Exclusive eye formula for sharper vision
BLUE LIGHT is everywhere, it can be found in computer, laptop, tablet, mobile phone and television.
Prolonged exposure to harmful Blue Light may cause excessive free radical damage to our eye, leading to:
⭕ Blurry Vision
⭕ Dry Eye
⭕ Eye Fatigue
⭕ Sensitive to Glare
⭕ Poor Night Vision
⭕ Retinal injury
E-Vite consists various of eye-friendly ingredients to developed a highly antioxidant formula to protect the eyes:
E-VITE helps to protect your eyes on a daily basis. It is formulated to block the blue light from penetrating macular pigment located at the back of our eyes with its loaded content of lutein and zeaxanthin.
Lutein and zeaxanthin gather in the retina and macula and both of these are carotene extracts which can be derived from green vegetables like spinach, corn, and egg yolk. They are able to filter harmful high-energy blue wavelengths (blue light) and help maintain healthy cells in the eyes. In fact, lutein and zeaxanthin were found to reduce the risk of cataract formation due to their high antioxidant nutrients that neutralise free radicals causing retinal damage.
E-VITE also contains astaxanthin which represents similar structure to lutein and zeaxanthin. Astaxanthin has been recognised as the King of Carotenoids and is capable to effectively relieve eye -fatigue, eye dryness and assists in improving blood flow to the eyes while simultaneously enhancing eye circulation. On top of that, astaxanthin also consists of antioxidant to reduce the risk of developing cataract. In simpler words, astaxanthin is one of the strongest singlets as oxygen quencher and is among the strongest anti-ageing molecules.
High content of antioxidant
The main ingredients exist in E-VITE include healthy nutrients that are used to develop an antioxidant formula in defending our eyes effectively. Among the main ingredients are Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Astaxanthin, Blueberry, Purple Sweet Potato, Tomato, and Grapefruit which all possess the ability to protect human eyes.
XanMax® patented ingredient extracted from Marigold flower
Lutein and Zeaxanthin are extracted via multinational patented processes in the United States of America, Japan, and Europe. Besides, Marigold flowers are planted accordingly following the conditions of Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) and Good Collection Practice (GCP).
High absorption rate / Comprehensive eye-care formula
Thanks to Hydrolysis Technology, it has been entirely utilised to help eliminate fatty acids in the free-form lutein which also reduced the size of molecule drastically. It can also be directly absorbed in the small intestine to transform into vital nutrients for the human body.
Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Astaxanthin, Blueberry, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Grapefruit, Fibersol-2.
Direction of Use
2 tablets per day
E-VITE 结合了多种眼睛最爱的三种营养,以最简单方便的方式,就可以保护好自己的眼睛!
-视力模糊 -白内障 -老花眼
-眼睛酸痛 -青光眼 -干眼症
美国光学协会 建议每日需要摄取足够的营养素,叶黄素10mg、玉米黄质2mg来保护眼睛的视力,舒缓眼部压力,眼睛不再干涩!
E-Vite 钻石级护眼配方!
血清药者能服用 不会造成热气
E-VITE 是以三合一配方 (叶黄素、玉米黄质和虾红素) 为主的眼睛营养配方,能够帮助眼睛对抗蓝光的侵害,同时延缓眼睛老化的速度,防止黄斑部病变。
叶黄素和玉米黄质是一种类胡萝卜素,源自于深绿色蔬菜、玉米和蛋黄等。聚集在眼睛部位,也被称为黄斑色素。他们有助于过滤有害蓝光,帮助维持眼睛中的健康细胞。 叶黄素和玉米黄质被发现可以降低白内障形成的风险,因为它们具有高抗氧化营养素,能够中和引起视网膜损伤的自由基。但是,人体无法产生叶黄素或玉米黄质, 因此必须依靠外来补充来维持健康的黄斑色素密度 (MPOD)。健康的黄斑色素密度犹如“内部墨镜”一样,可有效防止蓝光,帮助降低发生晚期黄斑变性的风险。
另外,E-VITE也蕴含虾红素。虾红素是类胡萝卜素中的王者,构造类似于叶黄素及玉米黄质,拥有能够有效缓解眼睛疲劳和眼睛干涩的作用,还有助于增加眼球血液流量, 改善眼部循环的效果。最重要的是,虾红素拥有优异的抗氧化能力,是降低白内障风险的理想选择。
E-VITE 是一种抗氧化护眼配方,蕴含好几种能有效保护我们眼睛的健康营养素。其中主要成分有叶黄素、玉米黄质、虾青素、 蓝莓、紫番薯、番茄和葡萄柚,它们都具有保护人类视觉的特质。
XanMax® 专利金盏花萃取为主成分
叶黄素和玉米黄质是通过美国、日本、欧洲等多国专利工艺提取的。此外,在良好农业规范 (GAP) 及良好采集规范 (GCP) 的培训下,严格管控栽种出的金盏花。不仅如此,成分制造系统全程于完全封闭且零污染的cGMP制造工厂,保证符合不含重金属标准,且不含农药、 防腐剂和黄毒素等,成分质量保证。
高吸收率 / 完整护眼配方
游离型叶黄素已透过水解技术去除脂肪酸,分子量大幅减少,无需经过人体消化过程,还可直接在小肠吸收,转变成人体所需的营养素。 E-VITE涵盖眼睛每日所需营养。每2粒E-Vite含有10毫克XanMax®叶黄素、2.2毫克玉米黄质、以及4毫克虾红素, 均按照美国眼科协会 (American Optometric Association) 所推荐剂量。
叶黄素、玉米黄质、虾青素、蓝莓、紫番薯、番茄、葡萄柚、Fibersol-2 (水溶性玉米纤维)
每日两粒, 咀嚼服用
#E-Vite #Protect #Eyes #Wellous #Evite #护眼宝 #保护 #眼睛
1 bottle RM240
2 bottles free 1 bottle RM480
more detail pls contact:
whatsapp/sms 019-4225511 wechat: William-lee9
whatsapp/sms 012-4219239 wechat: liz_heng
e-mail: info@findwo.com
buy online: www.findwo.com
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