Sunday, December 18, 2016

TREMELLA DX+ PREMIUM NEW Enzyme Drink 日本酵素排毒 高級版 (16 packets/box)

TREMELLA DX+ PREMIUM NEW Enzyme Drink 日本酵素排毒 高級版 (16 packets/box)

The world’s Japanese enhanced recipe (16 pack x 20gm)

White Fungus Enzyme

✅4 Crucial Market Demands:
Detox, Slimming, Whitening, and Staying Healthy.

✔️Additional Benefits:
The perfect combination of thirty efficient functions (30 in 1):
Fat suppression, body slimming, fat reduction, lipolysis, detox of the liver, nutrient tonic, anti-melanin, prevents acne, removes blemishes, removes water retention, drains fat, improves body immunity, promotes metabolism, brightens skin complexion, improves eyesight, prevents visual diseases, liver protection,eliminates fatigue, enhances sleep, balances hormonal disorders, promotes better digestive system, rids constipation, UV and radiation protection, prevents allergy, energise body cells, blood cell cleansing, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging.

Tremella Dx+ utilises Japanese Trebeaut technology to help promote weight loss &skin whitening.

↘️Main Ingredients:
Upgrade Ingredients��Tremella Extract,
Mix Berry Powder(Strawberry,Cranberry,Raspberry,Blueberry,Blackberry)
Pumpkin Fruit Powder
Vitamin C Powder,Wheat grass,Dandelion,
Green Tea Powder,
R.O Water
+ L-Glutahione(new)

✅Main Ingredients: (Tremella) Fungus

��9 Major Effects:

✔️The White Fungus contains laxative gum, which has a strong lubricating effect. Regular consumption of Tremella Dx+ will remove most toxins from the body, thus making it an excellent solution to constipation.

✔️The White Fungus’ dietary fiber helps with the stomach and intestines. How so? It assists by reducing fat absorption, letting you easily lose weight.

✔️Tremella is also rich in natural herbal gum, added with its "Yin” properties, long-term consumption can enhance beauty, remove facial melasma and of course, freckles.

✔️It is also able to increase the detoxification level of the liver, protecting it from diseases; the White Fungus has also been said to have healing effects on chronic bronchitis, and even pulmonary heart diseases.

✔️It is rich in Vitamin D, which helps retain the body’s much needed calcium level. This is beneficial for the growth and development of the body. It is also abundant in selenium, which is capable of preventing tumors.

✔️The fungus also helps improve cancer patients’ radiotherapy and chemotherapy tolerance levels. How? Other than Selenium, it also contains polysaccharides, which helps enhance humoral and phagocytic activity of macrophages. It also prevents infection, promotes bone marrow growth, and prevents radiation.

✔️Soothe lungs and cough. The fungus can also be found in traditional treatment for Tuberculosis (TB), making it a good supplement for coughs and blood discharge.

✔️The active ingredient in the fungus is the acidic polysaccharides. This helps the body’s immune system with mobilising lymphocytes, strengthen white blood cells, promote blood cell formation in bone marrows, and prevent tumors from growing.

✔️Latest All-New Masterpiece: Also popularly known as the "White Needle” drink.

✅Second Main Ingredient:

❄️(Glutathione, R-Glutamyl, Cysteingl + Glycine, GSH) contains y-sulfhydryl, tripeptide glutamic acid, cysteine, and glycine. In fact, it can be found in most, if not all, of the body’s cells.

✔️Glutathione helps normalise the body’s immune system, and has anti-oxidants as well as detoxification integration, cysteine active group (also known as G-SH).

✔️Besides that, Glutathione also has a wide spectrum of detoxification. Not only does it detox drugs, it also has a functional food base. This helps with anti-aging, skin whitening, immunity enhancement, detox, tumor prevention, and the use of other functional foods.

✔️It can also help quickly get rid of melanoma, jaundice, repair damaged cells, replenish active cells to allow skin whitening for the whole body. From there, it will also help with rough skin, leaving you with smooth younger-looking skin. This gives your entire body and skin a rosy look, from the inside out, restoring skin elasticity. At the same time, it will also help reduce and remove acnes and spots.

✔️Another special point to note is that Glutathione also helps slow down aging cells, control cell oxidation, which in turn also prevent melanin, promote the body’s metabolism and effectively removes skin pigmentation.

One box of Tremella-Dx+ contains 16 packets of 20gm sachets.

