éPure Membranous Jelly Masque (Jar 250ml) 水凝弹性冰晶膜罐
Developed by the renowned Dr.Yulong Moy from USA, ePure Membranous Jelly Masque is the first-of-its-kind facial mask with ACF (Active Cellular Factor), formulated for intense hydration, increasing the skin moisture by 30%-50%. It works to restore and balance the skin by removing impurities like blackheads/whiteheads effectively and instantaneously. It also inhibits melanin synthesis, which lightens pigmentation, balances uneven skin tone and leaves your skin brighter and supple with dewy fresh vibrance.
Instant results in 40 minutes:
• Fairer skin
• More even skin tone
• Pores refined
• Lifting & firming of the cheek
• Laugh lines decreased
• Pimple spots & redness lightened
• Less blackheads
• Control Melanin
• Moisturizing
• Lightening dark circles
• Improve the problem of sensitive skin redness
• Oil Control
• Repair sun damage or allergic skin
Main Ingredients:
1. Triple moisturizing hyaluronic acid composite factor
2. Algae Extract
3. Jojoba Leaf Extract
4. Arbutin
Usage instructions for optimal results:
1. For the first month of using ePure, use 3 times a week. After the first month of using ePure, you can cut down on the frequency to once OR twice a week depending on the results that you are after.
2. Apply a whole sachet per usage. One box of ePure contains 6 sachets. So, 2 boxes of ePure is enough for one month usage.
3. Apply a thickness of 0.5cm of ePure mask onto skin for best results.
4. Leave the mask on for 40 minutes.
5. Mask can be applied to eye area to lighten dark eye circles.
For those with acne prone skin, your skin will feel less oily the next day after only 1 application.
Meawhile, for those who apply make-up everyday, your make-up will tend to last longer after using ePure.
For mature skin, you can see a reduction of fine lines after the 2nd application and your skin will become firmer plus more elastic.
Frequent users of ePure do not need to go for facials as ePure provides the same benefits.
In short, this mask is an all-benefit-in-one mask that is suitable for all skin types, even for sensitive skin, 8 years old to 80 years old, male or female, can solve all skin's problems except deep scars.
[ 商品介绍 ]
來 自éPure的水凝弹性冰晶膜是配合美国医学美容医生Dr. Yulong Moy首创的独特配方ACF活性细胞因子所研发而制成, 它比一般的面膜含有70%更多的保湿因子,更能让肌肤毛孔完全吸收珍贵的养份,同时瞬间排出毛孔里的杂质。它也抑制黑色素合成进而浅化斑点,解决色素不均 的问题,让您的肌肤净白无暇,水嫩紧致有活力。
[ 商品功效 ]
1. 抑制黑色素、淡化斑点和痘印;
2. 紧致毛孔;
3. 清除毛孔中的老废角质;
4. 补水保湿;
5. 减少黑头白头;
6. 淡化黑眼圈;
7. 美白 & 均匀肤色;
8. 改善敏感肌肤的红血丝问题;
9. 控油;
10. 修复晒伤或过敏肌肤。
[ 主要成份 ]
1. 玻尿酸三重保湿复合因子
2. 海藻精华
3. 荷荷巴叶精华
4. 熊果苷。
[ 适用肌肤 ]
[ 使用方法 ]
1. 洗脸后先搽化妆水打底。 (如果再搽精华液效果更好)
2. 用挖棒敷全脸0.3-0.5cm厚,鼻头和有斑点的部位加强。
3. 30-40分钟后轻轻由上往下刮掉,用清水完全洗净。
4. 请继续使用乳液 / 霜等日常保养程序。
[ 注意事项 ]
• 产品拆封后请尽速于6个月内使用完毕,以确保最优品质。
• 产品因添加天然植物萃取,其颜色及气味会随天然原料的变化而稍有差异,此乃正常现象,敬请安心使用。
• 使用时请尽量避开眼部。若不慎渗入眼中,请立即以大量清水冲洗。
• 系列产品经品质检测合格。但若因环境或个人等不明因素而有过敏等反应,请立即停止使用,并谘询皮肤科医师。
• 若使用时或使用后经日晒,有红、肿、刺激感等现象,请停止使用,并谘询皮肤科医师意见。
• 若皮肤已经有过敏、伤口、红肿或湿疹等异常部位,请避免使用。
• 产品不可食用,请放在婴幼儿触及不到的地方。

Price: RM199.00 RM135.00
After you done the payment, pls notify by SMS/Whatsapp :
012-4219239 wechat liz_heng or e-mail: lizheng@findwo.com and pls provide NAME, ADDRESS & CONTACT NUMBER for courier the goods.
Bank : Maybank
Account number: 507040032168
** Free courier in Malaysia
more detail pls contact:
sms/whatsapp 012-4219239
wechat: liz_heng
019-4225511 wechat: William-lee9
e-mail: lizheng@findwo.com
buy online: www.findwo.com
• Control Melanin
• Moisturizing
• Lightening dark circles
• Improve the problem of sensitive skin redness
• Oil Control
• Repair sun damage or allergic skin
Main Ingredients:
1. Triple moisturizing hyaluronic acid composite factor
2. Algae Extract
3. Jojoba Leaf Extract
4. Arbutin
Usage instructions for optimal results:
[ 商品介绍 ]

After you done the payment, pls notify by SMS/Whatsapp :
012-4219239 wechat liz_heng or e-mail: lizheng@findwo.com and pls provide NAME, ADDRESS & CONTACT NUMBER for courier the goods.
Bank : Maybank
Account number: 507040032168
** Free courier in Malaysia
more detail pls contact:
sms/whatsapp 012-4219239
wechat: liz_heng
019-4225511 wechat: William-lee9
e-mail: lizheng@findwo.com
buy online: www.findwo.com
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