Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Blanc Secret Moor Stem Cell Whitening Soap Bar 天然植物黑泥美白皂 (80g)

Blanc Secret Moor Stem Cell Whitening Soap Bar 天然植物黑泥美白皂 80g
MAL / NOT code: 140901352K
BLANC SECRET Moor and Stem Cell Soap Bar 
France Quality Product 

Ingredients: Moor mud, grape stem cells, charcoal powder, glycerin, olive oil, sweet almond oil, palm oil, vegetable oil, and various of natural herbs extracts. 

Magical Effects : 
* Protect skin cells 
* Strengthen and active skin cells 
* Dissolve blackheads and tighten pores 
* Facilitate skin metabolism 
* Microcirculatory system 
* Refreshing skins 
* Enhance skin immunity 
* Eliminate dry skin 
* Purify skin 
* Prevent skin aging 

Targeting Area : 
* Underarms 
* Inner thigh 
* Private part 
* Knees 

* NO preservative 
* NO artificial colouring 
* NO artificial fragrance 
* NO foaming agent 
* NO alcohol 
* NO parben 
完美推荐Blanc Secret植物黑泥护理皂里含有丰富的天然Moor植物黑泥 能有效的带给你肌膚全方位美白透亮,包括脸部与身体,尤其对身体私密部位进行美白修护。
Blanc Secret 植物黑泥美白皂由内到外,呵护你的每一寸肌肤!
1) 深层去污
2) 色素导出
3) 滋养肌肤
4) 抗光老化
5) 美白肌肤

来自法国的植物黑泥护理皂Blanc Secret里含有丰富的天然Moor植物黑泥 能有效的带给你肌膚全方位美白透亮,包括脸部与身体,尤其对身体私密部位进行美白修护拥有美白亮丽的肌肤是大部分现代女性所追求向往的,但市面上大部分美白产品不能有效带给你全方位的呵护,除了脸上的种种问题,身体的部位如腋下,臀部和私处还是黝黑黯淡,不能在人前自信展现出女人完美的亮丽白皙肌肤。

Moor植物黑泥是來自三萬年前冰河時期,肥沃的山谷經由地殼變動而完全被覆蓋且冰封,使山谷形成一種完全與外界隔離的密封狀態,再加上被上方所形成的湖泊所淹沒後,在沒 有氧化的腐敗效果,正確的溼度及生物狀態下,所有植物中有機及非有機成份皆溶入這種黑泥,富含礦石、維生素、微量原素、氨基酸、酵素、精華油等養份‧而黑 泥中高濃縮的腐植酸可讓各種養份保存於非常小的狀態,可以迅速滲透肌膚,提供組織細胞活化的能量,在萬年少污染的天然保護下,孕育出是世上獨一無二的天然活膚傳奇。

Blanc Secret植物黑泥美白皂适宜肤质以下的皮肤问题:


Blanc Secret 天然植物黑泥美白皂常见问题
1. Why is my skin feeling itchy and having rashes? 
The skin feels itchy might be due to the dryness on the skin surface. However it’s just a temporary healing crisis. As it is helping in discharge of chemical composition deep in the skin. The detox period varies, which may last a few days, depending on the skin condition. 
皮肤感觉发痒因为皮肤表面比较干燥。此外这是一个好转反应,代表肌肤将深藏在肌肤的化学成 分排出。而排毒期因人而异,这可能维持几天,视肤质而定。 

Solution 解决方法: 
Apply hydrating toner & moisturizer onto face each time after wash. If discomforts continue, please stop using this soap for temporary period. 
让皮肤补充充足的水份,请大量涂抹保湿爽肤水于干净的面庞,如还有不适,请暂时停止使用黑 泥美白皂。 

2. Why does my skin peels after using Blanc Secret Soap?
If skin peeling occurs, it is due to the renewal of dead skin cells which occurs only in the early stages, apply hydrating toner & moisturizer onto face after wash to solve this problem.
使用后如会出现皮肤脱皮现象,这是因为皮肤在更新死皮,只发生在初期,过后就不会再 有这问题了,多做保湿功夫如勤敷面膜。

3. Can I use Blanc Secret soap for body wash? 
Yes, you can. Blanc secret soap cleanses every inch of your skin and can effectively lighten the physical scars and body bleak parts such as armpits, buttocks and private parts. Remember to apply moisturizer / lotion to keep our skin moist and supple.
是的,可以。黑泥美白皂能洁净你每一寸肌肤,并且能有效淡化身体的疤痕及身体 黯淡的部位如腋下,臀部和私处。沐浴后记涂抹保湿/乳液,以保持我们肌肤水润柔软。

4. Why do pimples appear after using Blanc Secret soap?
This because Blanc Secret soap will slowly purify the blockage of toxins in the skin. Remember not to squeeze the pimples with your hands.

5. Can I use Blanc secret soap to brush my teeth? 
Can. But generally all soap and toothpaste have different surfactants, which might not be suitable for use in mouth.Soaps do not have the related active ingredients for stone teeth, gum, bad breathe and oral problems, hence we do not recommend soap to be use as toothpaste.
可以。但一般上所有肥皂与牙膏里的表面活性剂并不同,未必适用于所用人的口腔或不小心 吞食。此外,肥皂液不含相关活性成分未能针对岛牙石、牙龈、口臭等口腔问题。所以我们 不建议大家用肥皂来刷牙或是取代牙膏.

6.Blanc secret soap can be used on hair? 
Yes, the hair will feel very supple after used; it also promotes metabolism and remove dandruff. The new growth hair will be healthier and black.

7.What’s the correct way to use Blanc secret soap? 
Add some water to soap and create foam with your palms, apply evenly on face or body then rinse thoroughly with water.

8. Is there any rebound issues after I stop using Blanc Secret Soap in the future?
No, Blanc secret soap is not an oral products, so even if stops using it in the future, it will never rebound.

9. Is Blanc Secret Soap suitable for pregnant women and children? 
Yes, because it is rich in natural black mud Moor plant, effectively giving you a comprehensive care of the skin.
可以,因为它含有丰富的天然 Moor 植物黑泥,有效的带给您肌肤全方位的呵护。

1 pcs RM 80
2 pcs RM140 
manual order:
After do the payment,
pls provide NAME, ADDRESS, CONTACT NUMBER for courier the goods.

Bank Transfer Instructions
Maybank 507077414448  a/c name:  Berapit Online Enterprise
CIMB 7023114942 a/c name: Heng Lee Szi
PBB 6838750520 a/c name: Heng Lee Szi

more detail pls contact:
whatsapp/sms 019-4225511 wechat: William-lee9
whatsapp/sms 012-4219239 wechat: liz_heng
e-mail: info@berapit.com

buy online: www.berapit.com
** Free courier in Malaysia 

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