1 box RM145
2 box RM260
4 box RM500
6 box RM680

Oh! Secret LUMINOUS is formulated with a special blend of high concentration natural herbs, that has similar female sex hormone which shows positive results in alleviating ageing symptoms such as wrinkle, vaginal dryness, loose vaginal and many more. Oh! Secret LUMINOUS is 100% all natural food supplement, formulated in USA. It is a truly amazing substance, which is both safe and effective with no side effects.
Oh! Secret LUMINOUS是一個來自美國的特殊配
The decline in human growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland as we aged is the main contributor to dull hair and skin, changes in skin texture and of course, wrinkles. Previously, these signs of ageing may have seemed almost unstoppable and have proven to be a great concern to many women.
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is like oestrogen, testosterone, progesterone, melatonin or DHEA - one of many endocrine hormones that decline in production as we aged.
HGH, or somatotropin, is the most abundant hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, a process that peaks during adolescence. Gradually this hormone secretion diminishes with age. The decline of growth hormone with age is directly associated with many of the symptoms of ageing. These include wrinkling, loose vaginal, grey hair, decreased energy, and diminished sexual function. Lack of growth hormone contributes to the increase of body fat, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and an inclination toward other ageing-related diseases.
Many of these hormones can be replaced with supplements to deter some of the effects of ageing. With advance biotechnology of Oh! Secret, levels of HGH within the body can be restored to more youthful levels. Oh! Secret reverse the ageing process's signs and symptoms. In fact, Oh! Secret therapy has been scientifically shown to turn back the biological clock as much as 25 years.
Conditions which contribute to female physiological symptoms are
• Environmental pollution 環境污染
• Overwork and no rest 過度勞累、缺乏休息
• Improper dietary habits 不當的飲食習慣
• Tension and stress 緊張和壓力
• Ageing 老化
• Lack of healthcare knowledge 缺乏醫療保健知識
Benefits of Oh! Secret Oh! Secret 的好處
• Looks and feels younger 看起來和感覺更年輕
• Improves skin elasticity and thickness 改善皮膚彈性和厚度
• Reduces wrinkles & finelines 減少皺紋
• Improves hair growth and colour 改善頭髮的生長和顏色
• Increases energy and stamina 增加能量和體力
• Improves sleep and mood 改善睡眠和情緒
• Reverses the parameters of ageing 逆轉衰老的參數
• Enhances wound healing and joint flexibility 提高傷口癒合和關節的靈活性
• Increases skin whitening 增加⽪皮膚美白
• Increases sexual regeneration 增加性再生
• Improves vaginal problem, especially leucorrhoea & dysmenorrhea. 改善白
• Improves acne prone skin. 改善痘痘問題
• Improves obesity caused by imbalance hormone. 改善賀爾蒙失調所造成的
Technology 技術
LUMINO4-L™ | Makes you glow from the inside.
A magical breakthrough which enhances the effect of L-glutathione as a skin lightening compounds. The oral use of Reduced Glutathione (L-glutathione) inhibits the tyrosinase activity. With the help of LUMINO4-L™, the presence of L-glutathione in our body will be prolonged, and then co-existing the compound in the metabolic pathway of melanin. Finally, light and radiant skin will be revealed to the surface gradually changing your complexion.
PHYTO-REx3™ | Self-Renew, Replenish, Regenerate.
Phyto stem cells are super unique that they have the ability to go through numerous cycles and cell divisions while maintaining the undifferentiated state. The miraculous stem cells are capable of self-Renewal and can transform themselves into other cell types of the same tissue. With the help of the latest PHYTO-REx3™ Technology, our body Replenishes dying cells 2x more effectively and at the same time, Regenerates damaged tissue. Studies showed that PHYTO-REx3™ boosts production of human stem cells, protects the cell from stress, and decreases wrinkles.
Main Ingredients 主要成分
Soy Protein Extract ⼤大⾖豆蛋⽩白提取物
Soy Protein Extract, ingredient that bring about the release of growth hormone
from the pituitary gland. By using these ingredient, you are able to stimulate
your pituitary to secrete more HGH.
Following the release of a burst of HGH from the pituitary gland, the hormone is rapidly taken up by the liver which is than quickly converted to its powerful growth promoting metabolite Insulin like Growth Factor type 1 (IGF-1). IGF-1 elicits most of the effects associated with growth hormone and is measured in the blood to determine the level of growth hormone secretion.
Twenty two amino acids form the building blocks of all proteins and are needed for the body to make the proteins of enzymes, many hormones, muscle, bone, skin, organs, etc. A number of these amino acids have been shown to induce growth hormone secretion.
Research has now shown that it is phytoestrogen in soy that is responsible for these beneficial effects. These phytoestrogens act like oestrogen in some ways and not like oestrogen in others. They act as adaptogens working to balance oestrogen levels, raising them if they are too low and lowering them if they are too high.
L-Glutathione L-穀胱甘肽
The inner layer of the skin called dermis and the outer surface which is visible in our eyes is the epidermis. The primary determinant of variability in human skin color is the melanin in the skin and melanocyte is a cell that synthesises it. L-glutathione, starts the lightening process in the dermis working its way out to the surface.
