Miracle Of Slim。。
FIZZLE POP SODA。。Can rapidly accelerate the burning of body fat metabolism and calories .
While effectively preventing intestinal absorption of dietary fat, increases ATP activity, breaks down carbohydrates (sugar which is not able to be converted into fat), eliminate the accumulation of fat in the body
Lemon being the main fruit, essential for the beauty, it is above all a very effective weight loss component. According to Modern nutritionist, thin lemon has high medicinal value.
Its diet slimming formula, is safe and nontoxic !
FIZZLE POP SODA。。Natural fruit chosen as main ingredient ! !
Naturally strong antioxidant against free radicals , helps burn fat , regulates metabolism, promotes conditioning hormones, lowers blood lipids, and helps to regulate constipation !
FIZZLE POP SODA。。Can rapidly accelerate the burning of body fat metabolism and calories .
While effectively preventing intestinal absorption of dietary fat, increases ATP activity, breaks down carbohydrates (sugar which is not able to be converted into fat), eliminate the accumulation of fat in the body
Lemon being the main fruit, essential for the beauty, it is above all a very effective weight loss component. According to Modern nutritionist, thin lemon has high medicinal value.
Its diet slimming formula, is safe and nontoxic !
FIZZLE POP SODA。。Natural fruit chosen as main ingredient ! !
Naturally strong antioxidant against free radicals , helps burn fat , regulates metabolism, promotes conditioning hormones, lowers blood lipids, and helps to regulate constipation !
★ only 1-2 packets a day, miracally burning excess body fat enables slimming down at top speed !
★ Visible results within 7 days, scientific formula slimming unknowingly ! The achievements of the perfect body curve in a short period of time!
★ Visible results within 7 days, scientific formula slimming unknowingly ! The achievements of the perfect body curve in a short period of time!
Best with empty stomach, for those with weak stomach, consume half an hour after meal
[ Direction ]
-FIZZLE POP SODA add about 100ml of water, stir well, drink after the bubbles gone.
-1 sachet per day, consume before the first meal of the day.
-No alcohol, no coffee/tea, stop consume during menstruation if uncomfortable.
-For coffee/tea drinker, best drink after 4 hours from FPS.
-3 months is a full course of treatment, strongly recommended to strengthen the best results and do not bounce effect.
-can take with MDM Raspberry detox for better and faster results
[ Capacity ]
Powdered water-soluble ( lemon flavor )
30 packets ( for one month )
Not suitable
Hypertension , children , pregnant women, breast-feeding
Best with empty stomach, for those with weak stomach, consume half an hour after meal
[ Direction ]
-FIZZLE POP SODA add about 100ml of water, stir well, drink after the bubbles gone.
-1 sachet per day, consume before the first meal of the day.
-No alcohol, no coffee/tea, stop consume during menstruation if uncomfortable.
-For coffee/tea drinker, best drink after 4 hours from FPS.
-3 months is a full course of treatment, strongly recommended to strengthen the best results and do not bounce effect.
-can take with MDM Raspberry detox for better and faster results
[ Capacity ]
Powdered water-soluble ( lemon flavor )
30 packets ( for one month )
Not suitable
Hypertension , children , pregnant women, breast-feeding

◕ 体型的尊严。。◕ 瘦身的威力。。◕ 爆发在您的身上。。
◕ 2015美国顶尖疗方新一代爆脂气泡瘦身。。◕ 不缺水的瘦身。。
Easy Enjoy Healthy Diet。。
♛ Miracle Of Slim。。
♛ FIZZLE POP SODA。。可迅速加快人体脂肪代谢燃烧,大量消耗人体 热量。
◕ 同时有效阻止肠道对食物中脂肪的吸收,提高ATP活性, 大量分解糖类,使体内糖类无法转化成脂肪,从根本上杜绝 脂肪在体内的堆积。
◕ 配合主要水果“柠檬”的研制,对爱美的女性来说,它首先 是一种非常有效的减肥食物。现代营养学认为,柠檬具有很 高的药用瘦身价值。
♛ 它的节食瘦身配方,是安全无毒!
♛ FIZZLE POP SODA。。选用人们食用的水果为主要原料!
◕ 通过强抗氧化性对抗自由基,帮助脂肪燃烧,卡路里代谢, 促进调理荷尔蒙,降低血脂,也有助于调节便秘!
