The products are develop based on latest innovative biotechnology. Jointly developed by Swisscorr and Switzerland Mibelle.
REVE skin care products using natural plant extracts without stimulation and already approved by the Malaysian health authorities.
REVE 品牌护肤品源自瑞士。是由Swisscorr公司与 Mibelle集团共同研发而成。
REVE 护肤品采用天然不刺激的植物精华成分,同时已经通过马来西亚卫生局核准,让顾客用得安心。
超级优惠* 切勿错过!RM49
Super Saver* Do not miss ! RM49
超级优惠* 切勿错过!RM49
Botanical plant ingredients which helps to reduce blackheads, whiteheads, pimples & acne.
Southeast sun exposure, work "pressure" coupled with the stomach "strike" , causing skin oil secretion , sebum clogging pores, oily acne, seriously affecting the appearance, there is not a product can simultaneously eliminate pimple and grease it?
REVE Anti-Blemish Essence concentrated of beauty ingredients viscous liquid products , moist skin troubles bonded to the site , deep penetration , absorption , skin feeling fresh without the burden of a sudden you can improve acne, chronic acne, prevention acne aggravating factor , so that the skin is no longer prone to acne problems. Is an improvement in acne prevention and having a small pimple effect REVE ANTI BLEMISH ESSENCE .
Apply a thin layer REVE Anti-Blemish Essence, spread over the acne prone areas every evening will keep your skin smooth and clear and acne pimples at bay. It will not irritate erupted or sensitive skin.
Apply/Spray REVE Anti-Blemish Essence onto effected area, massage until the essence is fully absorb. Avoid spraying onto eyes.
Ingredients: D.I. Water, Butylene Glycol,Soja Extract, Rehmannia Chinensis extract, Salix alba bark extract, Melia Azadirachta leaf extract, Xylitol, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Phenoxyethanol (and) Ethylhexylglycerin

REVE launch super deals:
Anti Blemish Essence (acne cream) experience price: just a mere RM 49.
Has thousands of customers get acne improved using REVE Anti Blemish Essence, what are you hesitating?
Even if you do not have to face acne problems today, but also sincerely hope that you will turn introduced to combat acne friends! They really need our help!
REVE 推出超级优惠:
Anti Blemish Essence( 抗痘精华素)体验价: 只需区区的RM 49。
已有过千的顾客使用REVE Anti Blemish Essence 后取得痘痘改善,您还犹豫什么呢?
即使您今天没有面对痘痘问题,也诚意希望你们将REVE 转介绍给正在与痘痘长期作战的朋友们!他们很需要我们的协助!
1. make up remover
2. Aquacacteen cleansing gel
3. Aquacacteen toner mist
4. Soothing x'pert
5. Anti blemish essence
Make up remover :Shake well , spray on cotton. Put on the cotton on face for 5 seconds, wipe off. Make up remover will remove make up and dirts on face.
Aquacacteen cleansing gel: apply 1-2 pump on hand, rub evenly and cleanse on wet face.
Toner mist: direct apply on face after cleare.( no need put on cotton)
Soothing x'pert: direct apply on skin, hold for 5-10 seconds before apply any other products
Anti-blemish essence: direct apply on acne & pimples area.

[Customer Testimonials]
After using REVE ANTI-BLEMISH SET, acne significantly reduced! The delicate skin!
Acne little less, a little more beautiful
在使用了REVE ANTI-BLEMISH SET 后,痘痘明显减少了!皮肤也细嫩了!
痘痘少一点, 美丽多一点

Customers have blocked skin pores, whiteheads type, not too serious. 90% can be cured within one month. Of course, diet light is best, do not stay up late, drink plenty of water, it will cured faster.
Overcome acne non-dream thing!
在全新的2014,让REVE 帮助您,解决痘痘痘疤的危机!
"Big Acne face" makes you look bad? "Acne" make you very troubled?
In the new 2014, let REVE help you solve acne pock crisis!
Give yourself a beautiful opportunity!

