1 bottle RM168
2 bottles RM300
1 bottle RM178
2 bottles RM315
- Cleansing Gel (30ml)
- Toner Mist (30ml)
- Phyto Ceramide (8ml)
- Cell Booster (2ml)
- Stem Cell Mask (5g)
Cleansing Gel (30ml)
Gently lift off and remove stale make-up, sebum, pollutions and dead cells from the face and the neck.
Cleanse morning and evening by massaging into damp skin with a circular motion. Rinse off with water.
Toner Mist (30ml)
Mist over face and throat to tone the skin after cleansing with REVÉ AquaCacteen Hydrating Cleansing Gel. Use throughout the day as needed to refresh, hydrate, and relax the skin.
Phyto Ceramide (8ml)
REVE Phyto Ceramide Serum is designed to help prevent skin infections, skin dryness, and wrinkling
Apply day and night evenly on clean face.
Cell Booster (2ml)
Cell Booster has strong anti-oxidant properties. It kills the acne bacteria, speeds up the healing process and reduce scarring & pore refining. REVE Cell Booster is well tolerated by people with sensitive skin.
Apply two drops of Reve Cell Bosster on clean face. Suggest to apply day and night. Mix 1-2 drops Cell Booster with Reve Phyto Ceramide will gives extra hydration effect. For oily skin apply once at night time onlyStem Cell Mask (5g)
Up to 24 hours of skin hydration. Reve Soothing Renewal Silk Mask calms sensitive and irritated skin with the use of Silk Peptide to restore radiance and hydrate skin tissues.
After cleansing apply for 15-20 minutes and remove mask.
我只需简单的带上这一套REVE TRAVELLING SET ,陪我走遍天涯
第一款可以促进皮肤干细胞再生的面膜。促进胶原蛋白和弹力纤维的再生,使用后, 你肤变得QQ有弹力。
• 活化细胞 • 消退水肿 • 紧实肌肤
• 控油保湿 • 抗皱抗衰 • 提拉紧致
• 美白提亮 • 淡化黑斑, • 重现V 脸
消炎止痛、毛孔收缩、深层修复、 油水平衡、淡化疤痕、美白提亮、提拉紧致、舒缓敏感肌肤、抗皱抗衰。
采用瑞士仙人掌提取物 (Aquacacteen) 。是市场上唯一洗涤后,依然有效保持“补水保湿”。 而且不含 SLS, SLES, ALS, ALES 等等的化学剂,不会导致皮肤干燥。
采用瑞士仙人掌提取物 (Aquacacteen) 。不含酒精 、保湿 、平衡皮肤ph、帮助皮肤更容易吸收精华。 而且不含 SLS, SLES, ALS, ALES 等等的化学剂,不会导致皮肤干燥。
免费赠送 1个REVE精美防水收纳袋
#Cleansing Gel 仙人掌洁脸霜 (30ml)
#Toner Mist 仙人掌保湿喷雾 (30ml)
#Phyto Ceramide 神肤水 (8ml)
#Cell Booster 细胞修复液 (2ml)
#Stem Cell Mask 干细胞弹性活力面膜 (5g)

019-4225511 wechat: William-lee9
012-4219239 wechat: liz_heng
e-mail: info@berapit.com
buy online: www.berapit.com
* free courier in Malaysia
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