★7天有成效,科学方法,在不知不觉中瘦身!短时间成就 完美曲线!
◕ 临床使用者实验证明,一般服用 FIZZLE POP SODA。。。约1小时,便产生减肥效果,每天服用1- 2包本产品,连续服用15天87.5%的服用者减重6斤 以上,连续服用30天,96.8%的服用者减重11斤以 上。
◕ 柠檬对促进新陈代谢,激发身体自我净化过程,瘦身排毒, 延缓衰老现象及增强身体之抵御能力。
◕ 除了强身健体的功效之外,亦是一种相当高美容价值的食物 ,不单有美白的疗效,而且其独特的果酸成份更可软化角质 层,令肌肤变得美白而富有光泽。
◕ 富含维生素,含维生素C、维生素B1、B2等。能使皮肤 变得光滑、细腻、白嫩、丰满,所以是一种理想的瘦身美颜 食品。
◕ 这是一种营养和药用价值都极高的水果,其中最主要的营养 成份除了糖类以外,还有钙、磷、铁及维生素B1、B2、 维生素C、烟酸等,其味道之所以比其他柑橘更酸、更苦, 是因为其有机酸的含量高达6.4%,比橘子、橙子等水果 高出十几倍。
➔ 促进减肥
➔ 抑制食欲
➔ 增加饱腹感
➔ 燃烧卡路里
➔ 改善荷尔蒙平衡
➔ 降低总胆固醇水平
➔ 提高身体新陈代谢
➔ 改善消化及肠道健康
➔ 抑制碳水化合物和脂肪吸收
➔ 临床证明
➔ 遗传性肥胖
➔ 单纯性肥胖
➔ 青春期肥胖
➔ 产后性肥胖
➔ 想要再变瘦很难
➔ 长期减肥瘦不掉
➔ 不吃零食就心慌
➔ 肌肉型赘肉减肥难
➔ 需要保持身材苗条者
➔ 多次减肥失败反弹者
➔ 问:多大年龄,什么样的人群服用了减肥效果好呢?
◕ 答:服用者通常是在年龄18-50岁之间
➔ 问:我吃了很多减肥药都没瘦,体质很顽固,会有效吗?
◕ 答:截止目前MIRACLE OF SLIM FIZZLE POP SODA已经帮助了近近百人减肥成功
➔ 问:服用多久见效呢?会不会反弹呢?
◕ 答:服用MIRACLE OF SLIM FIZZLE POP SODA需要有个疗程。根据MM们的反应效果,一般来说 2-3天左右
◕ 答:空腹服用比较好,肠胃不好的可以在饭后半小时后服用 。
➔ 问:服用期间为什么不能喝茶和酒?
◕ 答:茶和酒都有解药性,这两样东西也不能一起服用的,会 分解药性,影响减肥效果。
➔ 问:服用后会有哪些反应?
◕ 答:*口渴,这是所有减肥方式的共性,只要是减肥,必定 会口渴。
因为脂肪的分解和代谢,会消耗身体大量水分和体液,导致 身体缺水。
*饱腹,部分人会有,部分人反应不大,主要是会对过量的 食欲起到控制作用
➔ 问:减肥期间饮食怎么安排?
◕ 答:脂肪分解过程需要大量水分参与,每天6-8杯水(每 杯200ml,也就是小半瓶矿泉水量)不需要特别节食。 减肥期间饮食应当这样排,三餐有规律,每餐七分饱,多吃 水果,少油腻少零食,晚餐多吃生伴菜少主食,晚餐特别少 吃油腻食物。不加餐,多喝水,少喝碳酸饮料!不要暴饮暴 食!
FIZZLE POP SODA 加上约100ml的水, 搅拌好之後便可饮用, 味道可口清新
30小包 (一个月量)
1 BOX RM180
manual order:
After do the payment,
pls provide NAME, ADDRESS, CONTACT NUMBER for courier the goods.
Bank Transfer Instructions
CIMB 7023114942 A/C name: Heng Lee Szi
PBB 6838750520 A/C name: Heng Lee Szi
more detail pls contact:
whatsapp/sms 019-4225511 wechat: William-lee9
whatsapp/sms 012-4219239 wechat: liz_heng
e-mail: lizheng@findwo.com
buy online: www.findwo.com
** Free courier in Malaysia
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