REVE Make Up Remover Reve 卸妆植物精油 (200ml)
1 bottle RM148
2 bottles RM288
3 bottles RM368
EM (Sabah and Sarawak)
1 bottle RM158
2 bottles RM300
3 bottles RM380
** buy above 2 bottles, can mix makeup Remover, Cleansing or Toner
1 bottle RM148
2 bottles RM288
3 bottles RM368
EM (Sabah and Sarawak)
1 bottle RM158
2 bottles RM300
3 bottles RM380
** buy above 2 bottles, can mix makeup Remover, Cleansing or Toner
** buy above 2 bottles, can mix makeup Remover, Cleansing or Toner
《REVE Make Up Remover》 does not only remove the makeup, but also helps to repair your skin and gives your skin youthful glow. Bi-phase Make Up Remover with soothing and draining Rose Water, Vitamin E, Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Chamomile Oil that boosts the micro-circulation and makes it easier to remove resistant and waterproof make-up.
REVE Cleansing Oil
- 100% natural essential oils
- No mineral oil, will not clog pores
- Never irritate the eyes, does not cause blurred vision
- Deep Cleansing, skin care products, all the residual pores clean
- Deep moisturizing, the skin will not dry after cleansing
- After remover skin shiny
- Highly resistant to oxidation, Whitening
《REVE Make Up Remover》30sec thoroughly remove stubborn makeup. No mineral oil, does not clog pores; no chemical additives, whitening; does not stimulate, not blurred vision, 100% natural essential oils, remover makeup also as skin care!
《REVE Make Up Remover》
100% Natural Plant Oil , Chemical FREE, Parabens FREE, No Eye Irritation.
Why the eyelashes become long?
Cleansing oil with extra virgin olive oil, hair nourishing effect. And there are anti-aging rose oil, reduce wrinkles effect. Thus, not only can use Revé Cleansing Oil remover, you can also of skin care!
Shake well and use on face, eyes & lip with a cotton pad.
Apply the cotton pads to your face for a few seconds then remove make-up.
Follow with REVE AquaCacteenTM Hydrating Cleansing Gel.
Rose water, Vitamin E, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Chamomile Oil.
Reve make up remover 卸妆植物精油 200ml
含有佛手柑精油 ,玫瑰有, 葡萄籽油& 特级初榨橄榄油 , 具有美白、消炎、抗氧化的效果, 在卸妆的同时保养肌肤。 卸妆眼睛的时候不会刺眼,也不会糊眼
REVE 卸妆油
- 100% 天然植物精油
- 绝无矿物油,不会阻塞毛孔
- 绝不刺激眼睛,不会导致视觉模糊
- 深层卸妆,将毛孔残留护肤品通通清洁干净
- 深层保湿,卸妆后肌肤不会干巴巴
- 卸妆后,肌肤有光泽
- 高度抗氧化,美白淡斑
《REVE Make Up Remover》 does not only remove the makeup, but also helps to repair your skin and gives your skin youthful glow. Bi-phase Make Up Remover with soothing and draining Rose Water, Vitamin E, Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Chamomile Oil that boosts the micro-circulation and makes it easier to remove resistant and waterproof make-up.
REVE Cleansing Oil
- 100% natural essential oils
- No mineral oil, will not clog pores
- Never irritate the eyes, does not cause blurred vision
- Deep Cleansing, skin care products, all the residual pores clean
- Deep moisturizing, the skin will not dry after cleansing
- After remover skin shiny
- Highly resistant to oxidation, Whitening
《REVE Make Up Remover》30sec thoroughly remove stubborn makeup. No mineral oil, does not clog pores; no chemical additives, whitening; does not stimulate, not blurred vision, 100% natural essential oils, remover makeup also as skin care!
《REVE Make Up Remover》
100% Natural Plant Oil , Chemical FREE, Parabens FREE, No Eye Irritation.
Why the eyelashes become long?
Cleansing oil with extra virgin olive oil, hair nourishing effect. And there are anti-aging rose oil, reduce wrinkles effect. Thus, not only can use Revé Cleansing Oil remover, you can also of skin care!
Shake well and use on face, eyes & lip with a cotton pad.
Apply the cotton pads to your face for a few seconds then remove make-up.
Follow with REVE AquaCacteenTM Hydrating Cleansing Gel.
Rose water, Vitamin E, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Chamomile Oil.