��Consumption method:
✔️Shake well before drinking
✔️Best to be consumed before sleep (2 packets if you wish to achieve faster and better results)
✔️2 litres of water have to be drank the next day after consumption, this improves the benefits
✔️Taste is better when chilled

Product Verification:
✔️Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
✔️Singapore Health Sciences Authority
✔️Permulab Sdn. Bhd.

✅Pregnant women, breastfeeding mums, individuals with light sickness can safely consume Tremella-Dx+. (Women who are in the later stages of their pregnancy can temporarily stop taking Tremella-Dx+, those with serious illnesses should consult a doctor before consuming Tremella-Dx+.

Join us today in slimming down, detoxing, skin whitening, and purifying our bodies. All of this starts with Tremella-Dx+White Fungus Enzyme!

This is the start where you will feel energy and spirit like never before! Beauty and health from the inside out starts with you, so let your dreams come true, and have the fair white skin and perfect body shape that you have always wanted!
New package Tremella really so effective Functional enhancement! Add more detoxification and whitening ingredient!

全球首創日本配方 -日本蔬果植物綜合酵素(高級版)
【 市場 4大主要需求 】
【 其他功效 】
三十種功效為一體 -完美組 合 (30 IN 1)
抑脂排脂,瘦身纖 體 , 減少脂肪堆積,脂肪分 解,肝臟解毒,滋補養生,抗黑 色素,祛痘,淡斑,祛水腫,排 油,增強免疫系統,促進新陳代 謝,提亮膚色,增加視力,抗眼 科疾病,保護肝臟,消除疲勞, 改善睡眠,調理荷爾失調,排宿 便,解便秘,輻射防護,抗紫外 線傷害,抗過敏,活化細胞, 淨化血液,抗菌,抗炎,抗衰老
【 主要成分功效 】
銀耳含膠質多能潤腸通便,具有很強的潤滑作用,經常食用可將體內的 大部分毒素帶出體外,對便秘非常有效
銀耳富有天然植物性膠質,加上它的滋陰作用,長期服用可以潤膚養 顏,並有祛除臉部黃褐斑、雀斑的功效
