VIP Bio + 7 Focus / Clean 5 / Zero Plus FREE XS Serum Package 送 XS 瘦身膏配套
Package 1 :1box VIP+4box (7 Focus / Clean 5 / Zero Plus) Free 1XS Concentrate Serum = RM580
Package 2 :2boxes VIP+8boxes(7 Focus / Clean 5 / Zero Plus) Free 2XS Concentrate Serum = RM1040
Package 3 :3boxes VIP+12boxes (7 Focus / Clean 5 / Zero Plus) Free 3XS Concentrate Serum = RM1450
Package 4 :1box VIP+6boxes (7 Focus / Clean 5 / Zero Plus) Free 1XS Concentrate Serum = RM720
Package 5 :2boxes VIP+12boxes (7 Focus / Clean 5 / Zero Plus) Free 2XS Concentrate Serum = RM1320
Package 6 :3boxes VIP+18boxes (7 Focus / Clean 5 / Zero Plus) Free 3XS Concentrate Serum = RM1950
瘦身组合 皇牌中的皇牌终极5宝
完美内外配套超值优惠 为您量身定制的完美体态
完美内外配套超值优惠 为您量身定制的完美体态
VIP 瘦身皇牌
7Focus 瘦腿王
Clean5 排油神器
Zero Plus 排毒王
XS Concentrated Serum 爆脂按摩滚轮仪
7Focus 瘦腿王
Clean5 排油神器
Zero Plus 排毒王
XS Concentrated Serum 爆脂按摩滚轮仪
只要你有肉,我就可以让你瘦!针对各种减肥失败者,大口吃肉,轻松享瘦! 无需运动,无需节食,无需抽脂,无需打针!
瘦的过瘾. 瘦的安心.
瘦的过瘾. 瘦的安心.
问:VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex, 7 Focus, Zero+ 月经期间可以服用吗?
答:Zero+ 月经期可以使用。 VIP 和 7focus 月经期可以停一停,原因是因为这两种都是药物,月经期就像女人的排毒系统一样, 吃进去的补品,药物,都会被排出体外,所以月经期吃的话,就有点浪费。 Zero+是帮助肠胃蠕动和消化系统,所以可以吃,吃了是排宿便。
Question: When menstrual period for girl, can take VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex, 7 Focus, Zero+ ?
Answer: Yes. But during that period, all the ingredient will not be absorb by the body and release it out. So we recommend to stop on that time for VIP and 7Focus, but zero+ can take as normal, because zero+ is helping to detox.
Question 2 || 第二题:
问:Vip, 7 Focus, Zero+ 三种产品什么时间吃最好
答:VIP可以在早上早餐前和晚餐前半小时各服用一粒, 期间建议多喝水3-5公升为佳。Zero+ 可以在晚餐饭后30-2小时之后服用一小包。7Focus 可以在晚上睡前吃一粒。备注:如果您有使用Clean 5, 可以在一些比较重量的餐宴前30分钟服用,比如在朋友聚会,炸鸡肯德基, 婚宴,以及自助餐!
Question: When is the Best time to take VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex, 7 Focus, Zero+ ?
Answer: Morning and dinner time, 30minute before meal can take 1 pills of VIP. After a dinner, around 30minute to 2 hour, can take Zero+. Lastly before sleep take 1 capsule of 7 focus. Additional information: if you have clean 5 as well. 30 minute before you taking heavy meal like KFC, Wedding dinner, friend gathering or Buffet!
Question 3 || 第三题:
问:Clean 5 喝了会不会肚子痛?
答:先补充一下,Clean 5 是粉状直接吞噬的,不需要喝。吃了Clean5 也不会导致肚子痛或泄肚子。如果吃clean 5 有吃很油腻的食物,是会直接排油,就排完会看到马桶上有一层一层的油粒,多的话会直接是一层的油。
Question: Clean 5 drink will caused stomache?
Answer: Before that, need to clarify, clean 5 is in powder direct eat, it is not a drink. After consume Clean 5, you won't have stomache, diarrhea, or any unconfortable. If you have eating many oily food before you take clean 5, clean 5 will block those fat and oil, and directly release during you going toilet on normal defecate. You will find 1 layer of oil or some might have small circle oil on top of your toilet bowl's water.
Question 4 || 第四题:
问:7 Focus 需要喝大量的水吗?
答:7 Focus 是在晚上睡前服用;所以睡觉了就不用特地的去补充水分。水还是在白天多喝是没问题的。当然瘦身需要有充足的水分,多喝大量的水有了7focus也不必怕有水肿问题。
Question: Do i need to take a lot of water after taking 7 Focus?
Answer: 7 focus is take before you sleep, so you won't have to wake up at midnight just to take water. Sure for diet, we need a lot of water, take it on the day time; and don't scare to get edema, cause 7 Focus will help you clear the problem.
答:连续吃一个星期效果当然是瘦腿啊。不止是这样,如果长期有因为水肿问题干扰的顾客们,吃了7 Focus也会帮助消水肿,有些顾客是脚板,或者其他部位有水肿问题,也会得到解决。
Question: What effect will you get after continuesly taking 7 focus for a week?
