Suffering from annoying constipation and bloating?
Having high cholesterol health issue?
Feeling sluggish and lethargic?
ZERO+ is an all-natural digestive wellness kit which is developed and formulated in North America to tackle the three main causes of poor digestion: bacteria overgrowth, constipation and poor nutrient absorption. A healthy digestive system can help result in improved regularity, less bloating, more energy, better sleep and healthy-looking hair, skin and nails.
This colon and bowel detox kit is mainly designed as a weekly rapid detoxification or an one month gradual cleanse. Detoxing the bowel regularly not only provides the equivalent of a 'spring clean' effect, it also supports the colon and liver so they can perform their important filtering role more effectively.
ZERO+ contains a blend of tonic herbs and functional food to support cleansing and bowel function, and other key nutrients to support colon and liver detoxification. It may be undertaken as a rapid one week detox, or a more gentle detox over one month depending on your lifestyle and condition.
[1] Acting as a Digestive Detoxifier: The herbs contain natural prebiotics and probiotics to help rid the body of bad bacteria that can potentially cause gas, bloating and lack of energy.
[2] Acting as a Digestive Cleanser: This lemongrass, lemon balm, and lemon extract combinations gently brush the lining of the intestinal wall to help eliminate built-up waste and toxins.
淨化消化系統:ZERO+ 成功混合香茅、檸檬香脂和檸檬萃取物,輕刷腸壁以幫助清
[3] Acting as a Digestive Drink: ZERO+ is the perfect digestive drink to help promote regularity and a healthy digestion. ZERO+ proprietary herbal selection, in a delicious lemon drink, gives your body the daily fibre you need to help keep your body regular. This formula creates a gel to help bind toxins, fats and cholesterols to reduce their absorption into the body. It's never been easier to have a healthy digestive system!
提升消化功能: ZERO+ 幫助身體達到有規律和健康的消化系統。 ZERO+ 專有的草藥混搭,給您的身體提供每日所需要的纖維。這個
Toxins play havoc with our physical health. They reduce quality of life and are the cause of many ailments. They skillfully poison us, slowly over time. Day by day pile up in our bodies and we lose the energy to expel them in such huge quantities.
After a few years, our health begins to fail and we end up miserable as we develop one disease after another. So if you are tired, lack of energy or are missing the enthusiasm to do anything – that is a sign your body is in urgent need of a detox treatment.
Fecal masses that don't excrete accumulate in the body. It can amount to pounds in weight. And toxin sit in the intestines, poison us slowly but surely. Storing up dangerous substances takes years. It is a silent but deadly process.
STOP! It does not have to be this way. You can save yourself from these horrors and secure a healthy life for yourself. Embraces ZERO+ today.
讓我們從今天開始一起遠離這些惡夢,讓 ZERO+ 徹底改變您的人生吧。
Are you looking for an effective and proven detoxification formula? A recipe which is scientifically tested and proven? ZERO+ have undergone laboratory tests at Medallion Labs, Minneapolis, United States.
ZERO+ 是經過美國明尼阿波利斯的獎章實驗室所進行的一連串測試
The blend consists of carefully selected herbs and functional food to ensure the quality of detoxification is met. Each ingredient is tested in lab and all extractions are done via Supercritical Fluid Extraction Method to guarantee the level of standardisation.
