Inspired by the concept of Mediterranean diet, now the new and advanced Mediterranean Gold PLUS comes with ground-breaking formulation – LePheno, extensively researched, created and produced exclusively to Return Legacy in collaboration with Fytexia.
Unparalleled and unlike any other in its category, this polyphenol-rich formulation together with other various fruits and vegetables extracts is vital for your inner and outer health and wellness. Experience the enhanced effectiveness and discover powerful nutritional benefits in the new Mediterranean Gold PLUS.
Key Ingredients:
22 types of Fruits and Vegetables extracts
Red Grape extract
L - Arabinose
Chromium Yeast
Olive extract
Enhance self-production of antioxidant enzymes, which helps to: -
Decrease the process of ageing
Strengthen our body immune system
Reduce oxidative stress caused by free radical
Reduce advents of adverse metabolic conditions
Help in weight loss by: -
Limiting calorie absorption
Reducing waist and hip circumference significantly, hence toning the body in the process
Breaking down accumulated fats which in turn converts to energy
Increase energy level and vitality through: -
Enhancing our body physically
Improving metabolic rate
Skin health and aesthetics
Reduce cellulite
Increase skin firmness
Promote overall health and wellness
Improve blood circulation
Regulate blood pressure
Modulate cholesterol level
Lepheno a scientific and innovative wonder crafted for the New Mediterranean Gold PLUS. Consist of vitamin and high potent polyphenols from various extracts of Grapefruit, Grape, Green Tea, Guarana and Black Carrot, LePheno brings forth strong and potent antioxidant properties which effectively prevent and reduce progression of adverse metabolic conditions that is prevalent in today’s society. With its clinically proven and tested results, you can only reap the effective benefits from this leading-edge formulation in a health supplement.
Antioxidant enzyme level: +30.5 %
Abdominal fat: -7.1%
Waist and hips circumference: -2 to 3 cm
Vitality and energy: Significantly improved
Cellulite reduction: 92 % were satisfied
Skin firmness: 73% were satisfied
* Clinically proven and tested after 12 weeks of LePheno presence in the body
Suitable for 12 years old and above, especially for whom: -
Has an inadequate diet (skip meals, eat less than 2 servings of fruits and 5 servings of vegetables per day)
Wants to increase antioxidant level
Consumes highly processed or unhealthy food regularly
Drinks alcohol and / or smokes
Ingredients: LePheno (Grapefruit extract, Grape extract, Green Tea extract, Guarana extract, Black Carrot extract, Vitamin B3), Oxxynea (White & Red Grape, Orange, Grapefruit, Bilberry, Papaya, Pineapple, Strawberry, Apple, Apricot, Cherry, Blackcurrant, Tomato, Carrot, Green Tea, Olive, Broccoli, Green Cabbage, Onion, Garlic, Wheat Germ, Cucumber, Asparagus), Isomalto-Oligosaccharide (IMO), Oleactiv (Olive oil), Red Grape (Vinovia), L-arabinose, Chromium Yeast, Vitamin C
How to Consume: Mix with 200ml of lukewarm water, consume 1 to 2 sachets per day.
Net Weight: 30 sachets X 6gm
启发于地中海饮食概念,全新升级的Mediterranean Gold PLUS 采用了传承国际专属的突破性先进配方 - LePheno, 由传承科研和 Fytexia双方合作,反复进行深入细致的调研与试验。融合高浓缩多酚与丰富的蔬果精华,这独占鳌头的配方能高效助您维持健康。卓越、强大的营养效益,尽在崭新Mediterranean Gold PLUS。
1. LePheno
2. 22 种蔬果萃取物
3. 红葡萄萃取物
4. 橄榄萃取物
5. 酵母铬
6. L- 阿拉伯糖
1. 增加体内抗氧化酶的生产
• 延缓老化过程
• 强化免疫系统
• 降低自由基对人体造成的氧化损害
• 促进新陈代谢
2. 有助于体重管理
• 降低热量的吸收
• 减少腰围和臀围,进而达到纤体塑身功效
• 分解体内积累的脂肪并转化为能量
3. 增强体能与活力
• 改善身体机能
• 优化新陈代谢率
4. 肌肤健康与美容
• 减少橘皮组织
• 提高肌肤紧实度
6. 提升健康水平
• 促进血液循环
• 维持良好的血压
• 调节胆固醇指数
LePheno 配方融合创新与高端科技,专为全新 Mediterranean Gold PLUS 精心研发。富含维生素和高效多酚,萃取自葡萄柚、葡萄、绿茶、瓜拉纳和黑胡萝卜具备超强的抗氧化特质,能有效地预防及避免现今社会普遍存在、日趋恶化的新陈代谢问题。
集其经临床试验与证实功效,这强而有效配方 – LePheno可赋予您极大的健康益处
抗氧化酶水平: +30.5 %
腹部脂肪: -7.1%
腰和臀围: -2 至 3 厘米
活力和体能: 明显改善
减少橘皮组织: 92 % 感到满意
肌肤紧实度: 73% 感到满意
* 经 12 周 LePheno临床试验与证实
适合12 岁或以上,特别是: -
饮食不足的人群(三餐不定时,无法每天进食2 份和5份蔬菜)
长期喝酒和 / 或抽烟
如何服用: 以200ml 室温水冲泡饮用,一天一至两包。
净重: 30 包 X 6gm
Mediterranean #Gold #PLUS #Medigold #Return #Legacy
Full-time hotline 全职专业热线:
019-4225511 wechat: William-lee9
012-4219239 wechat: liz_heng
e-mail: info@findwo.com
buy online: www.findwo.com
* free courier in Malaysia
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