0. Detoxification - 21's ZERO 强效瘦身配套0
1. Burn Fat - 21's ONE 强效瘦身配套1
2. Block Fat - 21's TWO 强效瘦身配套2
3. Slim Leg - 21's THREE 强效瘦身配套3
4. Block Carb - 21's FOUR 强效瘦身配套4
0 排毒 21包
1 瘦身 21包
2 排油 14包
3 排水肿 20颗
4 卡淀粉 7包
0号排毒 普通服用方法是每晚临睡前一包冷水150ml冲泡,便秘者两包,忌温水/热水
1号瘦身燃脂 早晚餐前空腹各两颗(1包),注意全天喝水量至少要3little,晚餐不超过6点进食
2号锁油排油 当即将进食油腻食物前15~30分钟食用一包,如果忘了服用,餐后半小时内服用依然有效,直接导入舌头底下即可
3号瘦腿排水腫 睡前服用 1 膠囊 刚开始吃的时候, 晚上会跑厕所尿尿, 刚开始可能5-6次, 然后慢慢就3-4次, 然后排到最后大概1-2次而已。
4号卡淀卡糖 当即将进食淀粉类食物前10分钟食用一包,直接导入舌头底下即可
网红模特儿都在用的 21强效全面廋身配套结合中医原理采用 排毒,燃脂,排油,廋腿和排淀粉5大原理,让你轻松享廋。同时拥有4大理由购买的廋身必备神器
劲爆 好消息!!!
2018 最新科技的《21强效全面廋身配套》是一站式的廋身产品,可以轻松解决廋身界5大塑身难题(肚腩下垂,臀部水肿,体内毒素,脂肪堆积,排油卡淀)并且在21天就能简单修复完美体态!

0. Detoxification - 21's ZERO 强效瘦身配套0
Q: What should I take note when I am consuming 21’s ZERO? 在服用21’s ZERO期间需要注意些什么?
Taking as much water as possible (2-3 Liter of water throughout the day is recommended). Water is the best solvent for toxins as well as body needs enough water to function well, not just for keeping your body hydrated but also to eliminate toxins from your body. However, do not consume water in a large volume at once. This will ‘trigger’ the diuretic function of body and eliminate the water without being absorbed. Separate the water consumption into several times, 300-350ml at a time.
一天至少饮用2到3公升的清水。水分是溶解毒素的最佳媒介,只要有了足够的水分,毒素就会变得较为容易被排出体外。此外,身体也需要足够的水分来维持各个器官的运作。但是切记,请不要一次性饮用过量的清水,这将会刺激身体的排水功能,并把水分在还没有被吸收之前被排出体外。正确的饮水方式应该是每次一杯 (300-350毫升)便足够。
Q: Who is suitable to consume 21's ZERO? 谁适合服用
21's ZERO? 21's ZERO is suitable for those who are having trouble losing weight, or feeling sluggish and lethargic. People who are suffering from constipation also get benefits from 21's ZERO.
21's ZERO 特別适合那些经常感到疲倦、懒散、无精打采及肥胖人士。患有便秘问题的人士也适合服用。
Q: Why should I take 21’s ZERO? 为什么我需要服用21’s ZERO?
Toxins are entering our body from every medium such as air, water and food. Although our body is able to eliminate toxins naturally, the amount of toxins entering our body is much higher than our body can handle. With 21’s ZERO, it effectively restores and improves body detoxification functions and aids in expelling toxins from the body.
毒素可从任何媒介进入我们体内,其中包括空气、饮水和食物。虽然身体拥有自然的排毒功能,但是毒素的侵犯远比身体的排毒过程还要快。有了 21’s ZERO,受损的排毒功能将会被修复和改善,有助於将体内毒素和囤积物排出体外。
Q: When is the best time to consume 21’s ZERO? 什么时候才是最佳服用21’s ZERO的时间?
It is advised to consume 21’s ZERO before bed time. This is due to the optimal period of body to absorb nutrients is from 10pm to 6am. During this period of time, organs are restoring and functioning at the peak to ‘heal’ our body. 21’s ZERO will also be absorbed at the maximum level.
身体吸收养分的最佳时段是由晚上10点到早上6点。这段时间是身体各个器官自我修复的高峰期。因此,我们建议临睡前服用21’s ZERO。
Q: How to maximize the effect of 21’s ZERO? 如何提升21’s ZERO的效果?
It is advised to consume more portions of vegetable, fruit and water to enhance the process of detoxification. Do avoid oily food and heavy meal as this might affect the process. Exercises are also recommended in order to help in eliminating toxins through perspiration.
Mix 1 sachet in 150-200 ml of lukewarm water. Stir well and enjoy your drink. Consume before bedtime or whenever needed.
将一包21's ZERO倒入一杯100-150毫升的水里。搅拌均匀後,於每晚睡前服用。
STORAGE | 保存方式
Keep in a cool dry place. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight. 保存於阴凉及乾燥处。避免曝晒於阳光底下。