Answer: For sure, you get your sexy and beautiful leg back! But not only this, if you are long term suffering Edema problem, 7 focus will also helping you clear the edema, especially for those tigh are big like elephant. Some other body part which suffer the same problem also will reduce, for example your foot.

XS Concentrated Serum
Roll Away Your Fat 强力滚一滚, 滚走您的肥脂肪
XS is a remarkable shaping concentrated serum which offers a significant and satisfactory effect on areas with fatty deposits such as hips, tummy and thighs. The thermodynamic ingredients help to refine and reshape your body with no side-effects. It is supercharged with moisturizing and firming agents helps to promote maximum skin regeneration and smooth away surface lines. Spreads easily and penetrates quickly, leaving the skin silky smooth and non-greasy.
With the help of the advanced technology S-XS1™, XS Concetrated Serum provides 10 times more effective penetration of the active ingredients, into our skin and blood vessels thus enlarging the blood vessels. The vasodilation then helps to promote blood circulation and increases the metabolic rate. As such blood circulation is enhanced, it encourages the breakdown of fats and protein. Besides, S-XS1™ is also able to enhance catabolism of triglycerides in the adipose tissue, reduce the size of fat deposits and inhibit further growth of fat deposits.
在S-XS1™的幫助下,XS Concentrated Serum能夠10倍更有效的把所有活性成分滲透我們的皮膚,從而擴大血管。 血管舒張有助於促進血液循環和增加代謝率,並且能夠加強脂肪和蛋白質的分解。 此外,S-XS1™還能夠增強脂肪組織中甘油三酯的分解代謝、減少脂肪沉積物、並抑制脂肪沉積物的進一步生長。
With the help of the advanced technology S-XS1™, XS Concetrated Serum provides 10 times more effective penetration of the active ingredients, into our skin and blood vessels thus enlarging the blood vessels. The vasodilation then helps to promote blood circulation and increases the metabolic rate. As such blood circulation is enhanced, it encourages the breakdown of fats and protein. Besides, S-XS1™ is also able to enhance catabolism of triglycerides in the adipose tissue, reduce the size of fat deposits and inhibit further growth of fat deposits.
在S-XS1™的幫助下,XS Concentrated Serum能夠10倍更有效的把所有活性成分滲透我們的皮膚,從而擴大血管。 血管舒張有助於促進血液循環和增加代謝率,並且能夠加強脂肪和蛋白質的分解。 此外,S-XS1™還能夠增強脂肪組織中甘油三酯的分解代謝、減少脂肪沉積物、並抑制脂肪沉積物的進一步生長。
[1] Skin Rejuvenating 嫩肤兼美肤: Terminalia Catappa Leaf Extract & Sambucus Nigra Flower Extract 榄仁叶萃取物和接骨木花萃取物 With anti-wrinkle function, improve blood circulation, increase flexibility and strengthening.
兩種元素配合,可以達到抗皺功能,它能深沉地修復皮下組織,將你的細紋,肥胖紋一一撫平。 其效果能媲美膠原蛋白的功效。
[2] EGCG Highest Antioxidant EGCG 最高抗氧化活性: Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea) Extract 绿茶萃取物 Contains of rich polyphenol Catechin EGCG. Modern research confirms that catechin EGCG has many good health benefits, such as antioxidants, scavenging free radicals, anti-aging, maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system and other functions. There are already thousands of years of history on the used of green tea by Chinese as their treatment.
[3] Detoxification and Blood Circulation 促進淋巴排毒+血液循環: Nonylic Acid Vanillyamide (Capsaicin) 辣椒素 Capsaicin helps to expand blood capillary, which improves blood circulation so that the serum can be fully absorbed into the skin. Nonylic Acid Vanillyamide was recognized as a heat-type chemical, it helps to improve body metabolism, blood circulation and detoxification of lymph. It also dissolves the fats under the skin which brings u effective slimming effect.
[1] Skin Rejuvenating 嫩肤兼美肤: Terminalia Catappa Leaf Extract & Sambucus Nigra Flower Extract 榄仁叶萃取物和接骨木花萃取物 With anti-wrinkle function, improve blood circulation, increase flexibility and strengthening.
兩種元素配合,可以達到抗皺功能,它能深沉地修復皮下組織,將你的細紋,肥胖紋一一撫平。 其效果能媲美膠原蛋白的功效。
[2] EGCG Highest Antioxidant EGCG 最高抗氧化活性: Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea) Extract 绿茶萃取物 Contains of rich polyphenol Catechin EGCG. Modern research confirms that catechin EGCG has many good health benefits, such as antioxidants, scavenging free radicals, anti-aging, maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system and other functions. There are already thousands of years of history on the used of green tea by Chinese as their treatment.
