The price for a course of treatment - 4 boxes circulation speckle paste + two circulation speckle cream !Huayuqubantie is a cosmetic product which can banish facial spots. It is a plaster medical product developed from the research of endocrine experts and professors from the research center of Korea Genic co., Ltd. It utilizes a comb-ination of Traditional Chinese Medicine with modern Chinese release-through-skin technology and Korea ion-microthem exchange technology. Effective Components: Saffron, Rhodiola, Astragalns, Bupleurum, Gorgon, Citrus, Angelica, Radish Seed, and Millettla.Application: People with: Chlosma, Hu Dieban, Pregnancy Spot, Day Sunburn, Senile Plaques, Hormone Patch, Pigment Spots, Freckle; irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea and facial spots.Packaging: 6 plaster * 2 gram / boxAdministration: External application. Wash and dry the skin around the navel, and then uncover the cover film, posted on Shenque Point (navel) firmly. Eash stick is not more than 36 hours with an interval of at least 12 hours before you continue.
Notes: 1. Ulcerated skin around the navel is prohibited.2. Pregnancy, Lactation or Caesarean less than three months is prohibited.Storage: In a cool and dry place.
Expriry: 24 months Manufacturer; Xi'an Konbin Medicine & Health Products FactoryAddress: King,Hu county, Shanxi Province.
Telephone: 400-600-4839
Technical Support of Korea Genic Co. Ltd.Free
Remove speckle cream
Effective components: Grape polyphenols, Olive leaf extract, Delonized water, Pekoe, VA, VC, Chamomile Hydrosol, Flavescens extract.Application: people with : Irregular menstruation; dysmenorrbea; and facial spots.
化瘀祛斑贴采用新一代开穴调经 化瘀祛斑法,是韩国婕尼株式会社的科研人员联合我国众多知名的中医药学、内分泌学、损美病学等方面专家和教授,在深入研究我国传统中医药学在在开穴、调 经、化瘀、祛斑优势基础上,结合当今国内外美白祛斑产品发展方向,运用现代中医透皮缓释技术和韩国离子低温交换工艺而研制生产的一种祛斑效果彻底,无副作 用的外用贴敷美白祛斑新产品。牛尔在节目中展示的化瘀去斑膏是由天然野生中药材组方而成的美白祛斑产品,与皮肤亲和无伤害、不过敏,与化瘀去斑贴配合使 用,能快速渗透皮肤内部,提高细胞活性,改善皮肤微循环,疏通毛孔,促进黑色素顺利排出体外;另外,化瘀去斑膏这款美白祛斑产品还能促进细胞增殖,更新皮 肤角质层,修复因色斑而造成的皮肤受损问题,在脸部形成一道保护层,防止紫外线对皮肤造成伤害,有效改善脸部肌肤黯黑、暗沉、肤色不均、无光泽等问题,让 肌肤恢复水润白嫩。
一疗程4盒化瘀去斑贴,送化瘀祛斑膏2支! 【化瘀祛斑贴适用人群】面部色斑及皮肤色素沉着、粗黑人群。
藏红花、红景天、苏木、肉苁蓉、决明子、白芷、 莱菔子、鸡血藤等。
【注意事项】1、贴处皮肤溃烂者禁用。 2、孕期、哺乳期、剖腹产后三个月内禁用。【批准文号】陕健检字(2008)第011号
【贮 存】置阴凉干燥处
【保 质 期】24个月
【制 造 商】西安康平医药保健品厂
【地 址】陕西省户县大王
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