1. Burn Fat - 21's ONE 强效瘦身配套1
Q: Is 21's ONE safe? 21's ONE安全吗?
Yes, 21's ONE is safe for adults above 18 of age because it is using 100% natural organic ingredients and has been clinically proven by 80 Asian men & women aged from 18 to 60. 绝对安全。21's ONE 采用 100% 纯天然成分制成,也经过 80 位年龄介於 18-60 岁的亚洲男性与女性的严密临床验证。
Q: Can I exercise while I’m on 21's ONE? 服用21's ONE期间可以运动吗?
Yes, a normal exercise routine & proper diet consumption is also advisable. 可以,我们建议健康的饮食与适量的运动有助於更快速的达到理想体重。
Q: Can I take 21's ONE if I am pregnant? 怀孕能服用21's ONE吗?
You should not take 21's ONE if you are pregnant. 我们不建议孕妇服用此产品。
Q: How long can I see the effect of 21's ONE? 要服用多久才能看到效果?
You will be able to see effect after 7 days and significant results after 28 days. 服用7天後就会看到效果,28天後会看到更明显的效果。
Q: How do I slim down quickly? 如何更快的看到效果?
It is advisable to drink at least 8-10 glass of water daily and take detox supplements to fully cleanse your body as you are taking 21's ONE. 服用至少8-10杯水能够促进新陈代谢与增强成分的效果。您也可以服用其他排毒保健品来帮助身体排除毒素。
Q: Is 21's ONE safe for long term consumption? 21's ONE适合长期服用吗?
Yes, 21's ONE is made from 100% natural organic ingredient and is suitable for people who wants to be on diet or maintaining the perfect body shape. 适合长期服用无农残之忧,只要有需要减肥或保持身材都可以服用。
Q: Is there any rebound effect with 21's ONE? 21's ONE有反弹效果吗?
No, your body shape will remain even after you stop taking 21's ONE. 就算停止服用後,身体也不会突然有反弹效果。

2. Block Fat - 21's TWO 强效瘦身配套2
Q: Who can take 21's TWO? 谁可以服用21's TWO?
21's TWO can be taken by overweight individuals age 18 and older. 21's TWO has been studied in ethnically diverse populations and has been proven safe and effective for all populations regardless of gender, race and initial weight. We would recommend to check with your doctor if you are unsure of your current health condition. 21's TWO 适合任何18岁以上的肥胖者。21's TWO 已经过多次的试验已确保对於不一样的年龄,种族或体重都是安全的。但如其他保健品,你可以服用前可以先谘询医护人员意见,您是否对某些成分敏感。
Q: How soon after taking 21's TWO should I expect to see results? 21's TWO 要服用多久才能看到效果?
If you follow a reduced-calorie, low-fat diet, and take 21's TWO as directed, you should see results in the first two weeks. Most weight loss usually occurs within the first 3 months. 只要搭配较低热量食物和定时地服用 21's TWO ,两星期内就会看到效果。在接下来的三个月内会看到更明显的瘦身效果。
Q: How long can I take 21's TWO? 21's TWO可以服用多久?
You can take it until you achieve your weight loss goal. Most weight loss occurs within the first 3 months of using 21's TWO. 21's TWO 可以长期服用,因为含有的天然成分,安全永久使用。通常三个月内都会看到瘦身效果。
Q: If 21's TWO only works on the fats in my food, how do I lose the fats in my body? 如果 21's TWO 只能在当天吃的食物起效果,如何能够减少体内脂肪?
21's TWO works by blocking the fats absorption in the food you eat. Since the calories that enters your system is reduced, you consume fewer calories, automatically you will burn fats in your body for the energy it needs. This can result in weight loss. 21's TWO 帮助减少脂肪吸收。我们人体如果摄取较少的脂肪,人体会自然的燃烧体内本有的脂肪,把燃烧的脂肪转换能量。
Q: When do I take 21's TWO? 如何服用21's TWO? The mealtime dosing schedule (half an hour before, during or half an hour after a meal) makes it easy to remember 21's TWO. However, if a dose is missed, 21's TWO can be taken up to half an hour after a meal and still be effective. 您可以跟随用餐时间的前半小时,用餐时或用餐後的半小时服用。但如果忘了服用 21's TWO,还是可以在用餐後的半小时内服用。