[3] Detoxification and Blood Circulation 促進淋巴排毒+血液循環: Nonylic Acid Vanillyamide (Capsaicin) 辣椒素 Capsaicin helps to expand blood capillary, which improves blood circulation so that the serum can be fully absorbed into the skin. Nonylic Acid Vanillyamide was recognized as a heat-type chemical, it helps to improve body metabolism, blood circulation and detoxification of lymph. It also dissolves the fats under the skin which brings u effective slimming effect.
Men and women 男女適用
Postpartum mother 產後媽媽
People who have muscles loosening problems on certain body parts 局部肌肉鬆垮者
Limb obesity 四肢肥胖者
People with fats around their waist and tummy 腰部、腹部贅肉凸顯者
People who are not satisfied with their own body shape 對自己身形不滿意者
Suitable for partly obesity like tummy, arm, legs, hips and etc 適用於局部肥胖、 如腹部、手臂、腿部、臀部等
Men and women 男女適用
Postpartum mother 產後媽媽
People who have muscles loosening problems on certain body parts 局部肌肉鬆垮者
Limb obesity 四肢肥胖者
People with fats around their waist and tummy 腰部、腹部贅肉凸顯者
People who are not satisfied with their own body shape 對自己身形不滿意者
Suitable for partly obesity like tummy, arm, legs, hips and etc 適用於局部肥胖、 如腹部、手臂、腿部、臀部等
Burn fat 燃燒脂肪
Slim and trim 修身
Moisturizing 保濕
Healing 修復
Anti stretch mark 抗妊娠紋
Anti cellulite 抗脂肪堆積
Firming 緊實
Whitening 美白
Burn fat 燃燒脂肪
Slim and trim 修身
Moisturizing 保濕
Healing 修復
Anti stretch mark 抗妊娠紋
Anti cellulite 抗脂肪堆積
Firming 緊實
Whitening 美白
Massage onto targeted areas until fully absorbed. 塗抹及按摩在身體部位直到完全被吸收。
Massage onto targeted areas until fully absorbed. 塗抹及按摩在身體部位直到完全被吸收。
In order to avoid any skin allergies or any uncomfortable feeling, it is advisable to test a small amount of the cream on your arm before the actual usage. Applies it and waits for 10mins. You may continue using the product if there is no skin allergy or uncomfortable feeling.
The best time to use XS Concentrated Serum is after showering. This is because our body temperature rises right after showering with good blood circulation, thus improving the product absorption.
This is a potent product so it is not suitable to apply on face. 由於產品的強效性, 不能作為一般的護理品用於身體其他部位,也不能作為瘦臉產品使用。
Scrubs or exfoliates your body regularly, so that dead skin will not affect the product absoprtion. 定期為身體肌膚去角質,避免老廢角質影響吸收效果。
Not suitable to use during pregnancy. 懷孕期不宜使用。
Not suitable to use right after meal. 飯後不宜立即使用。
People with kidney, liver and serious allergic skin problem are not advisable to use. 肝、腎病患者及高過敏感體質者慎用,少數皮膚特別敏感者,皮膚病患者慎用。
Results will be vary depends on each individual's physique. You are advised to continue using the product until you achieve your target. 個人的體質對產品的有效成份吸收能力不同,所以出現的效果也會不一樣,如果末達到理想效果,建議繼續使用本品 。
Please keep away from children. 請放置於小孩不能觸及的地方。
In order to avoid any skin allergies or any uncomfortable feeling, it is advisable to test a small amount of the cream on your arm before the actual usage. Applies it and waits for 10mins. You may continue using the product if there is no skin allergy or uncomfortable feeling.
The best time to use XS Concentrated Serum is after showering. This is because our body temperature rises right after showering with good blood circulation, thus improving the product absorption.
This is a potent product so it is not suitable to apply on face. 由於產品的強效性, 不能作為一般的護理品用於身體其他部位,也不能作為瘦臉產品使用。
Scrubs or exfoliates your body regularly, so that dead skin will not affect the product absoprtion. 定期為身體肌膚去角質,避免老廢角質影響吸收效果。
Not suitable to use during pregnancy. 懷孕期不宜使用。
Not suitable to use right after meal. 飯後不宜立即使用。
People with kidney, liver and serious allergic skin problem are not advisable to use. 肝、腎病患者及高過敏感體質者慎用,少數皮膚特別敏感者,皮膚病患者慎用。
Results will be vary depends on each individual's physique. You are advised to continue using the product until you achieve your target. 個人的體質對產品的有效成份吸收能力不同,所以出現的效果也會不一樣,如果末達到理想效果,建議繼續使用本品 。
Please keep away from children. 請放置於小孩不能觸及的地方。
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pls provide NAME, ADDRESS, CONTACT NUMBER for courier the goods.
Bank Transfer Instructions
Maybank 507077414448 a/c name: Berapit Online Enterprise
PBB 4586378808 a/c name: Lee Choon Hua
CIMB 7022996520 a/c name: Lee Choon Hua
more detail pls contact:
whatsapp/sms 019-4225511 wechat: William-lee9
whatsapp/sms 012-4219239 wechat: liz_heng
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