富含維生素D,能防止鈣的流失,對生長發育十分有益;銀耳中的有效成 分酸性多醣類物質,以及富含硒等微量元素能增強人體的免疫力
滋補強壯也是銀耳的作用之一,因為銀耳含有多醣成分,能增強體抗免 疫,不但有抗感染功能,還有促進骨髓造血,抗輻射
銀耳是古代治肺癆潤肺止咳(肺結核)咳嗽,吐血的良藥 配合專利成分-銀耳萃取物以及其他昂貴的天然成分研製而成,銀耳含有豐富的 食物纖維,飽足感同時,會吸附多餘脂肪一起排出。加快新陳代謝,消耗體內脂 肪,預防和減少脂肪的堆積。低脂肪,低熱量,非常適宜減肥或是肥胖人士。它富含維生素c,有助肝臟解毒,清理身體內長期淤積的毒素,增進身體健康,增加免 疫細胞的活性, 消除體內的有害物質。它所擁有的纖維素可以促進腸壁的蠕動, 幫助消化,保持腸道腸內糞便濕潤,以利通便。
【 谷胱甘太 L-Glutathione 】
谷胱甘太(L-glutathione,r-glutamyl cysteingl + glycine,GSH)是一種含γ-酰胺鍵和巰基的 三肽,由谷氨酸、半胱氨酸及甘氨酸組成。其實也存在於幾乎身體的每一個細 胞。穀胱甘肽能幫助保持正常的免疫系統的功能,並具有抗氧化作用和整合解 毒作用,半胱氨酸上的巰基為其活性基團(故常簡寫為G-SH)穀胱甘肽具有廣 譜解毒作用,不僅可用於藥物,更可作為功能性食品的基料,在延緩衰老、美 白肌膚、增強免疫力、排毒、抗腫瘤等功能性食品廣泛應用。 能夠快速分解人體肌膚的黑色素、黃色素,修復受損細胞,補充活化美白因子 使全身美白因子的細胞更新,從而改善缺氧性暗亞、粗糙皮膚等一系列青春消 逝現象,令全身肌膚由內至外白裡透紅、恢復彈性,同時對已經形成的暗瘡、 斑點具有淡化改善的效果。 特點在於能迅速扭轉病態功能細胞的早齡老化,抑制細胞氧化,阻止黑色素生 成,促進新陳代謝,有效減弱和祛除色斑。 人體是可以在飲用入口之後的8小時以內,會直接自然吸收,當然多或少也是 看體質吸收程度,而不會因為隔天排毒而排出,長期飲用效果將從內而外的改 善,減少黑色素對我們的影響,尤其是肌膚美白透亮最為明顯。它本身其實就是一個維持免疫系統,並具有抗氧化作用和整合排毒作用。 簡單來說是人體所需的抗氧化劑,俗稱喝的美白針,可稱為醫美級的保健品。
【 其他主要成分功效 】
草莓:去火,解暑,清熱,促進胃腸蠕動,幫助消化,改善便秘,預防痔瘡,養肝 作用,抗腸癌,對胃腸道和貧血均有滋補調理作用,清除體內的重金屬離子
蔓越莓: 抗老化,預防胃潰瘍,美化肌膚,抑制幽門螺旋桿菌附著於腸胃
覆盆子: 益腎,固精,縮尿,抑菌作用,抗眼科疾病,抗衰老作用
藍莓: 清肝明目,降脂降壓,具有修復人體的生理機能,調理慢性疾病,具有明 顯的增強視力,消除眼睛疲勞,養顏肌膚,延緩腦神經衰老,改善糖尿病 引起的毛細血管病,增強心臟功能,預防老年癡呆
黑莓: 增強免疫力,幫助消化,癒合傷口,抗癌,護眼,莊骨,促進健康細胞分 裂
南瓜: 清除體內的重金屬,增強肝腎的再生能力,幫助消化,保護胃黏膜,防止 糖尿病,降低血糖,解毒,消除致癌物質
小麥草: 清除體內鉛、鎘、汞、鋁、銅等有毒金屬,抗糖尿病,平衡血糖,清 肝,降低高血壓,清除各種毒素,促進血液流通,減肥,促進傷口 癒合,解除便秘,治療各种血液毛病,消除口臭,改善近視 蒲公英: 清熱解毒,消腫,利尿 綠茶: 抵抗老化,抗自由基,抗菌,降血脂,瘦身減脂,清口臭,防癌,美 白,抗紫外線,改善消化不良
蒲公英: 清熱解毒,消腫,利尿
綠茶: 抵抗老化,抗自由基,抗菌,降血脂,瘦身減脂,清口臭,防癌,美 白,抗紫外線,改善消化不良
黃原膠: 是一種食品增稠劑,其耐鹽性甚佳,並有耐熱性、耐酵素性、耐解凍性