3. Slim Leg - 21's THREE 强效瘦身配套3
FAQ | 常问问题
Q: How soon will I be able to see the results? 我何時才能看見效果?
Every individual reacts differently to any supplement, hence, the result may vary. Most consumers experience significant improvement within 7 days. However, according to our evidence based report and testimonial, 21's THREE reduces the problem of oedema and edematous, reduces body fat and weight issues.
每一个人的身体状况和反应都不同,因此其结果也会有所不同。大多数服用者可以在 7 天内体验显着的改善。根据我们的统计报告,21's THREE 能够有效的改善浮肿和水肿问题丶改善脂肪以及体重过高的问题。
Q: Who is not suitable to consume this product? 谁不适合服用此产品?
Pregnant and lactating women are not suitable for this product. For those who are on medication or undergoing doctor’s supervision, please consult your doctor or physician before taking this product.
Q: Why do I need to take 21's THREE? 为什麽要服用 21's THREE?
21's THREE is scientifically proven to be very effective on anti-edematous, reduces body weight, and shaping your lower body in just one week time. With the enhanced MaxyCore Complex™ technology, the results will be doubled up and twice as fast.
21's THREE 已經科學證明,是一種擁有抗水腫、減輕體重、以及能在短短一個星期內塑造您身材的健康輔助品。再加上 MaxyCore Complex™ 高端技術的配合,其效果將會被大大提升而且更快速。
Q: Do I need to continue consuming 21's THREE even i have lost weight? 如果已达到瘦身效果,我还需要继续服用21's THREE 吗?
Yes. It is advisable to continue consuming 21's THREE even you have achieved your desired body weight, in order to maintain your ideal weight in a longer period of time. 是需要的。若想要效果更持久专家们还是建议您继续服用 21's THREE。这是因为 21's THREE 能够帮助您保持理想的体重,效果不会反弹。
Q: Will long-term usage of 21's THREE cause any side effects? 长期服用会带来副作用吗? All of our ingredients are 100% of natural origin and there are no side effects that have ever been reported even in its prolonged consumption. 21's THREE 所采用的成份都是 100% 的天然来源。即使长时间服用都不会有副作用。

4. Block Carb - 21's FOUR 强效瘦身配套4
FAQ | 常问问题
Q: Who should consume 21's FOUR? 谁适合服用 21's FOUR?
21's FOUR is suitable for those who are facing difficulty in losing weight and people with high carbohydrate diet.
21's FOUR 主要针对体重超重及减肥反复无果的人群,适合易胖且不易瘦人士。也适合摄取高淀粉人士。
Q: Why should I take 21's FOUR? 为什麽我需要服用 21's FOUR?
Nowadays most of us consume fine starch food which will be quickly converted into glucose and absorbed by our body. After this, blood glucose level will increase rapidly, turning food into fats which will then store in our body. 21's FOUR inhibits starch in those food we have consumed, and then decomposes them into glucose, slows down the absorption of glucose, accelerates metabolism, removes body waste and toxins, removes fat deposits and excess sugar from cells. It uses natural extract as a component, in line with the body's metabolic principles, in order to suppress appetite and reduce hunger.
现在的人都吃精致的淀粉食物,人体吸收後会被快速的转换 为葡萄糖,血糖浓度就会快速上升,让吃进去的食物变成脂肪,贮存在身体。21's FOUR 抑制食物中淀粉被分解成葡萄糖的速度,延缓食物中葡萄糖的吸收, 同时加速新陈代谢,清除体内垃圾和毒素,排除细胞中的脂肪沉淀和多余糖份。它完全采用天然提取物为成分,符合人体的代谢原理,抑制食欲,减少饥饿感。
Q: When to consume 21's FOUR? 什麽时候才是最佳服用 21's FOUR 的时间? Take one sachet at the start (with the first bites) of the meal.
服用一包 21's FOUR 後立刻进食;无须等待。
Q: What should I take note when I am consuming 21's FOUR? 在服用 21's FOUR 期间,我需要注意些什麽?
Drink 2.0 - 3.0 L of water per day. Split the water intake, 300-350ml at a time throughout the day to replenish the water loss as the result of increasing the metabolism.
Q: How to maximize the effect of 21's FOUR? 如何提升 21's FOUR 的效果?
Maintain healthy lifestyle, eat less but more often and ‘No-Dinner’ diet. Take less carbonated drink, chocolate drink and processed foods. Exercise is also recommended to increase metabolism and burn excessive body fat.
保持规律作息, 可以少食多餐但是忌夜宵。另一个容易的改变,就是少喝汽水丶巧克力牛奶等任何添加精制糖饮料。多运动也可以帮助新陈代谢, 加速燃烧贮积于身体的多余脂肪。
#21's #21 #slim # package #强效植物瘦身配套
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