Why Sakura Platinum Collagen
Sakura Platinum Collagen uses type 1 collagen, which is the most abundant in our body. Our product uses natural and the finest ingredients from Japan. It stimulates the synthesis of our body’s collagen, motivating it to produce its own collagen to improve the moisture and elasticity of our skin. Sakura Platinum Collagen is made up of fish collagen peptide and 5 other ingredients that work synergistically with it to enhance its efficacy. It includes Hyaluronic acid, a patented moisture booster, and powerful antioxidants like Coenzyme Q10 and Grape Seed extract to protect our cells from free radical damage. They also function as prominent revitalizing and rejuvenating agents. Conveniently packaged in sachets, Sakura Platinum Collagen contains 5g of collagen in each serving, which is the optimal daily intake. The berry flavour also gives it a highly palatable taste that makes it a pleasure to drink and is suitable for both women and men.
樱花顶级胶原蛋白使用我们体内生产最多的1型胶原蛋白。 我们产品的所有成分取自日本最天然和最优质的原料。它们 有助促进人体胶原蛋白的合成过程,激发身体 自然生产胶原蛋白以改善我们肌肤的水分与弹性。樱花顶级 胶原蛋白是由鱼胶原蛋白肽及其他5种与其有协同功效的原 料制成以增强其疗效。这些原料包括了透明质 酸、一种专利水分助推物,以及强大的抗氧化剂如辅酶Q1 0和葡萄籽提取物,以保护我们的细胞免受自由基的伤害。 它们也可作为显著的合乎和修复剂。每袋樱花 顶级胶原蛋白的便利包装含5克胶原蛋白,是一天最佳的摄 取量。樱花顶级胶原蛋白的浆果口味则让产品更为美味可口 ,是适合男女享用的饮品。
Sakura Collagen主要成分:
1. Low molecular Fish Collagen peptide
2. Hyaluronic Acid +coenzyme Q10
3. Grape Seed Extract
Sakura Collagen 功效:
1. 减少任何豆豆在脸,背后,胸口, 淡化任何疤痕
2. 减少皱纹,细纹
3. 收缩粗大的毛孔
4. 淡化黑色素
5. 去除多余的油光在脸上
6. 脸色光泽不暗淡
7. 皮肤非常粉嫩细腻
8. 淡化黑斑,雀斑,老人斑, 蚊子印,水痘印
9. 一盒Sakura可以帮你修复皮肤细胞,使肌肤嫩白细滑 ,,黑头粉刺,甚至连毛孔粗大,敏感肤质,富有光泽,减 少皱纹与细纹都会有改善
10. 2盒 帮助美白,紧锁水份,补充充足水分,抗豆及修凹凸洞,淡 化黑斑雀斑,黑眼圈甚至喝久了还能丰胸呢!
Sakura Platinum Collagen uses type 1 collagen, which is the most abundant in our body. Our product uses natural and the finest ingredients from Japan. It stimulates the synthesis of our body’s collagen, motivating it to produce its own collagen to improve the moisture and elasticity of our skin. Sakura Platinum Collagen is made up of fish collagen peptide and 5 other ingredients that work synergistically with it to enhance its efficacy. It includes Hyaluronic acid, a patented moisture booster, and powerful antioxidants like Coenzyme Q10 and Grape Seed extract to protect our cells from free radical damage. They also function as prominent revitalizing and rejuvenating agents. Conveniently packaged in sachets, Sakura Platinum Collagen contains 5g of collagen in each serving, which is the optimal daily intake. The berry flavour also gives it a highly palatable taste that makes it a pleasure to drink and is suitable for both women and men.
Sakura Collagen主要成分:
1. Low molecular Fish Collagen peptide
2. Hyaluronic Acid +coenzyme Q10
3. Grape Seed Extract
Sakura Collagen 功效:
1. 减少任何豆豆在脸,背后,胸口, 淡化任何疤痕
2. 减少皱纹,细纹
3. 收缩粗大的毛孔
4. 淡化黑色素
5. 去除多余的油光在脸上
6. 脸色光泽不暗淡
7. 皮肤非常粉嫩细腻
8. 淡化黑斑,雀斑,老人斑, 蚊子印,水痘印
9. 一盒Sakura可以帮你修复皮肤细胞,使肌肤嫩白细滑
10. 2盒 帮助美白,紧锁水份,补充充足水分,抗豆及修凹凸洞,淡
每天早上空腹服用 或者晚上睡觉前一小时服用哦!
建议用150ml温开水使用Sakura Collagen
每天早上空腹服用 或者晚上睡觉前一小时服用哦!
建议用150ml温开水使用Sakura Collagen


Price: RM220.00 RM190.00
2 or more RM175.00
2 or more RM175.00
3 or more RM166.70
manual order:
After you done the payment, pls notify by SMS/Whatsapp :
012-4219239 or e-mail: lizheng@findwo.com, & pls provide
yr NAME, ADDRESS & CONTACT NUMBER for courier the goods.
Bank : Maybank
Account number: 507040032168
more detail pls contact:
sms/whatsapp/Line/viber 012-4219239
wechat: Liz_Heng
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page: Findwo - Shopping Made Easy
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** Agent/wholesale/retail are welcome.
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