Bardox Nutri Detox Diet Bar 排毒代餐能量棒 (13G X 12 SACHETS)
Tasty without getting Fat!
Detox without feeling sick!
2 in 1 as a Meal Replacement and also Body Detox!!
Made from 100% natural ingredients WITHOUT ANY preservatives / colouring / chemical that is harmful to our bodies.
▶ Anti-oxidation 抗氧化
▶ Improve sleep 改善睡眠
▶ Fat absorption 脂肪吸收
▶ Weight control 控制体重
▶ Prevent cancer 预防癌症
▶ Protect the stomach 保护胃
▶ Increase satiety 增加饱腹感
▶ Anti-skin allergies 抗皮肤过敏
▶ Reduce cholesterol 减少胆固醇
▶ Smooth bowel movement 排便顺畅
▶ Supplemental Body Energy 补充体能
▶ Rich Nutritional Value 丰富的营养价值
▶ Accelerating metabolism 加速新陈代谢
▶ Reduce fat accumulation 减少脂肪堆积
▶ Improve digestive system 改善消化系统
▶ Promote blood circulation 促进血液循环
▶ Reduces glucose absorption 减少葡萄糖吸收
▶ Blocking starch decomposition 阻止淀粉分解
▶ Boost body immune system 增强身体免疫系统
▶ Prevent Aging Strengthen Brain 防止衰老强化大脑
▶ Reduce blood fat and blood sugar 减少血脂和血糖
▶ Helps stomach patients improve 帮助胃病患者改善
▶ Remove harmful toxins from the body 清除体内有害毒素
▶ Effectively solve constipation problems 有效解决便秘问题
▶ Helps gastrointestinal motility work properly 有助于肠胃蠕动
▶ Suppresses the formation of harmful bacteria in the intestine 抑制肠道内有害细菌的形成
▶ Prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases 预防心血管疾病和脑血管疾病
★ Belly fat 肚腩
★ Insomnia 失眠
★ Bad breath 口臭
★ Crude skin 皮肤粗糙
★ A lot of pimples 暗疮
★ Gloomy skin 皮肤黯淡
★ Dieting person 节食者
★ Lazy to exercise 懒惰
★ Gets hungry easily 易饿者
★ No time for meal 没时间用餐
★ Always feeling tired 时常觉得累
★ High blood pressure 高血压人群
★ Constipation problem 便秘问题
★ Huge appetite person 胃口大者
★ No time for work out 没时间锻炼身体
Aloe vera 芦荟
☆ Prevent constipation 防止便秘问题
☆ Increase digestive acid 增加消化液分泌
Almond flakes 杏仁片
☆ Reduce cholesterol 降低胆固醇
☆ Rich in nutrition 丰富的营养价值
Walnut jujube 核桃枣泥
☆ Anti-aging 防止衰老
☆ Strengthen brain 健脑益智
☆ Improve sleep quality 改善睡眠
☆ Prevent Constipation 防止便秘问题
Puffed rice 爆米花
☆ Burn fats 消脂
☆ Boost energy 补充人体能量
White kidney bean 白芸豆
☆ Reduce Hunger 消除饥饿感
☆ Starch blocker 阻短淀粉分解
☆ Reduce glucose absorption 减少葡萄糖吸收
Isomaltooligosaccharide 低聚异麦芽糖
☆ Reduce the volume of bacteria 降低病菌量
☆ Inhibit the formation of harmful bacteria 抑制肠道有害菌形成
Oat fiber 燕麦纤维
☆ Control weight 控制体重
☆ Anti-skin allergy 抗皮肤过敏
☆ Prevent cardiovascular 预防心脑血管疾病
☆ Enhance Body Immune System 增强机体免疫力
Wheat fiber 小麦纤维
☆ Lose weight 减肥
☆ Defecation 排便顺畅
☆ Prevent cancer 预防癌症
☆ Lower blood lipids and blood sugar 降低血脂与血糖
Olive oil 橄榄油
☆ Radiation protection 防辐射
☆ Improve digestive system 改善消化系统
☆ Promote blood circulation 促进血液循环
DIRECTIONS: Eat it and drink plenty of water at the same time.
CONTENT : 13g x 12 sachet
ORIGIN : Formulated in New Zealand
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