There are certain kinds of compounds that inhibits the tyrosinase activity and L-glutathione is one of them. GSH(reduced glutathione) intervenes in the metabolism. The oral use of Reduced Glutathione(L-glutathione)
L glutathione reduces melanocytes which produces melanin. Reducing the melanin in the body would make your skin fairer. L-glutathione’s whitening process starts inside the skin (dermal layer) going outside (epidermal layer). The whitening process goes head to foot, meaning that you will have an even white skin tone in your whole body.
Vitamin C 維生素C
A person taking L glutathione should take Vitamin C two to three times more than the dose of L Glutathione. Why is Vitamin C needed? This is to keep L Glutathione in its absorbable or reduced form. This will release the potential of Vitamin C’s derivatives whitening properties.
Your body requires Vitamin C for healthy tissue growth. This essential nutrient helps with the healing process and maintains the skeletal system. Vitamin C absorbs in your stomach and small intestine, and then disperses to your other organs.
Vitamin C is important for many of your body's processes. You need it for synthesising collagen, a protein that exists in your bones, skin, muscles and cartilage. Collagen strengthens the tissue that holds your body together. It relies upon vitamin C to maintain healthy skin, cartilage, bone and capillaries that aid in your ability to heal.
Phyto Stem Cell 植物幹細胞
Phyto stem cells are super unique in that they have the ability to go through numerous cycles and cell divisions while maintaining the undifferentiated state. Primarily, stem cells are capable of self-renewal and can transform themselves into other cell types of the same tissue. Their crucial role is to replenish dying cells and regenerate damaged tissue. Stem cells have a limited life expectation due to environmental and intrinsic stress factors. Because their life is endangered by internal and external stresses, stem cells have to be protected and supported to delay preliminary ageing.
Until several years ago, the tart, unappealing breed of the Swiss-grown Uttwiler Spätlauber apples, did not seem to offer anything of value. That was until Swiss scientists discovered the unusual longevity of the stem cells that kept these apples alive months after other apples shriveled and fell off their trees. In the rural region of Switzerland, home of these magical apples, it was discovered that when the unpicked apples or tree bark was punctured, Swiss Apple trees have the ability to heal themselves and last longer than other varieties. What was the secret to these apples’ prolonged lives?
直到幾年前,瑞士科學家發現,“撻” -一種生長在瑞士、非常有吸引力的 Uttwiler Spätlauber蘋果品種,擁有一種獨特的乾細胞,
These scientists got to work to find out. What they revealed was that apple stem cells work just like human stem cells, they work to maintain and repair skin tissue. The main difference is that unlike apple stem cells, skin stem cells do not have a long lifespan, and once they begin depleting, the signs of ageing start kicking in (in the forms of loose skin, wrinkles, the works).
Studies showed that apple stem cells boosts production of human stem cells, protect the cell from stress, and decreases wrinkles. How does it work? The internal fluid of these plant cells contains components that help to protect and maintain human stem cells. Apple stem cells contain metabolites to ensure longevity as the tree is known for the fact that its fruit keep well over long periods of time.
Collagen 膠原蛋白
Collagen is a major component in forming your body's tendons, ligaments, muscles and cartilage. As you aged, your body is less able to manufacture a sufficient amount of collagen. Collagen can help maintain your body's repair process and strengthen blood vessels and improve their elasticity. Collagen fortifies your blood vessels to improve circulation throughout the body. Blood and nutrients are delivered to your skin, resulting in healthy, radiant and youthful-looking skin.
Ingredients List
Pueraria Mirifica Extract, Dioscorea Villosa Extract (Wild Yam), Dandelion Root Extract, Oligosaccharide, Soy Protein Extract, Vitamin C, L-Glutathione, Phyto Stem Cell, Stevia.
Precaution 備註事項
This product is not recommend for pregnant women or women under medical supervision. Keep out of reach of children.
Dosage 服用指示
One to two sachets per day (before sleep).
FAQ 常問問題
Q. When can I expect to see results after taking Oh! Secret LUMINOUS? 服⽤用Oh! Secret LUMINOUS多久才能有显著的效果?
A. We have tested on 100 Asian women across the country, you can see results within 7 days and even more convincing results after 28 days. You’re recommended to consume this product for at least 3 months time in order to experience Oh! Secret’s magical formula in improving women’s vaginal problems.
Q. Is Oh! Secret LUMINOUS safe to consume in a long term? Oh! Secret LUMINOUS可以被長期服用嗎?
A. Research shows that Oh! Secret LUMINOUS can be consumed by women for as longas they feel needed, especially those who are having vaginal problems. The product is 100% safe and it is suitable to be consumed daily.
研究顯示,Oh! Secret LUMINOUS 是現代女性不可或缺的食物類保健品之一。因為它是採用1
Q. Who is suitable for Oh! Secret LUMINOUS? 誰適合服用Oh! Secret LUMINOUS?
A. Oh! Secret LUMINOUS is suitable for all women with vaginal problems and for those who want to maintain a healthy life, except for breast-feeding mothers and those who are pregnant. 除了孕婦和哺乳媽媽之外,Oh! Secret LUMINOUS是適合所有女性服用的(想要解決女
Q. When is the best time to consume Oh! Secret LUMINOUS? 幾時服用Oh! Secret
A. Oh! Secret LUMINOUS can be consumed whenever you feel it is needed, the recommended time is 1-2 sachets before going to sleep. Continuous consumption is also recommended for better result. 只要想改善女性問題的女士們隨時都能夠服用此產品。我們
什么样的女人适合Oh Secret Luminous ?
Oh! Secret|LUMINOUS是一個來自美國的特殊配
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