Lemon juice powder 檸檬果汁粉 5gm
Lemon peel extract 檸檬果皮提取物 500mg
Lemongrass extract 香茅提取物 200mg
Lemon balm 檸檬香脂 100mg
Silybum marianum seed 水飛薊種子 (Milk Thistle 水飛薊 5.5gm = 120mg Silymarin 水飛薊素)
Taraxacum officinale root 西洋蒲公英根 250mg
Psyllium plantago husk 車前子殼 150mg
Arctium lappa root 牛蒡子根 150mg
Glycyrrhiza glabra root 光果甘草根 75mg
Trifolium pratense flowering herb 紅車軸草 75mg
Rhamnus purshianus bark 鼠李皮 50mg
Curcuma longa rhizome (Turmeric) 薑黃根莖 50mg
Rumex crispus root (Yellow Dock) 羊蹄草根 50mg
Lemon Juice Powder 檸檬果汁粉
- Helps detoxify body. 有助於排毒。
- Promotes natural digestive health. 促進自然消化健康。
- Boosts up immunity system. 提升免疫能力。
Lemon Peel Extract 檸檬果皮提取物
- An excellent source of fiber, potassium, magnesium, calcium, folate, and beta carotene. 富含纖維、鉀、鎂、鈣、葉酸鹽和β-胡蘿蔔素。
- Contains citrus bioflavonoids which reduces levels of oxidative stress. 含有柑橘類黃酮,可降低氧化應激水平。
- Helps removing harmful elements. 有助於去除有害元素。
Lemongrass Extract 香茅提取物
- Helps in flushing out toxins and wastes from the body. 有助於清除體內毒素及廢物。
- Helps in making bowel movement efficient. 促進腸胃蠕動。
- Helps in detoxifying and cuts down fats. 有助於排毒和減少脂肪。
- Helps in restricting free radical damage and oxidation process in the body. 有助於克制自由基對身體造成的損傷和氧化過程。
- Prevents skin aging, wrinkles and skin pigmentation. 抑制皮膚老化,以及皺紋和斑蚊的形成。
- Rich in antioxidants. 富含抗氧化劑。
Lemon Balm 檸檬香脂
- Protects organs from the damaging effects caused by toxins. 保護身體器官不被毒素的侵害。
- Supports liver’s production of two natural antioxidants: glutathione & superoxide dismutase. 支持肝臟生產兩種天然抗氧化劑: 穀胱甘肽和超氧化物歧化酶。
Silybum Marianum Seed 水飛薊種子
- Protects liver cells from getting damaged by alcohol and other toxic substances. 保護酒精和其他有毒物質對肝細胞造成的損害。
- Inhibits the binding of toxins to the liver. 抑制毒素與肝臟的結合。
- Encourages liver cell growth. 促進肝細胞的生長。
Taraxacum Officinale Root 西洋蒲公英根
- Stimulates the functions of the stomach, liver and bile, causing a high diuresis. 刺激胃、肝和膽的運作,從而提高利尿作用。
- Helps to eliminate metabolic wastes through the urine. 有助於通過尿液排除代謝廢物。
- Rich in natural potassium, which enriches the body supply. 富含天然的鉀。
Psyllium Plantago Husk 車前子殼
- Makes bowel movements much easier. 促進腸胃蠕動。
- Helps to promote regularity. 讓身體機能更有規律。
- Contains a spongy fibre that reduces appetite. 含有能夠抑制食慾的海綿狀纖維。
- Improves natural body digestion and cleanses the system. 提高身體的自然消化和淨化系統。
Arctium lappa Root 牛蒡子根
- Acts as a laxative and prebiotic. 被用作排泄輔助品和益生元。
- Helps in regulating blood-sugar level. 有助於調節血糖水平。
- Contains good amounts of electrolyte potassium. 含有豐富的電解質鉀。
Glycyrrhiza Glabra Root 光果甘草根
- Acts as a demulcent, a soothing and coating agent. 被用作緩和劑、舒緩劑和塗層劑。
- Helps to get rid of phlegm. 幫助祛痰。
Trifolium Pratense Flowering Herb 紅車軸草
- Relieves symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). 緩解經前期綜合徵的症狀。
- Reduces hot flashes in menopausal women. 減少更年期婦女的潮熱問題。
Rhamnus Purshianus Bark 鼠李皮
- Acts as a laxative. 幫助排泄。
- Solves chronic constipation. 解決嚴重便秘問題。
Curcuma Longa Rhizome 薑黃根莖
- Contains disinfecting properties. 包含消毒性能。
- Promotes healthy digestion and may aid in weight management. 促進健康的消化和體重管理。
- Helps clearing LDL (bad cholesterol) from the body. 幫助清除低密度脂蛋白膽固醇。
- Reduces gas and bloating. 減少氣體和腹脹。
Rumex Crispus Root (Yellow Dock) 羊蹄草根
- Contains many phytonutrients which acts as strong antioxidants. 含有多種富含抗氧化劑的植物營養素。
- Slows down oxidative damages. 減緩氧化造成的傷害。
Zero+ Enhanced with Phytosome Technology
Phytosome®s are lipid compatible molecular complex and are little cell-like structures which are composed of “phyto”. ZERO+ formulated and incorporated with Phytosome® Technology, ensures that the product quality is at its best.
