H+ @ REOX Series Return Legacy (70ml or 135ml)
70ml RM119
135ml RM199
Reox series H+ with MMNT (Multi-Mineralized Nutrient Technology).
H+ has 10 major effects:
1) Regain & against skin allergies
2) Skin whitening
3) Fasten the desalination of black spot
4) Calm acne skin.
5) Eye protection to prevent eye disease.
6) Rapidly improve skin lock water feature
7) Repair and rejuvenate skin
8) Improve skin textures
9) Strengthen the nutrients to be absorbed by skin
10) Eyes protection
Infused with Micro-Mineralised Nutrient Technology (MMNT), this calming restorative spray is an antioxidant-rich creation that soothes and calms irritated skin while shield it from free radicals.
The most effective way to maintain your skin’s natural beauty is to prevent free radicals damage to skin. Infused with our signature technology, Micro-Mineralised Nutrient Technology (MMNT), the soothing and calming REOX Series H+ creates an antioxidant shield, revealing refreshed and luminous skin with every spritz.
REOX Series H+ is contained with an ingenious packaging that combines an aluminium bottle with a completely sealed aluminium pouch which keeps the powerful H+ safer and more hygienic. The air-pressurised pouch is designed to hold the concentrated ingredients fresh, allowing for next-to-zero exposure to sunlight, humidity, oxygen, contaminants and other extrinsic factors. While remaining H+ at peak potency, we preserve your beauty and healthy skin for longer!
• Start your refreshing day with the calming restorative spray to boost your skin protection. Keep spritzing throughout the day whenever you feel like your skin needs hydration!
• You can use it as facial toner. Simply wet a soft cotton with REOX Series H+ and dab it on cleansed skin.
Suitable for
All Skin Types
KKM: NOT140701332K
Aqua, Potassium citrate, Potassium Carbonate, Silica, Magnesium Sulfate (Formulated with MMNT)
How to use: Spray onto the skin in fine mist. Allow the mist to fully absorbed. Spray on as often as necessary.
1. My skin is oily / dry / sensitive, is 2° REOX Series H+ suitable for me?
Yes, 2° REOX Series H+ can be used for all skin types.
2. Can 2° REOX Series H+ be used on other parts of the body?
Yes, 2° REOX Series H+ is gentle and mild to be used on any part of body.
3. When should I start to use 2° REOX Series H+?
There's no age limit to use 2° REOX Series H+.
4. Where does 2° REOX Series H+'s formulation come from?
2° REOX Series H+ is formulated in Japan.
揉合了革命性微矿化营养技术(MMNT),具舒缓和镇静作用的REOX Series H+舒敏活肤喷雾可赋予您抗氧化保护层
维持天然美肌最有效的方法就是抵御自由基对肌肤造成的伤害。揉合了革命性微矿化营养技术(MMNT),具舒缓和镇静作用的REOX Series H+舒敏活肤喷雾可赋予您抗氧化保护层,每一次喷洒都能使肌肤焕发清新亮采。
为了更安全及卫生地保护强大的活性成份,REOX Series H+舒敏活肤喷雾结合了铝制储罐和全密封铝制袋的精巧包装。压缩空气袋的设计使浓缩成份保鲜,隔绝与阳光、湿度、氧气、污染物和其他外在元素的接触,让活性成份维持最佳效力,功效更持久!
• 使用舒敏活肤喷雾增强肌肤保护,展开清新的一天
• 可用作面部爽肤水。只需将REOX Series H +舒敏活肤喷雾喷洒在化妆棉上,然后往清洁后的脸部轻轻擦拭
Aqua, Potassium citrate, Potassium Carbonate, Silica, Magnesium Sulfate (含MMNT配方)
使用方法: 将产品均匀的喷到脸部。 让薄雾被充分吸收。重复使用以补充肌肤水份。
1. 我的肌肤属于油性/干性/敏感肌肤,请问我适合使用2° REOX Series H+吗?
可以,2° REOX Series H+适用于所有肤质。
2. 2° REOX Series H+可以用在身体上的其他部位吗?
可以,2° REOX Series H+质地温和,可使用于在身体任何部位。
3. 我应该在什么时候开始使用2° REOX Series H+?
2° REOX Series H+的使用是没有年龄限制。
4. 2° REOX Series H+的配方来自哪里?
2° REOX Series H+的配方来自于日本。
#H+ #REOX #Series #Return #Legacy #70ml #135ml #spray

REOX series H+ 注入了微矿化营养技术 (MMNT) 微集群技术将微量元素深入皮肤底层,活化皮肤细胞,促进皮肤的新陈代谢和血液循环,并且能够将老化细胞通过皮肤直接排出体外。負氫離子。
日本+美國最新美容醫學科技, 日本年銷售額過億產品, H+ 有10大功效:
1) 能讓過敏肌膚恢復正常。
2) 讓肌膚美白。
3) 讓黑斑快速淡化
4) 鎮靜青春痘肌膚
5) 保護眼睛,預防眼疾
6) 快速提升肌膚鎖水功能
7) 修复肌肤
8) 改善皮肤状态
9) 加强肌肤营养吸收
10) 保护眼睛
1) 洗脸时
-洗脸霜/卸妆液+ H+
-喷H+于脸+ 部和颈项
** 使用适量即可。
2) 敷脸时, 可将H+喷雾 加入面膜中
3) 喷H+在皮肤不均匀色泽的部分如: 腋下和大腿
4) 喷H+在伤口、口腔、眼睛、腋下、脚或 下体的部分
5) 喷H+在产生异味的空间如:厕所,鞋柜, 冰橱,汽车等。
6) 当浸洗蔬果时,加入H+,可去除农药, 保持蔬果新鲜美味
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