S Gold Slimming Coffee 黄金燃脂瘦身咖啡 (20 sachets/box)

Newly formulated formulation of S Gold Slimming Coffee, a slimming formulation coffee from America, blends high grade Arabica Coffee with special patented Satieral from Italy added with L-Carnitine, Garcinia Cambogia, Hoodia Gordonii, White Kidney Bean Extract.
XFat Gold Slimming Coffee or S Gold Slimming Coffee had chosen Arabica Coffee as its taste is globally more acceptable in its coffed taste unlike Italian and Turkish coffee where their coffee taste is much stronger. With the perfect blend, S Gold is formulated based on the principle of “induced heat” which could accelerates the fat burning process, helps to relieve the digestive system, increases the body metabolisme rate, surpresses appetite, giving you the feelinv of fullness, which could contribute to achieving a healthier weight and leaner body.
3 days slim down 1kg
7 days slim down 3kg
1 box slim down 5kg
2 months slim down 11kg
New advanced slimming coffee targeted to burn stubborn fats or hard to slim down body type. PROVEN RESULTS WITH MANY SUCCESS STORIES!
13 major reasons why you must choose S Gold Slimming Coffee
Surpress appetite
Increase body metabolism
Effective in reducing body fat
Assist in the detoxing & cleansing of intestines
Helps relieve constipation
Helps to reduce bloating by helping to eliminate excessive water and toxins
Helps to reduce the trigecylerides (LDL), bad cholesterol level
Relieve fatigue, increase immunity
Inhibit the growth of cancer cells
Reduce the risk of developing colon cancer
Helps to regulate blood sugar level and balances the body’s pH level
Slows down the transiting time, reduces the absorption of excessive carbohydrates, lowers cholesterol
How To Use
Mix 1 sachet powder with 120-150ml luke warm water. Take 1times daily before meal (best taking 20mins before breakfast)
Precaution : Pregnant woman and children should avoid taking this product. Those who are under physician’s care or medication, is advised to consult with your physician before taking this product.
Strorage: Keep in cold and dry place

Newly formulated formulation of S Gold Slimming Coffee, a slimming formulation coffee from America, blends high grade Arabica Coffee with special patented Satieral from Italy added with L-Carnitine, Garcinia Cambogia, Hoodia Gordonii, White Kidney Bean Extract.
XFat Gold Slimming Coffee or S Gold Slimming Coffee had chosen Arabica Coffee as its taste is globally more acceptable in its coffed taste unlike Italian and Turkish coffee where their coffee taste is much stronger. With the perfect blend, S Gold is formulated based on the principle of “induced heat” which could accelerates the fat burning process, helps to relieve the digestive system, increases the body metabolisme rate, surpresses appetite, giving you the feelinv of fullness, which could contribute to achieving a healthier weight and leaner body.
3 days slim down 1kg
7 days slim down 3kg
1 box slim down 5kg
2 months slim down 11kg
New advanced slimming coffee targeted to burn stubborn fats or hard to slim down body type. PROVEN RESULTS WITH MANY SUCCESS STORIES!
13 major reasons why you must choose S Gold Slimming Coffee
Surpress appetite
Increase body metabolism
Effective in reducing body fat
Assist in the detoxing & cleansing of intestines
Helps relieve constipation
Helps to reduce bloating by helping to eliminate excessive water and toxins
Helps to reduce the trigecylerides (LDL), bad cholesterol level
Relieve fatigue, increase immunity
Inhibit the growth of cancer cells
Reduce the risk of developing colon cancer
Helps to regulate blood sugar level and balances the body’s pH level
Slows down the transiting time, reduces the absorption of excessive carbohydrates, lowers cholesterol
How To Use
Mix 1 sachet powder with 120-150ml luke warm water. Take 1times daily before meal (best taking 20mins before breakfast)
Precaution : Pregnant woman and children should avoid taking this product. Those who are under physician’s care or medication, is advised to consult with your physician before taking this product.
Strorage: Keep in cold and dry place
S Gold Coffee 瘦身咖啡
来自美国的 S Gold 瘦身咖啡,采用瑞士最新科技,主要里面有添加两个主要成分左旋肉碱和藤黄果 成分。
藤黄果 成分,是可以快速燃烧大量脂肪,减少脂肪吸收,还可以让你有饱足感,控制食欲给你减少你吃的分量。
S Gold 瘦身咖啡主要是给你控制食欲,燃烧脂肪,给你火速减磅!
S Gold 经典瘦身咖啡采用瑞士工艺烘培的咖啡豆为原料,取用瑞士高科技咖啡机萃取咖啡精华,配以纯天然的瑞士富脂牛奶和精细的的瑞士糖(低糖份),味道香浓顺滑,是咖啡名牌中的精致咖啡。
有“贵族咖啡”美誉的S Gold 经典瘦身咖啡,是上流社会的至爱。S Gold 经典瘦身咖啡通过“诱导生热”原理,加速脂肪燃烧,有助舒缓消化系统,帮助新陈代谢循环,让你肠胃有饱足感,从而达到瘦身健康的效果。
我们S Gold 经典瘦身咖啡选择了瑞士咖啡,因为它不像土耳其咖啡那样令人难以接受;更不像意大利咖啡那样口味过于浓重,S Gold 经典瘦身咖啡是高雅品味与美妙口感的完美结合。
有了S Gold 经典瘦身咖啡!要瘦不难,要健康不难,要肥才难!
每早服用 1 包 S Gold Coffee。将咖啡粉加入100ml-130ml 的温水, 搅拌均匀即可饮用。
注意事项 :
1 box - RM160
2 boxes - RM300
3 boxes - RM430
4 boxes - RM570
6 boxes - RM800
Full-time hotline 全职专业热线:
019-4225511 wechat: William-lee9
012-4219239 wechat: liz_heng
e-mail: info@findwo.com
buy online: www.findwo.com
* free courier in Malaysia
Full-time hotline 全职专业热线:
019-4225511 wechat: William-lee9
012-4219239 wechat: liz_heng
e-mail: info@findwo.com
buy online: www.findwo.com
* free courier in Malaysia
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