在使用anti blemish set的时候,会催熟痘痘,前3天痘痘会出现红肿,这是正常反应(抗菌的正常表现)当痘痘熟透的时候,肿的范围就会缩小,然后有白头突出。3天后,痘痘会堆积成一个白头,轻轻将它挤压排出就可以了。不过,切记不能过
度挤压,要等痘痘完全熟透。(3天 -7天都有可能)
建议:配搭enzyme peel serum使用,可以软化角质层,加速痘痘成熟,去痘疤。
过去几年我一直都面对皮肤油腻,痘痘不减的问题。为了遮 盖我的
痘痘,我必须涂厚厚的遮瑕膏才敢见人。日复一日,我的皮 肤变得
越来越差,甚至可以说整张脸没有一部分是滑的!医生我看 过,
药物我也吃过,可是一旦停了,痘痘又回来了!我真的很气 馁!
直到一次偶然机会下,朋友介绍我REVE Anti-Blemish 系列,其实
我起初是很抗拒的,连医生都医不好我,这款产品就能吗? 但是,
为了支持朋友,就尽管买来试试,反正体验价也只是RM 198而已。
但就在这段使用的期间,奇迹竟然发生在我脸上,皮肤没有 分泌那
么多油脂了,痘痘开始干了。2个星期下来,痘痘开始消退 ,没有新
长的痘痘了。我会坚持使用REVE Anti-Blemish 系列,我相信有一天,
如果你身边有面对痘痘困扰的朋友,请不要吝啬将REVE 产品分享给他们,协助他们重拾自信!
建议:配搭enzyme peel serum使用,可以软化角质层,加速痘痘成熟,去痘疤。
When using anti blemish set, will accelerate maturation of acne, before three days acne will be swelling, which is a normal reaction (antibacterial normal performance). Three days later, the acne will accumulate into a whitehead, gently squeezing it can be come out. However, remember not to over of extrusion must wait for acne completely maturation. (3 days to 7 days are possible)
Recommendation: Use EnzymePeel Serum, can soften the cuticle, accelerate maturation of acne, avoid acne scars.
7 days dry water has improved, if it is headless sores, mature in 7 days, and then extrusion it.
直到一次偶然机会下,朋友介绍我REVE Anti-Blemish 系列,其实
为了支持朋友,就尽管买来试试,反正体验价也只是RM 198而已。
长的痘痘了。我会坚持使用REVE Anti-Blemish 系列,我相信有一天,
I do not want to do , " bow family " again!
Over the past few years I have been faced with oily skin , acne problems diminished . To cover my Acne, I have painted a thick concealer dare to see people. Day after day, my skin becomes Getting worse , or even a part of the whole face is no slippery ! I have seen a doctor, I have eaten the drug , but once stopped, the acne is back ! I'm really discouraged !
Until a friend introduced me REVE Anti-Blemish series, in fact, I was initially very resistant , even the doctors failure to cure me , this product will be able to do ? However, In order to support a friend , try to buy it in spite of , anyway experience price is only RM 198 only.
But during this period of use , the miracle actually happened in my face , that the skin does not secrete So much oil , and acne began to dry. 2 weeks down, acne began to subside, no new acne. I'll stick with REVE Anti-Blemish series , I believe that one day, I can without makeup streets !
If you are surrounded by friends face acne problems , please do not hesitate to share REVE products to them, to help them regain their confidence !
全新REVE Anti-Blemish Essence 采用纯天然植物精华提取,让你在短短14天内改善脂肪粒
Acne face makes you look bad? Suppressed? Do not be afraid!
New REVE Anti-Blemish Essence extracted using pure natural plant extracts, just 14 days to improve the problems of fat particles, blackheads, whiteheads, acne and other issues.
Immediate action, to regain confidence glory!
只用了3天Reve Anti blemish set( 舒敏抗痘系列),红肿发炎肌肤感觉明显的改善!
It only took three days Reve Anti blemish set, inflamed skin feeling significantly improved!
在使用REVE 产品前,我的皮肤很敏感粗燥,摸上去有很多的粒粒, 而且经常出现大颗的“ 无头疮”,非常困扰, 导致我很自卑! 没有化妆的我是不敢上街的!在使用了REVE Anti Blemish set 后,我的皮肤改善了很多,不再红肿, 痘痘也逐渐消去, 连痘痘印也浅了很多!
我很感谢REVE 给了我重新拥有美丽的机会!现在, 我可以常常素颜出街!=)
Customers praise!
Before using REVE product, my skin is very sensitive to rough dry, feels there is a lot of grains, and big "headless sore" very troubled, led me very low self-esteem ! No makeup, I was afraid to take to the streets! After using REVE Anti Blemish set, my skin improved a lot, no swelling, acne is gradually eliminated, even acne pock also light a lot!
I am very grateful REVE gave me the opportunity to re-possess beautiful! Now, I can without makeup to the streets! =)
注意: 使用REVE Anti Blemish Travel set / pore refining set 的过程里, 您的肌肤或许会经历反复的白头粉刺浮面的状况,但不要担心, 那是正常反应。这是毛孔在代谢肮脏的污垢和残留物的正常反应,只需轻轻将白头挤出就可以了。这个过程可会在1- 2星期内完成,然后,肮脏的污垢和残留物就会全面离开您的皮肤!再见痘痘了!所以,敬请各位加油!坚持!有什么事情可以给我联系, 拍照发给我看看。我们会尽力协助你们的。
Note: Use REVE Anti Blemish Travel set / Pore refining set the process, your skin may experience repeated whiteheads superficial situation, but do not worry, it is a normal reaction. This is a normal reaction in the metabolism of dirty pores of dirt and residue, just gently whitehead out on it. This process can be in 1 - 2 weeks to complete, and then, dirty dirt and residues will fully leave your skin! Goodbye acne!
Come on! Hold on! Is there anything you can contact us, send us pictures look. We will try to assist you.
如果你面对着轻微的白头粉刺问题, 今天就将他们通通排除。
REVE 还你美丽的机会! 今天就开始进行REVE 的“痘痘”治疗!
How many types of acne, you know?
Whiteheads acne causes and treatments.
Do not wait until the skin began to deteriorate, it will not only spend time and money, and the skin will face a lot of damage!
If you are facing minor whiteheads, today will exclude them altogether.
REVE with your beautiful opportunity! Today begins a "acne" treatment with REVE!
Feel free to contact for more advice!

REVE 抗痘精华素
天然植物精华,减少黑头, 白头,粉刺与痘痘。
REVE ANTI BLEMISH ESSENCE 精华液浓缩了美容成分的粘稠精华液状产品,水润贴合于肌肤烦恼的部位,深层渗透,吸收后,感觉肌肤清爽无负担,可以改善突发性粉刺、慢性粉刺,防范粉刺恶化因素,使肌肤不再容易出现粉刺问题。是一款具有预防及改善粉刺、小疙瘩效果的REVE ANTI BLEMISH ESSENCE精华液。
Free consultation : pls provide pictures look, then we will assist you
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