Sunday, September 22, 2019

SML Slim Detoxification Riyolliv 瘦身排毒吸脂果汁 (20 sachets/box)

SML Slim Detoxification Riyolliv 瘦身排毒吸脂果汁 (20 sachets/box)

1 box RM179
4 boxes RM625

more detail pls contact:
whatsapp/sms 019-4225511 wechat: William-lee9
whatsapp/sms 012-4219239 wechat: liz_heng
buy online:
Free courier in Malaysia

SML crude fibre absorbs fat to help you lose weight

Slim your waist, legs, face, and arms

Don't stick to the traditional diet‼️

We need to lose weight but we want to be healthy as well

【How to take SML:

Take a packet with 150ml of room temperature water before going to bed or after lunch】

People with high fat, high sugar, and high blood pressure can take this as well.

This product is a healthy food product made with pure herbal essence as the main raw material

Crude fibre - a natural fat absorption ingredient

Absorbs fat

Flushes out toxic accumulation

Inhibits the synthesis of fat

Guava leaves
It contains a large amount of crude fiber, which is the main component of plant cell wall. It absorbs fat, inhibits the synthesis of fat and promotes intestinal movement, and helps digestion. Crude fibers can scoop up excess toxins in the body, increase the volume of feces, and reduce the length of time for food residues in the intestines to stay in the human body. To speed up the rate of defecation.

Fujianzi is effective in relieving constipation and promoting fat. The plantain shell is rich in water-soluble fiber, and when it comes to water, it forms a 50-fold increase in the feeling of fullness and lower calorie intake. At the same time, it can also prevent triple-height and cardiovascular diseases, reduce the body's intake of cholesterol, and prevent high levels of gallbladder and solid alcohol. High blood donation, high blood pressure, fatty liver, arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and other important role. In addition, the plant-front subshell can promote intestinal terminal movement. Accelerated stool and the discharge of harmful substances, storage less with broken mucous membrane contact to prevent and reduce the incidence of colitis, gravure and other intestinal diseases.

一盒 SML 20包 x12g
One box SML 20sachets x12g

100% 全天然的植物纤维成分☘️

SML 瘦身排毒吸油
要瘦一定服用SML 火爆产品 
SML 魔术 瘦身果汁 是一款 让你完全 舒服的状态 瘦下来 ,不会心跳加速 不会手脚发抖 ,更不会 口渴 
无论三高问题 肥胖人群 都适合 饮用 
要瘦身固然重要 ,但更重要的是选择对的 安全的产品 
排水肿 分解凝固脂肪 吸脂 排油

高脂 高血糖 高血压患者都可以服用 
食品粗纤维 ,天然吸脂神器 

番石榴叶含有大量的粗纤维是由植物细胞壁的主要组成成分 ,它可以吸收油脂 ,抑制脂肪合成 和促进肠胃运动,可以帮助消化 粗纤维能够铲除体固多余的毒素 ,减少肠中食物肠渣 在人体内停留的时间

◼️瘦身的过程中 水份记得要足够 
◼️瘦身必须要有一个坚持的心态 坚持的服用下去 你一定会看到效果 

#SML #Slim #Detoxification #Riyolliv #瘦 #身 #排毒 #吸 #脂 #果汁 #detox


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