High potency L Carnitine supplement
L Carnitine is an amino acid, naturally produced in the body, known for its powerful antioxidant properties and ability to transfer fatty acids in to a source of energy. Total L Carnitine is a high quality supplement providing 110.25mg of L Carnitine per serving. L Carnitine is widely recognised for its role in promoting fatty acids as a source of energy, helping to burn fat and encourage weight management. As a potent antioxidant, L Carnitine can also help the body neutralise or remove free radicals which can attack the health of the body's cells. Reducing free radical activity can have an extremely positive effect on healthy ageing, immune function and other important bodily functions. These easy to consume tablets make Total L Carnitine a fantastic supplement for supporting general health and weight management.
1 bottle (60 capsules): Take 1 capsule 30 mins before Breakfast and Dinner daily.
Must drink at least 3L of water daily. (about 1 cup 300ml water per hour)
First few days it will helps to detox and colon cleansing.
Take with warm water.
Do Not skip meals and avoid junk food and supper,
sleep before 11pm (let your body rest and detox)
Stop when menses period comes, do not take it with coffee/tea within 3-4 hours.
A vitamins formula of L-Carnitine supplement that helps boosts your metabolism, the engine that drives calorie burning. You can lose up to 20 lbs. in 10 weeks!
Dr. Oz says that L-carnitine “stimulates growth hormone and helps turn on the mechanism that burns off fat in specific areas.” He explains that it “acts as a shuttle, pulling fat into the cell so it can be burned as fuel. L-carnitine will give you energy and ease depression.”
Dr Oz recommends 500 milligrams or more daily as a “sneaky trick to burn fat” or 500 milligrams twice daily to fight fatigue.
- 左旋肉碱 L-carnitine
- 蒟蒻 Amorphophallus konjac
- 决明子 Sicklepod
- 荷叶 Lotus Leaf
- 蒟蒻 Amorphophallus konjac
- 决明子 Sicklepod
- 荷叶 Lotus Leaf

刚开始3天早餐前吃1粒, 3天后体重沒下降的话早餐后吃2粒,并喝大量的水。
[ Faster result ] One capsule each time, Before meals (Breakfast & Dinner). (2 capsules per day)
[ Normal result ] One capsule before breakfast. (1 capsule per day)
For the first 3 days, take one capsule before breakfast. If body weight did not loss after 3 days, take two capsules after breakfast and drink plenty of water.
* 建议服用期间多喝水
* 月经时需要暂停服用
* 服用期间不要喝过量茶和咖啡
- 儿童、孕妇、疾病肥胖者及身体虚弱者;
- 严重的心脏病、心肌梗赛者;
- 肝、肾功能不全者。
- 严重的心脏病、心肌梗赛者;
- 肝、肾功能不全者。
* Drink plenty of water during taking period.
* Stop taking during period.
* Do not drink too much tea and coffee during taking period.
[Not suitable for]
- Children, pregnant women, disease and obesity frail;
- Severe heart disease, myocardial infarction competitor;
- Liver and kidney dysfunction people.
- Children, pregnant women, disease and obesity frail;
- Severe heart disease, myocardial infarction competitor;
- Liver and kidney dysfunction people.
《减肥妙招 轻松变瘦不复胖》
你是否做梦都想着吃不胖?不用汗如雨下地运动就能轻松燃 烧脂肪?这完全不是问题!I Love Vitamins让你全方位快速减肥的方法,易瘦体质轻 松塑造!I Love Vitamins支招,让你轻松打造易瘦体质,赶快开始 大挑战吧!
颠覆全球理念的减肥产品 - I Love Vitamins
不节食,不运动,不反弹 【 1 盒就见效 】
你是否做梦都想着吃不胖?不用汗如雨下地运动就能轻松燃 烧脂肪?这完全不是问题!I Love Vitamins让你全方位快速减肥的方法,易瘦体质轻 松塑造!I Love Vitamins支招,让你轻松打造易瘦体质,赶快开始 大挑战吧!
颠覆全球理念的减肥产品 - I Love Vitamins
不节食,不运动,不反弹 【 1 盒就见效 】
美國I Love Vitamins 全球效果認定左旋肉鹼最有效瘦身配方
** 无比简单! 轻松变瘦不复胖
无论是办公室一族和在外奔波一族,都有着小肚子、粗大腿 或是肿小腿的现象,但是每天回到家都累到不想,该怎样减 肥最快最有效呢?
无论是办公室一族和在外奔波一族,都有着小肚子、粗大腿 或是肿小腿的现象,但是每天回到家都累到不想,该怎样减 肥最快最有效呢?

