Love Your Breast.. Love Pinky Perfection.. Feel the Confident..!!
一套包含 :1. Pinky Bust Breast Enhance Gel Mask 美胸速膜精华 一瓶 50ML 「价值RM168」
2. Pinky Up Breast Enhance Beverage 丰胸饮品 30包@3g 「价值RM228」
2 in 1: Breast enhancement gel mask and beverage
Double efficiency, double effectiveness
For ladies who want fuller, and firmer breasts
100% natural ingredients
No side effects observed
Pinky Up is a product created for women who wish to have a full, rounded, firm and sexy bust line to look more attractive and feel confident. Using all-natural active ingredients extracted from plants, Pinky Up is an effective solution to increase cup size, defy gravity and turn back the effects of ageing by working to increase the plumpness, firmness and perkiness of your breasts from within.
Besides the effects of balancing female hormone, Pinky Up uses an advanced technology named FUSION Matrix™ , it is able to support the firmness and shape of breasts last for at least 18 hours at the beginning stage of consumption of Pinky Up. Besides that, with the help of this technology, it enhanced the bioavailability of phyto-active ingredients in Pinky Up to exert the maximum effectiveness of Pinky Up.
Lemon Powder, Dextrose Monohydrate, Soy Extract (40% Isoflavone), Pueraria Mirifica Extract, Pueraria Lobata Extract, Licorice Extract
Lemon Powder
- Contains vitamin C and E
- Skin whitening
- Anti-ageing
- Anti-oxidant
Soy Extract (40% Isoflavone)
- Helps through menopause
- Alleviates menopause symptom
- Regulates female hormone
- As phytoestrogen for women
Pueraria Mirifica Extract
- Contains at least 13 active properties known as phytoestrogen
- Promotes hormone regulation
- Stimulate breast enlargement
- Supports the structure of breast shape and elasticity
Pueraria Lobata Extract
- Rich in isoflavones (daidzein) and isoflavone glycosides (daidzin and puerarin)
- Helps the development of mammary tissues
- Helps enlarge breast by lengthening and branching the duct that connect to the nipple
- Increases fatty tissue and ligaments around breast to provide support and shape
Licorice Extract
- Helps with stress
- Anti-inflammatory
- Increases production of estrogens
- Reduces the effects of testosterone
Mechanism of Breast Enlargement
Scientific research has concluded that breast tissue growth occurs as a result of the effects of estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, prostaglandins and human growth hormone. It is important that all of these hormones be present in the body in the proper balance for normal breast tissue development.
During childhood, estrogens are secreted in small quantities. Following puberty however, the quantity of estrogens secreted under the influence of the pituitary hormones (FHS, LH) increases some 20 fold or more.
At this time sexual organs change from those of a child to that of an adult. The external genitalia enlarge. Estrogens effect on the breast causes fat deposition, development of the stromal tissues of the breast and growth of an extensive ductile system. Along with estrogen, progesterone and prolactin are secreted in higher quantities from the ovaries after puberty. These hormones are responsible for growth of the lobules and alveoli of the breast determining growth and function of these structures.
Progesterone promotes development of the lobules and alveoli of the breasts causing the alveolar cells to proliferate to enlarge and to become secretory in nature. However, progesterone does not cause the alveoli to secrete milk unless stimulated by prolactin from the pituitary. Progesterone causes the breasts to swell partially due to changes in the lobules and alveoli, but also partly from increased fluid retention in sub-cutaneous tissues.
Scientists have proven that stimulating the estrogen receptors in the breast with estrogen or estrogen like substance (phytoestrogens) can actually increase the size of the female breast as much as 150%.
Based on the above principles, Pinky Up that rich in phytoestrogens can effectively increase the size of female breast.
Serving size: 3g
You may dissolve one sachet of Pinky Up in any warm/cold drinks. (Except: hot drinks, coffee products. dairy products and alcoholic beverages). Consume one sachet after meal daily.
Lactating mother, pregnant women, child below 18 years old and patient who is under medication are not advice to consume this product.
Keep in cool and dry place. Avoid from heat source and sunlight exposure.
简介:Pinky Bust 是一种免洗,免按摩,极速吸收的美胸丰胸面膜。7天丰出性感,30天挺出自信!! 而Pinky Up 是一种可以添入大多数饮料中的丰胸饮品,除了可调节女性荷尔蒙,它也运用了一项先进的技术-- FUSION Matrix™ ,能够为初期服用者的胸部提供至少18小时的乳房挺实度。完美搭配,让你快速,有效达到效果。
【Pinky Bust】薯麦提取物、大豆异黄酮、总状升麻根、虎杖根提取物、葛藤根提取物、当归多形吸虫根提取物、石榴提取物、红车轴草(三叶草)花提取物、野葛根根提取物。
【Pinky Up】柠檬粉、葡萄糖、大豆提取物(40%异黄酮)、野葛根提取物、葛根提取物、甘草提取物。
【Pinky Bust】在乳房周围涂抹均匀,避免擦到乳晕,用后不必冲洗。每天临睡前使用一次。每星期使用2到3次。如有必要,可以每天使用。可配合适当的按摩约10至15分钟以便有着更好的渗透效果。
【Pinky Up】可将Pinky Up溶解于任何温或冷饮料(除了:热饮料、咖啡饮料、乳制品和酒精饮料)。一天一包,于餐后饮用。

【规格】30包 / 盒
【使用方式】将Pinky Up溶解于任何温或冷饮料。(除了:热饮料、咖啡饮料、乳制品和酒精饮料)一天一包,于餐后饮用。
【注意事项】 建议将此商品放置于阴凉处,勿直接照射阳光。请置于婴幼儿无法取得处以避免误食;使用后如有任何不适或持续红肿现象,应立即停止使用并洽询专业医师;皮肤有受伤、红肿现象时不建议使用;皮肤敏感者,使用前请先做皮肤局部敏感性测试,无刺激反应方可使用。

ღღPinky Bust Breast Enhance Gel Mask ღღ
Pinky Bust 一种免洗✔免按摩✔极速吸收的美胸丰胸面膜!! 7天丰出性感;30天挺出自信!!

Pinky Bust 如何运作?
提高细胞膜的水化► ► 修复结缔组织 ► ► 拥有各种与荷尔蒙相似的物质并深深地渗透到乳腺组织 ► ► 诱导乳房内的细胞分裂和繁殖 ► ► 再生新的组织 ► ► 丰满且坚挺的乳房
►► Pinky Bust の 好处
• 乳房增大
• 让破裂的乳房组织紧緻起来
• 收紧现有的乳房组织
• 增加肌肤弹性
• 减少与经前期综合征和更年期相关的症状
• 防止骨骼疏松症
• 降低乳房癌的病发率
►► Pinky Bust の 优点
• 100%纯天然
• 轻松且方便使用
• 使用后无需冲洗
• 安全使用
• 无反弹效应

【注意事项】 建议将此商品放置于阴凉处,勿直接照射阳光。请置于婴幼儿无法取得处以避免误食;使用后如有任何不适或持续红肿现象,应立即停止使用并洽询专业医师;皮肤有受伤、红肿现象时不建议使用;皮肤敏感者,使用前请先做皮肤局部敏感性测试,无刺激反应方可使用。
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