FASTRIM SLIMMING + COLLAGEN and NIGHTRIM SLIMMING + DETOX, BYTara (2box/Set - 30 sachets x 15g )
FASTRIM - MYR 178 / 15 sachets x 15g each
NIGHTRIM - MYR 118 / 15 sachets x 15g each
Total: RM296
Please have a look and start your slimming plan today.. Loss weight will be easy as peanut.. No exercise no diet any more.. slim healthy and collagen for youthful skin
BYTara Fastrim
Fastrim harnesses slimming plus fish collagen series of dietary programmed which provide you a charming and slimmer figure, even without exercise. Fastrim origin from Japan, all ingredients extracted through advanced technology and it’s in high quality and purity, contains no fat and cholesterol.
Fastrim will help you to burn off excess body fat and speed up your body’s metabolism, also function as detoxification for the day. Fastrim can help you lose at least 5 lbs of weight in 2 weeks. Besides healthy slimming, fish collagen is proven to be effective in improving the skin texture, elasticity and revitalizes the aging skin including fine lines, wrinkles, roughness and dryness as well.
Special Features
1. No Side Effect
2. No Synthetic Chemical
3. 100% Natural
4. Expels Wastes, Water Retention
5. Detoxify, Lose Weight and Trim your body shape
6. Restore Skin Cell Elasticity, Improve Skin Fairness
7. Reduce Pigmentation and Wrinkle
Recommended Consumption
For weight loss: Consume daily in the morning
For maintain weight: Consume 4 days a week in the morning
Not be taken during menstruation or pregnancy. For best result, drink at least 2500ml
of water a day.
Direction Of Use
Mix 1 sachet Fastrim into 150ml of lukewarm water, stir and consume immediately with empty stomach.
Cocoa flavor
Approved by Malaysia Government:
1. Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
2. Halal
3. GMP
4. Certified HACCP
5. Certified ISO 22000
6. 100% Natural
Nutrition Information

PRICES: MYR 178 / 15 sachets x 15g each
Frequently Asked Questions
About Fastrim 

1. Who should take Fastrim?
Adults who desire to lose weight while enjoying sumptuous meals without dieting or exercise; also those who have tried other slimming methods but failed to achieve slimming results.
2. Fastrim will create any side effects?
Fastrim is made from 100% natural organic extracts, totally free of preservatives, artificial colorings, flavorings or pollutants. It achieved sereval clinical evidences of bioavailability result and complied with 6 international standards of guaranteed quality for safe consunption without any side effects.
3. How long does it take for Fastrim to work?
Individual results may vary. For adult-type obesity, slimming effect can normally be achieved 2-3 weeks time. For people who are obese since childhood, have 3-4 times more fat cells than normal adult-type obesity, therefore they will require a longer period to observe weight loss effects in approximately 6-7 weeks.
4. How is Fastrim different from slimming pills?
Clinical trials have shown that pills usually contain chemicals and are hard to be digested. Pills also contain singular formula on fat burning only where water retention problem and gassy stomach remain persisted. Hence, perfect slimming is non-significant. Being a liquid consumed slimming, Fastrim is easily absorbed into our body and exhibits its unique total slimming effect.

1. 哪些人应服食Fastrim瘦身
想减肥而又不能忌口, 断食或没时间运动, 已尝遍其它减肥方式, 但都不能成功瘦身的男女。
2. Fastrim瘦身会产生副作用吗?
Fastrim瘦身是由100%纯天然有机植物纤维制成, 完全不含防腐剂, 人造色素, 调味素或化学污染物。获得六大国际品质标准的证及临床试验的证明, 绝无副作用及安全可靠。
3. 服用多久才见到效果?
效果因人而异。后天因素肥胖者, 通常二至三星期即可见效。而家庭遗传或先天性肥胖者, 则需花费六至七星期才可体验减肥效果。因先天性肥胖者的顽固脂肪及深层毒素, 较后天因素肥胖者多出三至四倍。
4. Fastrim 瘦身与减肥药丸有什么分别?
减肥药丸一般上含有化学成份, 其固体状难被溶解, 瘦身成效不大。而且减肥药丸多是单一配方, 功效以消脂为主, 很少针对排水肿, 结果减了赘肉也消不到浮肿线条, 很难解决混合型肥胖问题。Fastrim瘦身为高浓缩和水溶性消脂成份, 经饮用直接被身体吸收, 减肥效果更快更全面。
BYTara Nightrim
Nightrim main function as Detox and Slimming. It is helps to stimulate the body intestinal peristalsis, remove inches of sludge from the walls of your colon, breakup and remove harmful toxins that built up over the years. Nightrim contains substances that can reduce serum cholesterol and triglyceride to promote metabolism. It is a 100% fruit and vegetable formula that helps improve your digestive system and provide a condition for healthy bowels.
You can immediately start to see results in a few days, indigestion and constipation will start to clear up and those with bad breath and body odor will begin to see noticeable change after about a week. Being 100% organic and totally free of preservatives, artificial coloring and flavoring, Nightrim is the perfect way to a healthy digestive system. It is clinically tested for bioavailability; this means that it is safe and easily absorbed by your body, fully maximizing its effects.
Special Features
1. Detoxify, lose weight and trim your body shape
2. Prevent and stop constipation
3. Expels wastes and toxins from your body
4. Improve bowel health
5. No side effect, no synthetic chemical & 100% Natural
6. Cleanse blood and detoxify body
7. Strengthen your immune system
8. Restore youthful and shinning skin
Main Ingredients
1. Psyllium Husk
2. L-Carnitine Fumarate
3. L-Arginine
4. Garcinia Cambogia
Recommendation Consumption
For weight loss: Consume daily before bed time
For detoxification: Consume every alternate day before bed time
Direction Of Use
Mix 1 sachet Nightrim into 150ml of lukewarm water, shake or stir well and consume immediately after meal and before bed time. (Please do not take any food after consume Nightrim)
Not be taken during menstruation or pregnancy. For best result, drink at least 2500ml of water a day.
Approved by Malaysia Government:
1. Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
2. Halal
3. GMP
4. Certified HACCP
5. Certified ISO 22000
6. 100% Natural
7. 100% Vegetarian

PRICES: MYR 118 / 15 sachets x 15g each
MADE IN: Japan
PRICES: MYR 118 / 15 sachets x 15g each
MADE IN: Japan
Frequently Asked Questions
About Nightrim 

1. Who should take Nightrim?
Adults who have constipation, desire to lose weight, dull skin, gas and bloating, indigestion, bad breath and weak immune system.
2. Nightrim will create any side effects?
No. Nightrim is made from 100% natural extracts, totally free of preservatives, artificial colorings, flavorings or pollutants. It achieved several clinical evidences of bioavailability result and complied with 6 international standards of guaranteed quality for safe consumption without any side effects.
3. How long does it take for Nightrim to work?
After consume 1 to 2 days, constipation and indigestion will improve, after consume a week, your body will lose weight and trim your body shape.

1. 那些人应服食Nightrim?
任何便秘者,想减肥, 肤色暗淡,胃涨风,消化不良, 口臭, 与免疫力较差者。
2. Nightrim有副作用吗?
3. 我何时能看到效果?
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