You will receive:
– 1 unit of Cellglo Creme 21 Formulated in France 21 细亮霜 法国研制 30ml
– 1 unit of Cellglo Crystal Eyes Revolution Formulated in France 水晶眼睛 法国研制 (1box/20sachets)
– 1 unit of Cellglo Moisturising Sunblock SPF50PA++ 效阔 防晒乳 法国研制 30ml
– 1 unit of Cellglo Deep Cleansing Bar 70g 效阔 美白皂
Cellglo Beauty and health, give you beauty and health
Through the sgs core services including: testing and validation, for a variety of health, safety and regulatory standards of quality and performance, and to ensure that products conform to standards set out by the government with the request.
* Creme21
Protect our body from illness and infections, prevent body allergies, toxics and free radicals, regulate our body’s hormone, promote immune system.
- helps protect your eyes; concentrated on your center vision; helps blocking UV damage on eye and skin; improves overall visual function; prevent cardiovascular (HEART) disease.
* moisturising sunblock
Using all natural botanical extract, ingredients such as Olive Oil, Mushroom Beta Glucan, Licorice, Allantoin, Zinc Oxide and Methylene Bis-benzotriazolyl Tetramethylbutylphenol that give your skin with the goodness of moisturizer cum sun protection SPF 50 PA +++ to shield your skin from the damages of UVA and UVB. Our Moisturising Sunblock will instantly look brighter with glowing radiance without feeling greasy and provides moisutrising.
*Cellglo Deep Cleansing Bar
Cellglo DC Bar are 100% handmade from natural and safe ingredients that even baby skin can use it!
1) Oily Skin – Managed
2) Sensitive skin – Protected
3) Pimples – Diminished
4) Whiteheads – Reduced
5) Skin Pores – Unclogged
6) Tight Feeling – Avoided
7) Dry Skin – Moisturized
8) Dull Skin – Brightened
9) Irritation – Prevented
10) Blackheads – Cleared
11) Dead Cells – Removed
12) Skin Tone – Balanced
If you still hesitate to use what products, may wish to try our products cellglo it ~ because cellgo absolutely safe, natural!

Cellglo 美容及保健 ,给予你美丽与健康
通过SGS提供的核心服务包括:检验及验证 ,对各种健康 ,安全和监管标准的质量和性能 ,并以确保产品符合政府所订的标准与要求。
* Cellglo美白皂针对洁脸,黑头粉刺,脸上黑色素都能淡化!适合中性/油性/敏感肌肤使用!
* Cellglo crystal eyes 保护眼睛,改善眼睛微血管,和所有视力问题!心血管,胆固醇,关节都能得到改善!
* Creme 21 主要帮助淋巴排毒,淡化脸上黑色素,使肌肤容光焕发!更能帮助血液循环和平衡荷尔蒙!
* Moisturising sunblock 不止防晒,也能美白和保湿!最重要是不阻塞
如果你还在犹豫使用什么产品的话,不妨来尝试我们cellglo 的产品吧 ~ 因为 Cellgo 绝对安全,天然!
RM775/ SET
manual order:
After do the payment,
pls provide NAME, ADDRESS, CONTACT NUMBER for courier the goods.
Bank Transfer Instructions
Maybank 507077414448 a/c name: Berapit Online Enterprise
CIMB 7023114942 a/c name: Heng Lee Szi
PBB 6838750520 a/c name: Heng Lee Szi
more detail pls contact:
whatsapp/sms 019-4225511 wechat: William-lee9
whatsapp/sms 012-4219239 wechat: liz_heng
buy online:
** Free courier in Malaysia
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