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Small test 小实验:
COOL s body GEL 有个小实验 可以证明cool s 成份容易让你肌肤吸收进去 可以快见效的原理,我们的cool s family 其中一名想到出来的,太棒! 这个原理 我还是用正面的方式告诉大家~
擦上cool s 不是立刻可以瘦,但cool s body是有效的产品!我们不要把产品说得神仙瘦身Gel将~一擦立刻瘦~
我们正面的告诉消费者是个拥有NOT 准证的瘦身膏,成份通过卫生部批准~快速瘦下都需要顾客的配合勤劳的每一天擦而达到快速的效果:)
2.小块的倒清水进去/大 块的倒cool s body GEl 进去
4.你们可以发觉到用清水装着的butter依然那么结实, 固定*而Cool S的那个butter则绵绵了,~算是油脂分解吧:)
5.要记得Cool S Body Gel是冷冷感觉的哦! 而且cool s那个butter是大块的~**
6.Cool S Body Gel即使是冷冷的也可以帮助油脂分解,仅仅在11分钟内也明显看得出~ 以上卖家只是要了解过程多长时间分解油脂`


大家一定没有用过冷冷的瘦身膏。通常一般的瘦身膏都是辣辣热热的,很难受对吧?但这款COOL S SHAPE SLIMMING CREAM 尽然搽上去是冷的哦。美国COOL S BODY 瘦身膏,在想要瘦的部位涂上效果是冷冷的。很多人奇怪擦上去冷的,如何燃烧脂肪,涂上去感觉是冷冰的,无需担心,我们cool s 里面成分是有燃烧脂肪 ..Cool s body 瘦身为重,去绉纹那些成份有,但不强哦:)
★肚腩手臂大腿, 只要你想瘦哪里搽哪里就瘦哪里!!!
★心动不如行动。现在就用一用cool s body瘦身膏涂一途,只要有恒心,效果肯定会让你惊喜
√ 按壓設計的瓶子方便又不怕弄到手髒髒難清洗,還可以更容易決定用量
◎ 減肥當然不是一天兩天就可以成功的事,持之以恆再加上又好又有效的產品才可以看到效果哦!减肥药是可以降体重,但也需要瘦身膏帮助燃烧脂肪
◎ 涂了這款減肥膏再加上按摩直到完全被吸收,效果會更好~不断每天察要瘦的地方,睡前涂涂,冷冷冰冰的也超入眠~
Apply at the parts of body where you want to slim down, and after apply the feeling is COLD!
For those especially afraid to rub hot and spicy person can apply with this Cool S Body Shape Slimming Cream without fear.
After wiping the feeling of cold, and wipe out the hot blazing effect is the same!
Cool S helps to break down excess fats, stimulates the blood and lymph circulation and accelerates the metabolism,
help get rid of fats faster and get rid of stretch marks. Remove stubborn fat and tighten the muscles.
Suitable for all types of skin
Benefits of Cool S Body Shape Slimming Cream:
* Cooling peppermint effect
* Apply any free time
* You do not have to confused to buy slimming pill
* No need to drink and just have to rub
* Thin weight without exercise
* No side effect
* Burn fat and lose weight
* Get rid of stretch marks.
* Tighten Skin

【规格】 - 400ml。(1罐平均可用1-2个月,根据你搽的部份多或者少)
【主要成分】 - 硬脂醇,薄荷(薄荷)油,甘油,丁二醇,薄荷醇,辣椒,脱乙酰壳多糖,alternifolia(冲茶树)提取物,植物油
【使用方式】 - 左三圈右三圈,取少量本产品均匀抹于脂肪屯积部,打圈按摩至完全吸收。配合按摩手法,早晚一次。
【保质期限】 - 2年
【适用人群】 - 适合十岁以上各种肥胖,橘皮,蜂窝组织,妊辰纹及身形需要美化的人群。
【注意事项】 - 建议将此商品放置于阴凉处,勿直接照射阳光。请置于婴幼儿无法取得处以避免误食;使用后如有任何不适或持续红肿现象,应立即停止使用并洽询专业医师;皮肤有受伤、红肿现象时不建议使用;皮肤敏感者,使用前请先做皮肤局部敏感性测试,无刺激反应方可使用。
Content: 400ml
Ingredient: Aqua, Strearyl Alcohol, Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Oil,Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Menthol, Capsicum Annuum, Hydroxypropyl Chitosan,Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Extract, Vegetable Oil, Frangrane, Citric Acid,Propylparaben, Centrimonium Chloride.
Directions: After bath,Apply to areas with fats, cellulite and anywhere which you think needs some slimming down. Just massage the area in an upward and circular motion for about 3-5minutes until the cream has penetrated the skin completely. You will feel a difference in only a few days.
Remarks: If skin has allergic reactions, please stop to use immediately . Keep out of children. Do not eat. For external use only .

Price: RM160.00 RM150.00
manual order:
After you done the payment, pls notify by SMS/Whatsapp :
012-4219239 or e-mail: lizheng@findwo.com and pls provide
NAME, ADDRESS & CONTACT NUMBER for courier the goods.
Bank : Maybank
Account number: 507040032168
more detail pls contact:
sms/whatsapp/Line/viber 012-4219239
wechat: Liz_Heng
e-mail: info@findwo.com
page: Findwo - Shopping Made Easy
buy online: www.findwo.com
** Free courier in Malaysia
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