This patented process was developed by a leading supplier of nutraceutical ingredients. The technology involves the incorporation of phospholipids into standardized extracts improving their absorption and bioavailability.
Phytosome® ensures that after cleansing the gut, components of any herbal extract in ZERO+ are protected from destruction by digestive secretions and gut bacteria. Phytosome® shows a transition from hydrophilic environment into the lipophilic environment of the enterocyte cell membrane followed by an entry into the cell finally reaching into blood. This increases the bioavailability of the nutraceutical components.
In comparison to simple herbal extracts, Phytosome®s are more available and have an enhanced capacity to cross the lipid rich biomembranes finally reaching the blood.
Phytosome®s 是一種脂質相容分子複合物,它的小細胞狀結構是由植物形
除此之外,Phytosome® 技術能夠確保在腸道被清洗後 ZERO+ 裡所包含的草藥提取物免受消化分泌物和腸道細菌的破壞。
與簡單的草藥萃取法相較下, Phytosome®s 技術更具有增強跨越富含脂質的生物膜而到達血液的能力。
Q: Who is suitable to consume ZERO+? 誰適合服用 ZERO+ ?
ZERO+ is suitable for those who are having trouble losing weight, or feeling sluggish and lethargic. People who are suffering from constipation also get benefits from ZERO+.
ZERO+ 特別適合那些經常感到疲倦、懶散、無精打采及肥胖人士。
Q: Why should I take ZERO+? 為什麼我需要服用 ZERO+ ?
Toxins are entering our body from every medium such as air, water and food. Although our body is able to eliminate toxins naturally, the amount of toxins entering our body is much higher than our body can handle. With ZERO+, it effectively restores and improves body detoxification functions and aids in expelling toxins from the body.
Q: When is the best time to consume ZERO+? 什麼時候才是最佳服用 ZERO+ 的時間?
It is advised to consume ZERO+ before bed time. This is due to the optimal period of body to absorb nutrients is from 10pm to 6am. During this period of time, organs are restoring and functioning at the peak to ‘heal’ our body. ZERO+ will also be absorbed at the maximum level.
Q: What should I take note when I am consuming ZERO+? 在服用 ZERO+ 期間,我需要注意些什麼?
Taking as much water as possible (2-3 Liter of water throughout the day is recommended). Water is the best solvent for toxins as well as body needs enough water to function well, not just for keeping your body hydrated but also to eliminate toxins from your body. However, do not consume water in a large volume at once. This will ‘trigger’ the diuretic function of body and eliminate the water without being absorbed. Separate the water consumption into several times, 300-350ml at a time.
Q: How to maximise the effect of ZERO+? 如何提升 ZERO+ 的效果?
It is advised to consume more portions of vegetable, fruit and water to enhance the process of detoxification. Do avoid oily food and heavy meal as this might affect the process. Exercises are also recommended in order to help in eliminating toxins through perspiration.
Always consult your physician before starting any detoxification program if you are under any medication.
Mix 1 sachet in 150-200 ml of lukewarm water. Stir well and enjoy your drink.
Consume before bedtime or whenever needed.
STORAGE | 保存方式
Keep in a cool dry place. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
1Box RM120
2Box RM220
4Box RM420
6Box RM600
12Box Free 1Box RM1200
2Box RM220
4Box RM420
6Box RM600
12Box Free 1Box RM1200
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