【 飲用方式 】
‧ 無需沖泡,攜帶方便,撕開封口即可飲用
‧ 餐前1小時或餐後1小時(空腹吃有利于改善 體質問題;身體特虛弱者、營養不良的人放 在飯后飲用,幫助吸收營養)一天飲用一包 即可
‧ 請務必堅持持續飲用18天以上 ‧ 快速達成效果可飲用2包(如有需要)
【 溫馨提醒 】
普通人士隔天務必飲用2公升以上的水,也可 以配合運動,已達到更好效果
冷凍後口味更佳(綜合酸甜水果口味) · 8-10小時會進行排便排毒(依照想排毒時間 來決定飲用的時間)
排毒酵素在經期也可正常飲用,與平時吃食 物藥物保健品沒有衝突。
建議不要混合其它排毒產品一起服用 · 長期身體如果沒有排毒淨化會造成:肥胖, 便秘,生病,衰老,腸道易激綜合症,十二 指腸潰瘍,濕疹,黃褐斑,痔瘡,口臭,失 眠,變笨,變醜,皮膚搔癢暗黃乾燥老化等 症狀
【 規格 】
‧ 一盒16包(1包/20克)
‧ 100%天然,素食者可飲用 ‧ 無添加化學有害物質, 無添加色素,無瀉藥
【 產品驗證/獎項 】
【 適合人群 】
肥胖,頑固性便秘,便秘,水腫,皮膚粗糙,皮膚暗黃,肌膚老化,酸性體 質,視力不佳,口臭,內分泌失調,月經不調,過度吸煙飲酒,失眠,更年 期綜合症,宿酒,經常感冒,易疲勞,體弱等等症狀。
【 療程分析 】
(飲用療程之後達到滿意效果,可以根據個人選擇,改為2天一包或者3天一包 維持)
愛吃宵夜/時常吃煎炸烤油膩食物/甜食/維持身材者-可選擇2天一包,或者 大吃大喝之後飲用
【 飲用期間的效果 】
排便量大,次數多,將大腸的宿便全部排空,胃部略覺翻騰不適,放屁連連; 排毒與整腸反應,糞便浮出馬桶水面,起初呈現深褐色,之後呈現金黃色。 (毒素清除後,無毒素的反應與證明)
中期飲用30 - 96天的效應:
減少大腸內的水分與糞便長時間混合所產生的大量毒素。避免毒素在被人體吸 收以減輕肝臟等器官的負荷。身體各組織器官與血液種的毒素開始減少,含氧 量開始增加,人開始限的精神清爽,此時體內毒素已經大幅度減少,人不但精 神好,臉上皮膚光澤及細膩,肥胖便秘問題也逐漸改善。
體內毒素完全被清除,大部分的疾病,肥胖因為毒素的排出及身體體質的改 變,在不知不覺中不藥而癒。對於改善,抵抗與預防各種文明病,慢性病, 顯現卓越的效應,進而自然健康;延年益壽留住青春,調整內分泌系統,改 善內分泌失調的情況,避免色素沈澱,減少黑斑黑色素的形成。 (以上效果主要還是因個人體質而異,效果快慢取決於體質吸收關係 )
【 瘦身的運作原理 】
‧ 減肥先排毒這是順序,排毒減肥也會事半功倍,但是這個不是減肥藥,不是 喝一包晚上睡一覺早上起來就能瘦10公斤。
‧ 這是安全到孕婦哺乳期和月子都可以飲用的,是純天然綜合蔬果植物酵 素,想快速減肥瘦身不能用化學藥理的快速效應要求它,它的原理是排除 體內毒垢,提供腸道有足夠運作養分,加快機能代謝,成分裡混合的 berrypowder它能夠加速脂肪的燃燒和阻斷脂肪的合成,能吸附體內油脂燃 脂並且排出來,減肥是這個產品的附加值。當你的體內沒有毒素,身體綠 化了,機能加快了,多餘熱量不囤積,身體重新平衡體內環境,不知不覺 就瘦了。
‧ 備註:每個人體質反應吸收不同,最後的效果快慢也因人而異
【 顧客常有問題 】
多久看到效果/飲用之後有什麼症狀/會不會反彈/胸部會不會變小/有沒有依 賴性:
每個人體制不同,飲用隔天即可幫助排便順暢,解決便秘水腫問題,排便 次數因人而異,一開始排便次數多也無須擔心,都是平時飲食還有毒素縮 便導致的正常反應,持續堅持飲用,排便次數會減少,從而改善肥胖體型 減輕體重還有美白肌膚。
如果您在飲用第一天是無法正常排便,也無需擔心,因個人體質及吸收能 力不同,達到的效果也各不相同,總有一部分人的體質是需要慢慢調理, 需要給酵素發揮功效的時間和過程,堅持飲用,就能夠調理順利排便。
毒素在我們人體內一直都會產生,做好排毒工作,就不怕再發胖或者面對 其他問題
酵素主要調理身體機能運作,改善新成代謝,身體自然更好吸收功效,幫 助改善腸胃問題,淨化血液,活化細胞,分解多餘脂肪,然而對於胸部是 沒有任何縮小的影響。
酵素是綜合多種蔬果菜結合,需要長時間發酵之後,經過冷凍萃取技術, 在滲入一包一包的袋裝裡,它是活性的保健飲料,更是補充你身體缺乏的 酵素元素,從而達至排毒,美白,瘦身和改善易胖的體質。
服用產品的時候毒素排出排便很順暢,停止後只要新陳代謝還會有垃圾廢 物產生,這個問題不叫依賴性,飲用一盒產品保不了一輩子,皮鞋都要天 天擦才亮,家裡衛生每天都需要打掃,更何況腸毒乃萬病之源必須重視。 純天然的東西會有依賴性?依賴產品只能證明你食物中攝取的這方面營養太少,產品剛好補充給你了。

manual order:
After do the payment,
pls provide NAME, ADDRESS, CONTACT NUMBER for courier the goods.

Bank Transfer Instructions
Maybank 507077414448  a/c name:  Berapit Online Enterprise
PBB 4586378808 a/c name: Lee Choon Hua
CIMB 7022996520 a/c name: Lee Choon Hua

more detail pls contact:
whatsapp/sms 019-4225511 wechat: William-lee9
whatsapp/sms 012-4219239 wechat: liz_heng

buy online:
** Free courier in Malaysia

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