Saturday, August 24, 2019

YUZUMI Tremella Detox 柚·美 蔬果植物酵素綜合排毒飲 (16 Sachets/Box)

YUZUMI Tremella Detox 柚·美 蔬果植物酵素綜合排毒飲 (16 Sachets/Box)

Japan Patented, comprehensive detox drink made of veggies, fruits, and enzyme.

Flavour : Mixed Berries
Drinking Method:
Portable, no need to brew
Just tear off the seal to drink
It Tastes better when cold

Product Certification/ Award:
• Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (NPRA) 
•2018 Asia Pacific International Honesty Enterprise Keris Award
•Two Million Liability Insurance

•Medical Staff’s Most Welcomed Health Brand Award(Hong Kong) 2019
~Contains 16 sachets/box (20g/pack)
~Natural fruit extract
~YUZUSENOL (Japan Patented)
~Made in Malaysia
~Manufacturer: GMP/HACCP/HALAL
~Detox, slimming, whitening, improves skin
~Suitable For Breastfeeding & Preggy Mummies*^
*(after 16 weeks and only up to 2packs a week)
^(as for any other types of supplement, please be sure to check with your gynae before consuming)

Who should take the Tremella Enzyme drink?
Excess fat
Body edema
Unhealthy diet
Chemical product
Pale complexion

Slimming , Moisturizing, Lacative , Sedative, Constipation, Promoting Gastrointestinal Motility, Helping Digestion, Fat Decomposition, Reducing Fat Absorption, Liver Detoxification, Beauty and Skincare, Anti-melanin, Acne, Blemishes, Oedema, Getting Rid Of Grease, Boosting the Immune System, Promoting Metabolism, Brightening the Skin Tone, Eye Protection, Liver Protection, Eliminating Fatigue, Improving Sleep, Regulating Hormone Imbalance, Haemorrhoid Prevention, Eliminating Bad Breath, Radiation Protection, Anti-Allergy, Anti-Bacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-Aging, Reducing Inflammations , Soothing Nerves, Removing Heavy Metal Ions From the Body, Wound Healing, Promoting nutrient Absorption, Anti-Pyretic and Relieving Heat Stroke.

- Consume one hour before or after meal or before bedtime (Physiology issues can be improved if consume on an empty stomach; Those with weak or malnourished body should consume after meal to improve nutrients absorption).
- Consume one packet per day
- Consume 2 packets for a rapid effect (If necessary)
- Consume more than 18 days.
- No need to brew. Easy to carry. Open the seal and just drink.

Main Ingredients:
- YUZUSENOL, Konjac, Papain, Mixed Berry Powder (Strawberry, Cranberry, Raspberry, Blueberry, Blackberry), Pumpkin Fruit Powder, Green Tea, Water.
- YUZUSENOL ~Japanese citron, written in Japanese kanji as 'yuzu'.

Flavor: - Mixed berries flavor. Taste best when chilled!!

Product Origin:
- Raw materials imported from Japan, Uses the frozen extraction technique. Fully processed in a sterile room.
YUZU·MI 【蔬果植物酵素綜合排毒飲】
饮用方式: 无需冲泡,携带方便
添加日本专利新排毒成分: 柚子提炼精华 ———营养效果提升5倍!

5大功效 : 一包就能排毒,瘦身,消水肿,美肤,保健 等等30多种功效
【 适合】 肥胖,便秘,水肿,痘痘肌肤,口臭,内分泌失调,经痛,失眠,体弱,皮肤暗黄粗糙,免疫力差体弱等症状
【认证 】 马来西亚/新加坡/香港卫生部,HALAL,国际SGS,日本营养认证,2016亚太10大健康品牌 医生推荐 2019最受医护人员欢迎健康品牌

旅行带上一包 想胖都难
女人就该让自己 白的诱人 美得轻松

#撕开即饮 #超级方便 #无需瑶瑶杯

為什麼選擇我們的YUZU•MI 蔬果植物酵素綜合排毒飲? YUZUSENOL™️ 獨家日本專利成分含有維生素B1、維生素B2、維生素C、維生素P、胡蘿蔔素、鉀、磷,脂肪油、黃 柏酮、黃柏內酯,生理活性物質皮甙,是日本醫學界公認的最具食療效益的專利成分。其成分有效 幫助減肥、清腸、通便、美膚、 降血糖、降血脂。經常食用,對肥胖者有助於瘦身纖體保健功能。

#tremella #yuzumi #detox #slimming #weightloss #
蔬果 #植物 #酵素 #綜合 #排毒 #飲 #YUZU·MI

1 box RM140
2 boxes RM260
4 boxes RM440 (free Kosmiix x1)
6 boxes RM600 (free Kosmiix x1)
10 boxes RM1000 (free 1 box + Kosmiix x1) 

more detail pls contact:
whatsapp/sms 019-4225511 wechat: William-lee9
whatsapp/sms 012-4219239 wechat: liz_heng
buy online:

Free courier in Malaysia

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