Have you Heard of LSY Beauty Brush?
LAMSAMYICK is a well-known brand name originated from Taiwan. They have over hundred years of history, started from producing pencil and calligraphy brushes. Not until the fourth-generation, LAMSAMYICK started to investigate and develop cosmetics make-up brushes. Recently, many make-up artists are talking about this brand and have created extensive media coverage.
Since last year, they have produced very cute and adorable brushes to attract younger generation. The brushes come in various colours and in heart-shaped and flower florid-shaped. The hairs are very soft and gentle, and the brushes are great to put in the make-up bag. The high-quality professional make-up brushes have led LAMSAMYICK to be the best seller in Asia.

I've always thought makeup brushes can only be used when the tool did not think you can use a brush to maintain, regardless of your face, pulling, clear acne, now the brush can be a new skin care magic, new weapons.
LSY林三益X 柳燕「V臉提拉刷」
美容達人柳燕與刷具達LSY林三益合作推出「靚研系列」 ,這可是保養刷具喔!
(1) 口徑小能深達毛孔與肌底,達到深層清潔
(2) 化纖毛富彈性、親膚性佳,清潔按摩皆到位
(3) 0.070mm口徑,加上毛質本身不帶油性,所以不藏污 垢不易滋生細菌,清洗方便
(4) 因具彈性、親膚性佳,能取代指腹按摩,徹底達到無縫隙保 養,不會因拉扯而產生細紋
(5) 刷毛柔軟品質佳,即使敏感肌也能使用,達到無感按摩保養
這款「靚研系列」保養刷,全系列由柳燕老師發想,並由刷 具品牌林三益監製生產,首波推出的新品為「淨顏刷」、「 V臉提拉刷」與「粉刺bye bye刷」,刷毛皆為化纖毛材質,口徑只有0.070m m,可以深入毛孔深層。聽起來很棒吧!
LSY林三益X 柳燕「V臉提拉刷」
刷毛呈平直狀、提升密集度與紮實感,強調推拉過程中的延 展功能,彈性纖維能輔助保養品更加服貼肌膚,大範圍由下 而上、由內而外,並加強下巴至耳後、鼻翼與雙頰處至太陽 穴、額頭至太陽穴三個區域,勻稱地順著肌膚紋理按壓、完 整提拉臉部肌膚。使用過程中,不但能輔助保養品的吸收, 藉由刷毛的彈力按摩更能提升底層肌膚承托力並且提升輪廓 ,幫助減輕皺紋與細紋的產生,讓臉部線條緊實勻稱。
(1) 口徑小能深達毛孔與肌底,達到深層清潔
(2) 化纖毛富彈性、親膚性佳,清潔按摩皆到位
(3) 0.070mm口徑,加上毛質本身不帶油性,所以不藏污
(4) 因具彈性、親膚性佳,能取代指腹按摩,徹底達到無縫隙保
(5) 刷毛柔軟品質佳,即使敏感肌也能使用,達到無感按摩保養
LSY林三益X 柳燕「V臉提拉刷」

or can order at: www.findwo.com
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