Bio-LingZhi Wellous Bio LingZhi 灵芝 (100 Tablets)
1 bottle RM180
2 bottles RM340
3 bottles RM500
5 bottles RM820
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BIO-LINGZHI is an immune enhancement formula which contains 250mg Lingzhi Mushroom.
Do your ever wonder, why you catch a cold and get sick easily than others? Or you eat the same dishes with your friends, but only you have diarrhea? Or, you feel tired or sleepy easily in the middle of the day? Or you skin is particularly sensitive, and wounds easily infected? In fact, this is because your immune system is weak which lead to weak physical condition. BIO-LINGZHI was formulated to improve one’s body immunity.
From a medical point of view, the main course of all diseases is due to immune dysfunction. As American medical scientist Mr. Wiley said: “All diseases other than infectious diseases are caused by immune dysfunction”, hence low immunity can be said as the root of all diseases. Lingzhi mushroom possesses great effect of enhancing immune function and improving body’s resistance ability. Lingzhi mushroom has more than 2,000 years of medicinal history in China, it is also known as the magical herbs and according to legend, one can live forever once consume it. The modern medical research has proved that it possesses two-way regulation of human body function, comprehensively improving human immune system and restoring body’s internal organs and cells.
Lingzhi mushroom contains a variety of active ingredients that can help to fully regulate body’s functions. For instances, polysaccharide, contains huge amount of β-glucan which help to regulate body’s immune system, strengthen immunity against pathogen infection, anti-tumor and protect the liver; triterpenes, effectively prevent cardiovascular disease, lower cholesterol, reduce low density cholesterol and prevent hypertension; protein, contains a wide variety of essential amino acid which can help to strengthen immunity, anti-allergic and anti-fungal; germanium, can help to increase the body’s ability to absorb oxygen, generate and activate immune cells, promote metabolism and delay aging.
The greatest function of Lingzhi mushroom is to enhance immunity and is widely used in the medical profession to improve the patient’s immune system, which make it the best regulator and activator of immunity. Besides, as Lingzhi mushroom contains large number of polysaccharides, it can enhance our immunity, inhibit angiogenesis and anti-tumors. Lingzhi possesses antioxidant which can slow down aging, reduce free radicals and maintain youthfulness. Triterpene in it can help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. On the other hand, Lingzhi mushroom can significantly reduce blood cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis. For patients with atherosclerosis, it has the effect of lowering cholesterol, softening the blood vessels and preventing further damage. Moreover, Lingzhi mushroom can protect the liver, reduce liver damage, promote liver metabolism on medicine and toxins, and effectively improve liver function. Furthermore, Lingzhi mushroom contains alkaloids which can aid in anti-inflammatory and analgesic.
Each BIO-LINGZHI tablet contains 250mg Lingzhi mushroom.
Direction of Use:
1-2 tablets, 3 times per day
来自日本北海道的Bio-Ling Zhi (灵芝),全人工培养,无环境污染,无重金属,是100%安全无副作用的保健品!
Bio-Ling Zhi(灵芝)的神奇功效:
✔️ 一罐100粒
✔️ 片剂型
✔️ 每粒含250mg的灵芝(直接吸收全面营养)
✔️ 无需冲泡,用水吞服
国家卫生局批准 KKM认证 - MAL19987062T
灵芝具有双向调节人体机能的作用, 全面使人的免疫系统得到快速提升, 恢复人体的内脏和细胞达到标准化。
*** 一罐有100颗/ One bottle 100 tablets.
BIO-LINGZHI adalah formula penambahan imunisasi yang mengandungi cendawan Lingzhi
Berdasarkan pada sudut pandangan perubatan, sebab utama kebanyakan penyakit adalah disebabkan kegagalan fungsi imunisasi badan. Menurut saintis perubatan Amerika, Mr. Wiley berkata “Semua penyakit selain daripada penyakit berjangkit adalah disebabkan oleh kegagalan fungsi imunisasi tubuh badan”, maka, imunisasi yang rendah boleh dikatakan punca kepada semua penyakit. Cendawan Lingzhi mempunyai kesan terbaik dalam menambah baik fungsi imunisasi dan meningkatkan keupayaan pertahanan badan. Cendawan Lingzhi mempunyai lebih daripada 2,000 tahun sejarah perubatan di China, ia juga dikenali sebagai herba ajaib dan menurut kisah lagenda, sesiapa yang makan cendawan Lingzhi, jangka hayatnya lebih panjang. Kajian perubatan moden telah mengesahkan ia mempunyai regulasi dua hala fungsi badan, menambah baik sistem imunisasi badan secara komprehensif dan mengembalikan sel-sel organ dalaman badan. . Kenapa Perlu Pilih Bio-Lingzi 1. Lulus Ujian Bio Synergy 2. Tiada Mikroba 3. Tiada Logam Berat . - Menigkatkan imunisasi badan - Melancarkan peredaran darah - Memberi zat dalam darah - Sesuai bagi yang mudah jatuh sakit - Cendawan yang sangat berkhasiat (Ganoderma)
Bio-lingzhi telah mengenal pasti beberapa faktor utama menyebabkan badan anda lemah dan tidak bermaya :
- Penuaan
- Tekanan dan keletihan
- Minum dan Merokok
- Kurang bersenam
- Pencemaran alam
- Kurang Tidur
- Diet tidak seimbang
6 Kelebihan Bio-Lingzhi berbanding produk lain di pasaran :
1. Cendawan Lingzhi yang berkualiti tinggi
2. menggunakan Misellium dan badan cendawan lingzhi untuk mengekalkan nutrisi komprehensif
3. Pemeriksaan teliti, tidak mengandungi logam berat dan mikroorganisma, Kualiti terjamin
4. Gabungan Herba ajaib dan teknologi moden yang sempurna
5. Berbentuk tablet, tidak perlu dibancuh
6. sesuai untuk semua golongan vegetaria
Segera atasi penyakit. Jom mulakan dengan Bio-Lingzhi. semua masalah ini akan dapat diatasi segera !
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