Reve make up remover 卸妆植物精油 200ml
含有佛手柑精油 ,玫瑰有, 葡萄籽油& 特级初榨橄榄油 , 具有美白、消炎、抗氧化的效果, 在卸妆的同时保养肌肤。 卸妆眼睛的时候不会刺眼,也不会糊眼
REVE 卸妆油
- 100% 天然植物精油
- 绝无矿物油,不会阻塞毛孔
- 绝不刺激眼睛,不会导致视觉模糊
- 深层卸妆,将毛孔残留护肤品通通清洁干净
- 深层保湿,卸妆后肌肤不会干巴巴
- 卸妆后,肌肤有光泽
- 高度抗氧化,美白淡斑
REVE Cleansing Oil
- 100% natural essential oils
- No mineral oil, will not clog pores
- Never irritate the eyes, does not cause blurred vision
- Deep Cleansing, skin care products, all the residual pores clean
- Deep moisturizing, the skin will not dry after cleansing
- After remover skin shiny
- Highly resistant to oxidation, Whitening
《REVE Make Up Remover》30sec thoroughly remove stubborn makeup. No mineral oil, does not clog pores; no chemical additives, whitening; does not stimulate, not blurred vision, 100% natural essential oils, remover makeup also as skin care!
《REVE Make Up Remover》
100% Natural Plant Oil , Chemical FREE, Parabens FREE, No Eye Irritation.
Why the eyelashes become long?
Cleansing oil with extra virgin olive oil, hair nourishing effect. And there are anti-aging rose oil, reduce wrinkles effect. Thus, not only can use Revé Cleansing Oil remover, you can also of skin care!
Shake well and use on face, eyes & lip with a cotton pad.
Apply the cotton pads to your face for a few seconds then remove make-up.
Follow with REVE AquaCacteenTM Hydrating Cleansing Gel.
Rose water, Vitamin E, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Chamomile Oil.
含有佛手柑精油 ,玫瑰有, 葡萄籽油& 特级初榨橄榄油 , 具有美白、消炎、抗氧化的效果, 在卸妆的同时保养肌肤。 卸妆眼睛的时候不会刺眼,也不会糊眼
REVE 卸妆油
- 100% 天然植物精油
- 绝无矿物油,不会阻塞毛孔
- 绝不刺激眼睛,不会导致视觉模糊
- 深层卸妆,将毛孔残留护肤品通通清洁干净
- 深层保湿,卸妆后肌肤不会干巴巴
- 卸妆后,肌肤有光泽
- 高度抗氧化,美白淡斑
REVE 护肤品采用天然不刺激的植物精华成分,同时已经通过马来西亚卫生局核准,让顾客用得安心。REVE 品牌护肤品源自瑞士,是由Swisscorr 公司与 Mibelle 集团共同研发而成。
#REVE 护肤品以“ #产品会说话" 的理念出发,让顾客体验产品带来的改进效果为大前提。我们希望通过好的产品可以帮助更多正在面对肌肤问题的朋友们。让他们不再因为肌肤问题而困扰及自卑
改写肌肤年龄 重塑年轻美肌
#天然植物卸妆油(晚)卸妆时不会刺眼, 同时保养肌肤
#仙人掌保湿洗脸霜(早晚)不含SLS, SLES, ALS, ALES 等化学剂, 舒缓受刺激的皮肤,补水保湿
#仙人掌保湿爽肤水(早晚)不含酒精及刺激性成份, 舒缓受刺激的皮肤, 补水保湿
#神肤水(早晚)高效保湿, 呈现光彩健康肤色
#细胞修复液(一般皮肤:早晚 / 油性肌肤:晚上而已)修复受损肌肤,消炎去痘, 焕发活力
#干细胞弹性活力面膜 :促进干细胞再生, 紧实肌肤, 减少皱纹, 收缩毛孔, 亮白肌肤
#蚕丝修复面膜 :专为敏感肌肤制, 深层渗透, 补水又保湿
#REVE #Aqua #Cacteen #Make #Up #Remover #Reve #卸妆 #植物 #精 #油

#REVE 护肤品以“ #产品会说话" 的理念出发,让顾客体验产品带来的改进效果为大前提。我们希望通过好的产品可以帮助更多正在面对肌肤问题的朋友们。让他们不再因为肌肤问题而困扰及自卑
改写肌肤年龄 重塑年轻美肌
#天然植物卸妆油(晚)卸妆时不会刺眼, 同时保养肌肤
#仙人掌保湿洗脸霜(早晚)不含SLS, SLES, ALS, ALES 等化学剂, 舒缓受刺激的皮肤,补水保湿
#仙人掌保湿爽肤水(早晚)不含酒精及刺激性成份, 舒缓受刺激的皮肤, 补水保湿
#神肤水(早晚)高效保湿, 呈现光彩健康肤色
#细胞修复液(一般皮肤:早晚 / 油性肌肤:晚上而已)修复受损肌肤,消炎去痘, 焕发活力
#干细胞弹性活力面膜 :促进干细胞再生, 紧实肌肤, 减少皱纹, 收缩毛孔, 亮白肌肤
#蚕丝修复面膜 :专为敏感肌肤制, 深层渗透, 补水又保湿

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