* Kecil ?
* Sering Diperli ?
* Kurang Keyakinan ?
* Kendur ?
* Gelap ?
Memperkenalkan Swisscorr Bust Oil !!!!!
Apa kelebihan Swisscorr Bust Oil?
*merangsang pembesaran payudara kendur menjadi lebih anjal dan penuh
*mengembalikan tona puting gelap dan mencerahkan kulit payu dara
*memberi efek garis payudara supaya lebih berkontur
*memperbaiki kitaran haid
Efek seawal 3 minit selepas penggunaan.
Tak cuba tak tau. Nak cuba PM dulu...
HANYA dalam masa 3 minit boleh mencapai pengencangan + ketat + effect sepenuh pada payudara!!!
Made In France 100% Natural Oil
Penggunaan 1 botol boleh utk 1 bulan (15ml/btl)
⇨Tanpa adanya suntikan, Tanpa operation, hanya dalam waktu tiga bulan juga dapat dengan mudah membesarkan dan mengencangkan payudara.
⇨Penggunaan jangka panjang dapat mencegah cancer payudara.
Jaga MAHKOTA anda untuk suami Kesayangan,
Jangan menyesal di kemuadian hari....
【Bahagiakan SUAMI Anda Supaya Tiada Orang KETIGA】
Payudara Cantik Besar Anjal Dan BUST UP Hanya Dalam 3 Minit
Hanya lah ♛Swisscorr Bust Essential Oil♛
✔ Besar.
✔ Tegang.
✔ Cerah.
✔ Gencang.
✔ Firma.
✔ Lembap.
✔ Puting Pink.
Swisscorr Bust Oil - Increase Bust size in 3 min
★Unbelievable enhanced, lifting and firmming the breast within a week!★
Lingthen skin colour and prevent breast cancer. Ingredients are made from natural botanical oil.
Ladies, let's start to discovery the miracle result with this amazing gift! You will never regret!
Banyak pelanggan bertanya kesan Swisscorr Bust Oil yang mengencangkan payudara dan berisi hanya dalam masa 3-5 jam.
Setelah itu ? Adakah ia akan kembali kesemula?
Jawaban :
Peranan penting SWISSCORR BUST OIL adalah:
1. Peningkatan jumlah sel-sel lemak merangsang payudara.
2. Merangsang sel-sel lemak payudara bertambah besar.
3. Mengisikkan payudara.
Customer Testimonial:
After Two bottles of Swisscorr Bust Oil, let me more confident! My chest become FIRMING & TIGHT, right? It let me feel the hitherto unknown enjoyment! Third bottles of ~ I coming soon oooo, heyhey..

Customer Testimonial:
My chest tiny when wearing clothes is really super no confidence! Inadvertently see Swisscorr Bust Oil firming breast enhancement oil ads in FB, cruel heartedly i betting, out of my expectation, it really makes my chest is concentrated, there are also quite up!!!
It is my "Life-Saving Grace Oil ", ha ha ha ~

Customer Testimonial:
Swisscorr Bust Oil firming breat essential oils is really out of my expectation, two bottles of, my chest very concentrated, i'm very happy!!!
Customer testimonials:
The Swisscorr Bust Oil tight breast enhancement oil POWER and Amazing! Even my husband can felt my "Mimi big" also, hihi ^^ ~ thank you for your introduction! I love this breast enhancement products so much~
Customer testimonials:
The first bottle can let me regain confidence and beauty of women!You see, immediately after feel tight [ FIRM ], is really dark cool, hey hey ~
Customer testimonials: my chest is small, but I still didn't give up ~
After using breast enhancement oil, feeling of fullness and concentrated!
The seller said this is because often massage, fat condensation effect, really surprised me, very happy
♛ Swisscorr Bust Contouring Oil ♛
Instant bust enhancement & enlargement effect.
* Firming * Smoothness * Lifting *
Prevent Breast Cancer by using it daily ...
"Saya dah cuba memakai botol ke3, sehari dua kali sya sapu minyak Bust Oil ni, dalam dua bulan ni saya dapat merasa payudara aku semakin mengencang.
Kalau tak percaya , anda yakin cuba lah Swisscorr Bust Oil ^^ ~~
Cara Mengurut Payudara anda dengan menggunakan Swisscorr Bust Oil

In each breast, 4–18 lactiferous ducts drain to the nipple; the glands-to-fat ratio is 2:1 in lactating women, and to 1:1 in non-lactating women; besides milk glands, the breast is composed of connective tissue (collagen, elastin), adipose tissue (white fat), and the suspensory Cooper's ligaments. The peripheral nervous system innervation of the breast is by the anterior and lateral cutaneous branches of the fourth-, fifth-, and sixth intercostal nerves, while the Thoracic spinal nerve 4 (T4) innervating the dermatomic area supplies sensation to the nipple-areola complex.
As a mammary gland, the breast is an inhomogeneous structure composed of layers of different types of tissue; among which predominate two (2) types:
(i) adipose tissue and
(ii) glandular tissue; the last supports the lactation functions of the breasts.
Anatomically, the mammary gland is a cone with the base at the chest wall, and the apex at the nipple. The superficial layer (superficial fascia) is separated from the skin by 0.5–2.5 cm of subcutaneous fat (adipose tissue). The suspensory ligaments (Cooper's ligaments) are prolongations of fibrous tissue that radiate from the superficial fascia to the skin.
The glandular tissue of the breast is biochemically supported with estrogen; thus, when a woman reaches menopause and her estrogen levels decrease, the glandular tissue then atrophies, withers, and disappears, leaving a breast composed only of fat (adipose tissue), superficial fascia, the suspensory ligaments, and the skin envelope.
SWISSCORR BUST OIL HANYA dalam masa 3 minit dapat mencapai pengencangan + ketat + kesan sepenuh pada payudara!!!
100% Dibuat di Perancis
Minyak semula jadi (sebotol 15ml boleh digunakan dalam sebulan)
more detail pls contact:
sms/whatsapp/Line/viber 012-4219239
wechat: Liz_Heng
e-mail: info@findwo.com
page: Findwo - Shopping Made Easy
buy online: www.findwo.com
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