Crynx Ascend Spray Instant Lifting Spray Italy Crynx V-Spray 意大利 V脸喷雾 (30ml)

Crynx Instant Lifting Spray (V-Spray) is a product from Italy. This essence combines with Kigelia Africana fruit extract, watermelon fruit extract and botanical hyaluronic acid that are proven to help firms and tighten skin for irresistible, dewy fresh, and radiant glow. Crynx Instant Lifting Spray (V-Spray) is a non-sticky and safe to use for all skin types; sensitive, dry, normal, combination and aging skin. It is suitable for women as well as men.
Ascend Spray is a lifting spray that gives you your desired lifting result fast. ❤ Combined with advance formula that helps to promote skin metabolism. With just a spray, your skin looks tighter, firmer, and more lifted almost instantly!❤
- Lifts, firms and tightens your skin without injections or surgery
- Smoothes, tightens and firms loose skin and sagging cheeks
- Removes dark circles and puffiness under the eyes
- Nourishes and revitalizes your skin at the same time
- Shrinks pores and improve the skin texture
[First Use]
1. Clean your face.
2. Spray evenly on half of your face to easily compare with the other side of your face.
3. Let the mist air dry on face, so that got time to absorbed into the face. Don't need to wipe, tap or massage.
4. Once it dried out, you can compare the difference between two side of spray and non-spary face.
5. Parts to see are cheeks, eyebags, finelines, eye side and lips side.
6. Continue to spray for the other side.
[Step-by-step to use with other skin care]
Cleanser → Toner → Crynx Vspray → Serum → Moisturizer → Sunscreen
Suggest to use it for more than 28 days to see the best results. Your skin will be brightened up and jaw lines will be obviously become more fine, further more the V shape of your face will be enhanced.
Crynx Mengangkat Spray Segera (V-Spray) adalah produk dari Itali. Intipati ini menggabungkan dengan ekstrak Kigelia Africana buah-buahan, ekstrak buah tembikai dan asid hyaluronik botani yang terbukti untuk membantu firma dan mengetatkan kulit untuk dilawan, segar dewy, dan berseri. Crynx Spray Mengangkat Segera (V-Spray) adalah tidak melekit dan selamat untuk digunakan untuk semua jenis kulit; sensitif, kering, normal, kombinasi dan penuaan kulit. Ia adalah sesuai untuk wanita dan juga lelaki.
- Lif, firma dan mengetatkan kulit anda tanpa suntikan atau pembedahan
- Melicinkan, mengetatkan dan kulit firma longgar dan kendur pipi
- Menghilangkan lingkaran hitam dan keadaan bengkak di bawah mata
- Memelihara dan menyegarkan semula kulit anda pada masa yang sama
- Mengecilkan liang-liang dan memperbaiki tekstur kulit
只需喷一喷,不需要几天几夜,只需要1分钟以内可以明显看到效果哦,下垂的脸部向上提,马上firming, 眼袋法令纹也明显改善~ 还能帮助保湿提亮肤色哟可以随时随地喷,打造迷人的脸蛋~ 我们主要卖的是效果哟 我们说的太好,倒不如你亲身体验,绝对让你爱上他
Crynx V Spray ❤ 唯一一款独一无二 "绝不是暂时性” 的1分钟的·V Spray
水果摄取果和植物蛋白质所提炼的, 不含激素 不含铅 不含水银 不含任何违禁品 , 绝对安全
#Crynx #Ascend #Spray #Instant #Lifting #Spray #Italy #Crynx #V-Spray #意大利 #V脸 #喷雾 #30ml
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