB充电功能 数码宝产品可通过电脑或充电器的USB接口,为多种移动设备(手机、数码相机、MP3/MP4、掌上电脑、GPS等)提供充电功能。
⑥U盘功能 数码宝产品配合任何手机的(microSD/T-F)数据卡,即可拥有U盘的数据移动功能)。
携带传输 玩转时尚(MPT多功能便携传输器),混搭主义SMARTAO OriginⅠ型
源点I型 在设计上追求圆滑手感,利用光滑塑料与新型手感油漆的相互配合,六款全新炫目色调,格调出众,达到时尚潮人的酷旋特点。流线简约具有配合混搭效果的手机精美挂饰。利用高新科技,pin口微接系统得到顶级微小尺度。完善的内在功能,独具潮流的外观设计,铸就内外兼修的卓越品质.

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