身材太胖有时会很尴尬,比如购物逛街试衣服时穿不上.有 次坐地铁,还有人以为我是孕妇要给我让位呢,我的天啊!
自从试用了I Love Vitamins后,我感到很惊讶。短短几天肚腩立刻平 坦,因此带给我满满的自信。

怀孕时暴肥到74kg。生完后一个月衣柜的衣服全不能穿 。遇上I Love Vitamins后,服用3个月我体重由68kg减到了 50kg了。
自从试用了I Love Vitamins后,我感到很惊讶。短短几天肚腩立刻平 坦,因此带给我满满的自信。

怀孕时暴肥到74kg。生完后一个月衣柜的衣服全不能穿 。遇上I Love Vitamins后,服用3个月我体重由68kg减到了 50kg了。

saya dah cuba I Love Vitamins.... hasilnya memang sangat sangat berkesan….turun 10kg dalam masa yang singkat….secara berperingkat….tidak ada kesan sampingan…..pinggang juga semakin mengecil…pinggang 26inc dari 32 inci….saiz baju dari L dah tukar kepada saiz M dan S…….

减肥达人MM一直都是一个圆嘟嘟的可爱胖妞,直到有一次 跟朋友打赌,用了一个月时间成功瘦身8KG。如今瘦下来 的她五官清晰灵巧,身材也变得凹凸有致,是个名符其实的 大美女了呢。究竟MM是怎样在一个月内甩肉8KG的?快 来观摩她的瘦身秘诀吧。
减肥达人MM一直都是一个圆嘟嘟的可爱胖妞,直到有一次 跟朋友打赌,用了一个月时间成功瘦身8KG。如今瘦下来 的她五官清晰灵巧,身材也变得凹凸有致,是个名符其实的 大美女了呢。究竟MM是怎样在一个月内甩肉8KG的?快 来观摩她的瘦身秘诀吧。

Personal Note from Seller:
1罐 60粒 早餐前30分钟 和 晚餐前 30分钟 各1粒快速瘦身法可以 早餐前30分钟 和 晚餐前 30分钟 各2粒
P/S: 量需要慢慢加哦~ 不可以第一天就吃2粒 2粒哦~ 建议第4天开始才加量
P/S: 量需要慢慢加哦~ 不可以第一天就吃2粒 2粒哦~ 建议第4天开始才加量
2。一定要是餐前 30分钟哦 (吃了不吃饭可以吗?可以,如果你没有胃痛)
吃了会有饱足感~ 不会腹泻~ 但是前面几天会排泄比较多,那个是排毒现象哦~是排便那一种,不是泻肚子的那种,黑黑的~
RM150 (Free delivery in Malaysia)
manual order: After you done the payment, pls notify by SMS/Whatsapp :
012-4219239 or e-mail: lizheng@findwo.com, & pls provide
yr NAME, ADDRESS & CONTACT NUMBER for courier the goods.
Bank : Maybank
Account number: 507040032168
more detail pls contact:
sms/whatsapp/Line/viber 012-4219239
wechat: Liz_Heng
e-mail: info@findwo.com
facebook: http://facebook.com/find.wo
page: Findwo - Shopping Made Easy
buy online: www.findwo.com
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