Ginger Southern Black Candy Taiwan imported 台湾进口 (正宗南姜黑糖块) 500g
1 bottle 罐 - RM70
2 bottles 罐 - RM125
3 bottles 罐 - RM180
❤ efficacy
Anti-cold, throat drop, prevention of colds and vomiting, antidiarrheal, cough and phlegm, cold hands and feet, treatment menstrual pain symptoms, dampness stagnation type of menstrual pain, blood nourishing, relieving In rheumatism, warm stomach, effect for appetizers, remove the cold stomach, warm ovary
❤100% Made from natural materials
An integral part of our daily diet spices. Ginger good for human health & great benefit especially for women, often eat ginger can play the efficacy of disease prevention and healthy living. Well try it!
❤ Ginger Southern Black Candy usefulness
Can replace refined sugar, coffee, tea, making soup, also can be directly eating
❤ ingredients
Brown sugar, Southern Ginger, Red dates, Longan
❤ way of taking
1 Mix with hot water
2 direct eat
❤ Packaging: 500g / Bottle
我们日常饮食中不可或缺的一味调料。可你知道吗,姜对于 人的身体健康还大有裨益,尤其对于女性来说,经常吃姜可 起到防病治病保健康的功效。不妨尝试一下吧!
黑糖,南姜,红枣, 龙眼肉
防感冒、夏季润喉 ,可暖身祛寒。 预防感冒、止呕止泻 治咳化痰、预防手脚冰冷,治疗寒湿凝滞型的经痛症状,除 体内的阴寒湿气, 寒湿凝滞型的经痛者,止痛良方,补血养气,祛寒除风湿, 具有补血、活血、暖胃功效,同样姜母具有去风寒,开胃, 去除胃寒,暖胃,暖宫

Ginger Southern Black Candy Taiwan imported 台湾进口 (正宗南姜黑糖块) 500g
1 bottle 罐 - RM70
2 bottles 罐 - RM125
3 bottles 罐 - RM180
more detail pls contact:
sms/whatsapp 012-4219239
wechat: Liz_Heng
buy online:
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